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haha, I came back from watching 2012 and just went on a rant. Everyone disregard "most" of that. They freakin deleted me. I used to always play in really horrible lag so when i see guys complain about "slight" lag I act like an old black person who brings up civil rights moments. Wario would flat out say people win because of lag so i unfairly associated that with your comments. But I would bet money that no one starts a laggy fight sayin "YAY LAG, I HAVE A GOOD CHANCE" and if they win say "THANK YOU LAG!!"

I was gonna modify the comment but fusion already quoted it, it's all good guys. *sigh*


About the throws, I thought i heard about that before but i didn't think the ps3 version allowed that. A few of those throws I actually just wanted to jab. It's nearly impossible to throw foozer so im not used to doing it that much unless it's against BO and Fusion.


ScheissNussen said:
The main reason it helps them is because they usually play in that lag all the time, so they are used to it and have already adapted to it.
Saying that slightly takes away from people's achievements. Maybe dvd scorp and xiong are better than all of us partly for that reason. I'm just glad i played everyone here without lag so my abilities aren't a complete mystery.
Wins and losses seem to fall where they usually would when I play on a laggy connection. If I'm playing someone I play regularly and the game gets laggy, I still win and lose at about the same ratio as usual. The only thing that changes is I can't buffer moves, and a number of moves become difficult for no apparent reason (Torpedos and ground rolls especially). Cheap sweeps suddenly become very difficult to defend against, and spam in general becomes much harder to fight against. The other day I ran into Fusion and I couldn't even to a teleport kick. Instead, I would stand there and low kick the air like a moron.

The only major difference for me between lag and no lag is that every loss is twice as frustrating and every win is half as satisfying. A lot more swear words are exclaimed. My grip gets tighter when I get irritated... one time I squeezed my controller so hard the R2 popped out and went flying across the room. Another time, my skin got trapped in the space between the controller, which ripped a large chunk off of my palm. So far, it's my only video game scar. Folks, only lag can do that to a man... only lag.


I wasn't trying to discredit you, I was stating it was there in response to Jesse saying I was playing like my controller was messed up. It wasn't like it was unplayable, you won fair and square!


nah i dude i know u weren't. Some people look at that and say "well there u go, that's why he won!"


david_GEM said:
haha, I came back from watching 2012 and just went on a rant.
I just came back from the theaters too and man, 2012 I'll give credit only for the nice special effects. Other than that the movie was hilariously funny from bad acting (some bad acting) and lack sense of humor (which was more awkward for me.) I laughed at it not with it... seriously. I was cracking up... oh man. Too long for an end days movie.. cheesy ass movie :mad:
But special effects made up for it..


hell yeah I have to say, the special effects weren't the best any of us have probably seen but shit was huge and swallowed me whole, the movie wasn't so good but the scene where yellowstone blows up OWNED!! And "it's Russian"



thread locked. yes the creater of the thread can lock there own threads. ill host another tournament soon if u guys want