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Video/Tutorial [UPDATED w/ PART 2] REO and Tom Brady respond to the "overreacting to Deathstroke"


Destroyer of Lazy
I was just using Raven and fighting a Deathstroke. It was truly impossible to dash between gun shots. As soon as one standing shot ended another one was incoming before I could dash. I couldn't jump in the air and activate my trait because that required be to get hit. I literally had to kneel down in a corner.
on or offline... there is a difference... cuz you have time... and Raven is not a matchup problem cuz she doesn't have to block walk/dash to punish him for free.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
a common sentiment to be sure ;)
I'll throw it out there as i've done at SRK my xbox name is the same as my name here. I'd be happy to pick DS (though I don't play him) I know his moves and combos enough and can zone competently so some of you guys can learn the matchups. ya see... what i do with FG's since the inception of online is if someone owns me with a character I send them a message to see if they will play some sets with me... so I can learn the matchup... I ask questions... so what can I do when you do this etc etc.... it works sometimes... it doesn't others.... suck up your pride and try to learn guys... I'll help if I can but like I said.... ONE WEEK OLD GAME so I don't know all the matchups... but anything is better than ermergerdnerfplzicantwincrubzorz
09'ers have become 2013'ers. I had assumed that pro players were outside of that mindset and would use the included training lab with the functional record feature to devise strategies against the character but I was wrong. Clearly, nobody can be bothered to record Deathstroke shooting, and finding means to get past it.

Funny how said players will label the character "brain dead" but are too devoid of basic problem solving to do this for themselves. I don't know why these people are playing fighting games. Clearly, they've been playing flowchart characters in MK, for a long long time.
Reactions: Jy0


PSN: SoaD_009
on or offline... there is a difference... cuz you have time... and Raven is not a matchup problem cuz she doesn't have to block walk/dash to punish him for free.
Online of course. But you can't punish deathstroke from full screen with Raven. You can max range her grab.


Destroyer of Lazy
Online of course. But you can't punish deathstroke from full screen with Raven. You can max range her grab.
you are correct sir. but you may just need a bit more practice with lag if you can't get within her grab range. also don't forget her trait. I admittedly don't know a whole lot of Raven but I've seen her handle DS without too much problem. the DS did his job and made her work for it but she got in range and then handled him... baited wake ups... smart pressure... Raven is good against DS
The Problem isn´t DS itself, it´s the mechanic in the game. Too many heavy zoners, unblockable stage interactables, Jump away interactables, stage transitions wich restarts the match mid screen, a lot of tools which are in the zoners favour. DS laughs about armor and again, dashblock isn´t a viable option to neutralize Deathstrokes "gameplan". Now i´m very annoyed about the game. 50% of the online matches are against zoner, but I have the dashblock Joker, so it´s no problem. It isn´t fun to play and it´s not very entertaining. A medicore experienced DS Player is untouchable for Green Arrow (my main). Ahhh, I have an Ice Arrow, to stock him up is a guaranteed Gunshot + one Gunshot onblock and i think DS can block my Arrow too, isn´t it? Maybe i´m totally wrong. If my Arrow is blocked, he gets a free Gunshot again + one onblock. Please don´t come up with "bad matchup", a matchup where one char have no viable options against a char who relys on one move, is not a bad matchup, it´s bullshit. DS doesn´t need to be nerfed, NRS should buff him, make his strings safer and his gunshots count as a single hit projectile and then the cards will be reshuffeld


PSN: SoaD_009
you are correct sir. but you may just need a bit more practice with lag if you can't get within her grab range. also don't forget her trait. I admittedly don't know a whole lot of Raven but I've seen her handle DS without too much problem. the DS did his job and made her work for it but she got in range and then handled him... baited wake ups... smart pressure... Raven is good against DS
I couldn't activate her trait because if you try and jump in the air and activate it you still get hit by DS's standing machine gun shot. I really wish this game had a save fight feature because it was truly impossible for me to move at max range. And trust me I'm a decent Raven.


Destroyer of Lazy
one week old guys sorry but you don't know yet if you have no options... to raven player offline you would see the gaps between shots. it is more difficult online but that's just gonna come with experience



The time elapsed from release until now has nothing to do with knowing how slow movement speed and dash length work in relation to projectile recovery. No one needs more time to figure that out. As far as going into training mode, that would be all well and good if you had someone else to record using the multiple different gunshots , machineguns, ia guns, cancels into grenades, and aa guns so that you didn't know which one was coming. In which case, you'd just play against that person instead.

Training mode can't help you figure it out. Movements, dashing, and knowledge of your main's tools won't magically increase past knowing what the properties are. Some characters can't deal with it.

It has nothing to do with entitlement.. And in my opinion it's actually balanceable without nerfing deathstroke. Just make dash length shorter or allow dashes to be cancellable into jumps and ducks.

lol at people saying this isn't obviously a problem.


Destroyer of Lazy

The time elapsed from release until now has nothing to do with knowing how slow movement speed and dash length work in relation to projectile recovery. No one needs more time to figure that out. As far as going into training mode, that would be all well and good if you had someone else to record using the multiple different gunshots , machineguns, ia guns, cancels into grenades, and aa guns so that you didn't know which one was coming. In which case, you'd just play against that person instead.

Training mode can't help you figure it out. Movements, dashing, and knowledge of your main's tools won't magically increase past knowing what the properties are. Some characters can't deal with it.

It has nothing to do with entitlement.. And in my opinion it's actually balanceable without nerfing deathstroke. Just make dash length shorter or allow dashes to be cancellable into jumps and ducks.

lol at people saying this isn't obviously a problem.
it's not a problem... too early to tell... don't be so arrogant to believe that you know all the MU's and understand all the ways in and out... no one does yet.... give it time... if something needs changed it will be but for all that is reasonable the damn games a week old... plus does no one know there is worse things than DS spam by FAR right now? Games do evolve much more quickly than in the past but usually some months are needed... not one week... so it does scream more of entitlement. find a DS player and get some sets in... I'll help any who would like. xbox same as my name here. I don't play DS but I know the character and can zone. don't like to but you can always tell me what you're having trouble with and take it from there. learn first. don't be I can't beat it NERF
I couldn't activate her trait because if you try and jump in the air and activate it you still get hit by DS's standing machine gun shot. I really wish this game had a save fight feature because it was truly impossible for me to move at max range. And trust me I'm a decent Raven.
you act like his guns have no startup and his ground guns cant be jumped on reaction full screen. maby your not a bad raven but your problem solving skills are in the gutter.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
I know that bad matchups exists in any fighting game, what i meant was that they could do something focused on how to proceed in this kind of matchup, not show me that the guns are unsafe at close range.
well i'll leave it up to debate about the video, but why they gotta show you something you can do yourself? I developed my own ways of dealing with Slade. I didn't wait for a top player to make a thread on how to stop him. Everything won't be given to you in life man. Now look you sound like a decent guy and player. So let's leave it at this.
Reactions: Jy0

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
well i'll leave it up to debate about the video, but why they gotta show you something you can do yourself? I developed my own ways of dealing with Slade. I didn't wait for a top player to make a thread on how to stop him. Everything won't be given to you in life man. Now look you sound like a decent guy and player. So let's leave it at this.
As I said before, i haven't difficulty against him, my problems are with other characters. I'm here just trying to help those who play with characters that have difficulties against him. It's not easy to handle as they want to make it appear, then it isn't to me that you have to say something because i've said here many times that i don't have any problem with him using my mains.

You're just bullshitting for nothing.


I never said I know all the matchups. Don't put words in my mouth. I said that I know for sure that some characters can't deal with it. That's not the same thing as saying I know all the matchups. The fact that good and bad matchups are even a thing to begin with reveals inherent imbalance.

I've had enoguh of this though. Keep arguing against it though. I'm sure all the deathstroke mains will have a good month of fun laughing and trolling people with guns until they run this shit straight into the ground.

Even if people are wrong, it makes the game look fucking terrible. There are other bad things in the game, but this one is by far the most exposed.

I'm sure the video will probably be consecutive gunshots of the same sort (eg repeated DF1) with a move a character has to avoid it, followed by a million idiots going "lol see!" like it's something conclusive.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
As I said before, i haven't difficulty against him, my problems are with other characters. I'm here just trying to help those who play with characters that have difficulties against him. It's not easy to handle as they want to make it appear, then it isn't to me that you have to say something because i've said here many times that i don't have any problem with him using my mains.

You're just bullshitting for nothing.
okay rude much? I was just trying to find some neutral ground...how can you help people with a bad mu that will still be a bad mu. i think you're just bullshitting for nothing. I mean if you're so good go pick up characters you think slade bodies.
I never said I know all the matchups. Don't put words in my mouth. I said that I know for sure that some characters can't deal with it. That's not the same thing as saying I know all the matchups. The fact that good and bad matchups are even a thing to begin with reveals inherent imbalance.

I've had enoguh of this though. Keep arguing against it though. I'm sure all the deathstroke mains will have a good month of fun laughing and trolling people with guns until they run this shit straight into the ground.

Even if people are wrong, it makes the game look fucking terrible. There are other bad things in the game, but this one is by far the most exposed.

I'm sure the video will probably be consecutive gunshots of the same sort (eg repeated DF1) with a move a character has to avoid it, followed by a million idiots going "lol see!" like it's something conclusive.
just wondering, what characters cant deal with it?


Destroyer of Lazy
I never said I know all the matchups. Don't put words in my mouth. I said that I know for sure that some characters can't deal with it. That's not the same thing as saying I know all the matchups. The fact that good and bad matchups are even a thing to begin with reveals inherent imbalance.

I've had enoguh of this though. Keep arguing against it though. I'm sure all the deathstroke mains will have a good month of fun laughing and trolling people with guns until they run this shit straight into the ground.

Even if people are wrong, it makes the game look fucking terrible. There are other bad things in the game, but this one is by far the most exposed.

I'm sure the video will probably be consecutive gunshots of the same sort (eg repeated DF1) with a move a character has to avoid it, followed by a million idiots going "lol see!" like it's something conclusive.
for sure you know? one week old game? I do an encore bow to you then.



Update OP w part 2

Ill have a complete guide for anti DS tactics tonight
You have to understand that your video has to show deathstroke being controlled by a competent person using all of the zoning tools randomly and not just a training mode recording where you know what's coming... right?
You have to understand that your video has to show deathstroke being controlled by a competent person using all of the zoning tools randomly and not just a training mode recording where you know what's coming... right?
same could be said of a character using all their tools to get around his zoning. this has the be the most kneejerk retard shit i have seen in fighting games since mvc3 sentinel.
Reactions: Jy0


I was just using Raven and fighting a Deathstroke. It was truly impossible to dash between gun shots. As soon as one standing shot ended another one was incoming before I could dash. I couldn't jump in the air and activate my trait because that required be to get hit. I literally had to kneel down in a corner.
Raven beats DS. In my opinion it's 6-4 Raven . You can punish his guns free. The only time you need to walk forward is if he is out of SC range. There's no need to jump up to activate trait against him. Activate after a punish gun shot, DF1 and activate, projectile counter MB activate. Lots of ways to get her trait up vs him. And when you do have trait up, you can get free 40% off a trade. Had it happen lots of times(Trait active>DB2 trade with gun shot will still bring DS towards you and you will have enough time to B3 or F22. Just practice the matchup vs CPU on very hard, they shoot guns like mad. You'll see it's not remotely difficult.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
lol i like the last part of the video the most. That sheeva player or Jade player. well I'm a Jax player playing Raven in Injustice.


Destroyer of Lazy
show them how to do it... get your buddy who plays DS to do it. I think they are trying to show the jist of it and for us to apply it when needed with practice. but that would require us to put time and effort... f that... please show us!!! ask the DS mainers to play some sets I'm sure some would help.