Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
PhilMonday Morning Update:
Divisions 1-4: Please play out your scheduled matches for week 5, then make every effort to make up any outstanding matches from previous weeks.
Division 5: You are still on hold as of now. I have a long night or 2 ahead of me making up your new schedule, so please be patient.
DS Division 1: Please play out your scheduled matches for week 5, then make every effort to make up any outstanding matches from previous weeks.
DS Division 2: The remaining players in that division will be added to division 1, so you're on hold for week 5, starting in week 6, however makeups will be scheduled and there will be players who need to play 2 times a week.
Timing: I understand that most High Schools are ending this week and that finals were either last week or this week. We do have a few people in HS, so we have to be patient and understand that their school comes first. However, too many matches are being re-scheduled. Please try and get your games in on the week they are scheduled.
I have to play ROFL and Konqrr , do i have to play one first or the other
due to my totally screwed schedule im a week behind now, help me league guru