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TYM's Injustice 2 at E3 2016 Thread

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
There is already good enough questions sorry for that Pig.

I'm more a guy that like to know things into details, which i don't think many of my questions can't be answered right now. my contribute right now, would be ask if they are finally adding audio cues option in the training mode with a different beep assigned to each button press, so people can fast learn timing execution juggles, strings and so on, specially if the AI can demo any move in the command list itself.

And a few general gameplay questions would be:
Does backdash cost anything or are free? Are they still invincible or Only Dodge rolls are?
Advancing strings, do they still cover lots of range?
The button mapping is the same like Injustice 1?
Are Stage transitions more faster?
Do we still have gadget chars? Power Chars and acrobatic characters?
Do we have invincible moves to specific mechanics like? Projectile Invincible? Throw invincible and Strike Invincible?
Do we have priority Normals? i mean, does jump attacks are still likely to hit grounded attacks despite the height they're activated? or they can be hit out of the air more fluidly compared to MKX and Injustice 1 pre-patch.
Whats an Air tech? Can we get a further explanation?


I'm a lover, not a fighter
In all seriousness - will you be able to hide the look of the armor (even just an offline code)? I'm a DC purist and I would love to keep using the vanilla models rather than having helmets chest plates etc.


@Pig Of The Hut

few questions -

gear related -

when it comes to new gear drop moves- will they just be different visual varations of the same move but with the same damage/attributes OR will they just be completely stand alone moves - example- in one of the videos Boon states that Batman has a gear that changes his one Batarang into 3- will this be only visual and have the same properties as the one, - or- will they be a complete different move. ( travel speed , hitbox, damage output, etc)

is there any estimate on how man different gear color swatches each character has? like are they character specific or can you use a color pallete swatch with any character ?

with the gear system intact - what ( even though it may be only water cooler talk in its current state ) do you (NRS) think is the best path to take to insure that the competitive (esports) side has longevity and balance and also keeping things able to run quickly and smoothly . ( example- button checks then spending time gearing would prob eat up alot for time)

not gear related -

how is teching throws ( any one can answer this)

Anything new going to be added to practice mode? Like can we please get a Hitbox/Hurtbox viewer option.

Any more Comics coming out with this installment?

and also - whens spawn ?
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All too easy...
How does the wake up system work. Is it like vanilla I1 where you needed reversal timing to get invincible wake ups or are they invincible everytime?

Are the rolls fully invincible and can you wake up with them?

Is throw teching the same as I1?

Air dodges confirmed air only? (aka I assume you cannot dodge out of D1 trident rush because you are standing)

Can you perform any air actions like a junp attack or air dash after an air dodge or can you be caught on the way down by something like from the deep for free if they read the dodge?

Can you dodge out of a F3 or B3 or will those remain fully unbreakable damage?

Can F3 and B3 be dash cancelled still?

Relative effectiveness of D2s against Batman J2

What does Atrocitus' shield that Dex Starr makes do?

Are there still super hard knock downs?

How far is full screen max distance compared to I1?

Rough estimate of the ratio of returning characters to new characters?

Thanks Pig
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The lift is strong in this one
What is the Max damage from an interactible? Can all interactables be blocked? Is there delayed wake up? If you tech roll on knock down, can you only tech backwards? Sonic fox said the game feels more neutral heavy and few 5050s, confirm plz?

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Are Throw ranges universally the same length and is it the same button layout with b3/f3 , 4 is trait and stance switches ect. ?


Thank you @Pig Of The Hut

I'd like to get their take on the movesets for characters returning from injustice 1. The early trailers seem to indicate that their movesets will remain largely the same from the first game; it'd be cool to hear them expand on that.

Basically, is their plan with returning characters to have them largely play the same as they did before, or are the movesets we are seeing in the current gameplay simply "placeholder" in nature.
Ed mentioned that he wanted the game to have a longer life span. How long of a life span is he planning for? Will this be similar to a game "as a service" with not only additional characters but story content being added over time?
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x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Can you change your characters color even if they are not filled with gear?

With gear being so heavily implied, whst does this mean for future costume packs?

Is the game releasing early , mid, or late 2017(if they can give us that info)?


Fear the blade of Osh-Tekk
Will ij2 have stupid safe, unreactable 50/50 that lead into +30dmg or vortex without meter


@Pig Of The Hut
Could the rolling out of combos for a bar be explained?

Can the ex dashes be used as wake ups? are they punishable if read?

During gameplay Iv seen supergirl do a power up type of move and her arms started to glow blue. Could this be explained?


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Is zoning still trash?

And how do you feel about Injustice 2 in comparison to MKX and Injustice 1? Are they heading in the right direction?