That is some good info and informative guide to help players struggling against him, good stuff! However, I don't really think this becomes a less lopsided 50/50 when you know your options, especially after F4.
Let's take a more in-depth look at his F4:
F4 is a 9 frame advancing mid with decent range that sits at -7 on block with very little blockstun. F43 is the extension of F4, it comes out in 13 frames and is very hit confirmable.
By the game's math, an F4 stagger followed by another F4 takes 16 frames to come out, only 3 frames more than the gapless F43. It is humanly impossible to react to an F4, as 13 frames is a barely recognizable, add to it the time to recognize and act accordingly and Liu is already at frame advantage again. You have to commit in order to beat him. You can't just wait and react, and if you are wrong, congratulations, you just took a bike kick into basically guaranteed meaty jik oki and have to guess between strike or 50/50 throw KBs with a throw loop.
F4 into D1 takes 14 frames to come out and beats highs, so if your character doesn't have a fast mid to commit to after an F4, chances are a smart Liu player will steal the turn with this move after an F4. For many characters, the only option to avoid this is to poke. In this case, if you guess right, the turn is yours, if you guess wrong, he either combos you or takes his turn back putting you in the same shitty situation.
F4 into throw comes out in 17 frames and beats any late normal. If you guess right here you can get a decent punish by ducking it, but if you guess wrong... take that full combo into same shitty spot again.
This is just his F4, I'm not even mentioning the layers on his B1, B3, F3, B2, 12, etc...
Liu and Jacqui are the only characters in the game to make you go through this amount of layers of guessing just to get your turn. You have to guess for your life to get a chance to play the game and this is not fun, not fair and not even remotely balanced.
I consider myself pretty good at playing this matchup, good at recognizing patterns, very well-versed at flawless blocking the shit out of everything this character does on hit/block/oki, but I just can't get comfortable with the amount of guessing I'm doing every time this potato touches me.