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Breakthrough - Kobu Jutsu Tuck Fanya - The Guide and Tech to help Beat brain dead and good Tanyas


Blind justice....
1000€ online MM @Immortal vs @SaSSolino asap
It's a common knowledge that his connection is like from Kenya in 1995, i don't play him online even in casuals for no money for that reason.

Offline sure, online maybe when (if) he actually will have a connection in par with the rest of EU players. Playing "under water" isn't fun.

Also you live in the same country (if i remember correctly) as he so i guess you can MM him since you want it so badly. :>
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Props to pig for the useful lab instead of useless crying for nerfs. Ironically this labbing might inadvertently get Tanya's tonfa toss buffed lol
Like mournful kitana , you're not meant to escape that pressure..you hold it or you burn meter.
Tanya was still quite dominant at NEC .