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The Hex Man

Dojo Trainee
I feel like it depends whats going on at the time on the ambush call. Like, I've noticed if I'm cancelling into some special moves, the ambush flat out does NOT wanna come out. I always assumed this was intentional
Yeah that makes sense too. I actually need to practice him more. Him and havik good at stopping wakeups but it wasn't as useful as I wanted it to be because of the coolest down. Now it's pretty good. Gotta check tremor out more


I feel like it depends whats going on at the time on the ambush call. Like, I've noticed if I'm cancelling into some special moves, the ambush flat out does NOT wanna come out. I always assumed this was intentional
I think you're right, it's something about special moves. No trouble calling Tremor ambush during a string but he craps out whenever I buffer a special move. It may very well be intentional.