It is as simple as adding time to the tournament. More setups will result in the possibility of running 3/5 for any game, however you have to remember that most tournaments want to run top 8 for any big game at least. It might not be possible to run all top 8 of Injustice on a main stream as 3/5 and stay within time constraints. You have no idea how much time it's going to add. If you run you're whole event as top 8 you can't drop the first 5 of the top 8 down to 2/3. If a game isn't being streamed and functions independently of the event, 3/5 is very possible.
I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying it's a headache to add time to what are already time consuming tournaments. There have been tournaments where I have said afterward "We probably could have squeezed out 3/5s" but it's just not foreseeable. Marvel gets 3/5 because of how fast the matches end and the consistency of blowouts.
Scoot Magee the reason why 3/5 works for Rapzilla is because both times they did them with me, we had 7 or 8 setups running at all times without ever the chance to bottle neck. In addition, Injustice was run either independently, or the only game being run. At 28 players and 7 stations that's 1 setup for every 4 players. A fantastic ratio.
I invite anyone who wants to help out at a future tournament with 100+ players to run brackets and understand. Yes, I know some of you already run brackets at your own events but I don't know if all of you have done 10 hour runs with 128 - 256 players on 7 or 9 setups. Even if you aren't official staff I will pay your venue fee and you can learn with any one of our experienced bracketers, to at least get the idea of what it's like, and get the chance to tell players they are DQ'd, or hunting them down for results, keeping the flow going with the stations all being used as much as possible. This means you won't get to play much throughout the night, except during the down time between brackets (if there is any). For example, at TFC, every pool went 5 to 10 minutes under or over the alloted time frame. With a 128 player tournament and only X amount of hours to get it done, there was no way we could have done 3/5 for that event, and we had 9 setups.
Stream scheduling aside, IMO 3/5 is only possible if there is 1 station for every 10 players in a tournament. While it's possible to achieve that, is there also room at the venue for that many setups without encroaching on other games? You can't tell Marvel or AE, when they get double the turnout we do, that they need to kill 4 stations just so Injustice gets 3/5. I have requested 3/5 at majors for top 16 or top 8 several times.
In my personal opinion, Injustice does NOT qualify as a 3/5 necessity game, as there are rounds, there's a chance of health increase every match, there are no factorable infinites, and there is no sense of a random winner in any evenly skilled match, ever. (random winner is different than any body's game). A game like Marvel does have a health recharge factor, but it has no rounds. Oftentimes, there mere fact that you have multiple characters, which simulate rounds, is meaningless and entire teams are beaten in under a minute. Kill combos/infinite style combos galore add to a huge sense of "what just happened?" on a regular basis. That kind of game deserves 3/5, ironically when it doesn't even deserve to be played at all. #whensmarvelover
I can go into a whole lot more, but really, all it needs to come down to is time frames.
In addition to Vampire as being a game with energy deficit round changes also Killer Instinct, I haven't seen if anyone mentioned it.