yes, even paulo has stated he feels the game should be run 3/5.
TO stuff aside,maybe we should listen to the people who make the game when it comes to this stuff
Was MK made to have only few select characters dominate tourneys?
Was SSF4 unblockables part of game from beginning?
Was SSB even made to be apart of competitive fighters?
Games don't always pan out the way you want
I acknowledge issues with 3/5 in big tourneys, but when ttt2 and UMVC3 are rocking it for reasons like legitimate play I can only feel ousted when denied the same treatment.
When Killer Instinct comes out I guarantee you won't see any issues 2/3 or 3/5
One probability: "derrr uber mega hype lets go!!! maximum cpm from stream monsters hype"
2nd probability: Nobodys playing it