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Top players? What happened?


Does anyone know what happened to pnd madzin? Sub zero main? I have never seen him in mi11. And one more thing.... What's up with ketchup and mustard? It's always mustard now and ketchup always looks angry when he host events lol. Any thoughts on these top players from back in the day? Currently I think @sikander555 is the best grandmaster that IV seen so far. Let's debate!


Positive Poster!
Does anyone know what happened to pnd madzin? Sub zero main? I have never seen him in mi11. And one more thing.... What's up with ketchup and mustard? It's always mustard now and ketchup always looks angry when he host events lol. Any thoughts on these top players from back in the day? Currently I think @sikander555 is the best grandmaster that IV seen so far. Let's debate!
Madzin has real life going on, the Condiment boys are commentators and streamers these days. Look out for their stream and ask them yourself.


Dojo Trainee
If we're gonna ask about pros, what's with dragon? Haven't seen him in a while, and almost never streams. is he gonna take a break?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
In general, more and more players are realizing that you have to invest a lot of time into content creation along with doing well at tournaments to really make a living playing fighting games. And especially without a sponsor, or a really good sponsor. Unless you consistently make top 3 at every event, have your travel/hotel expenses paid for, and make content on the side, it’s hard to justify devoting so much time to a hobby.


Death waits for a slightest lapse in concentration
I played MK X, but skipped Inj 2. During the time of MK X there were two talented players, brothers, YungMonster and RevetLeafing, what happed to them, does anybody know?


It's sad to see young men thrown into the meat grinder of war like that, never to love, relish the sunlight on warm spring day and feel the fresh breeze on their face standing on the sandy seashore again.
War, war never changes...
I'm confused.... Nam? Vietcong? That was a joke right?