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Top Marvel player shows serious interest in "Injustice"?


Anyone that's good in mk9 and has solid fundamentals through playing mk9 will likely translate well to injustice. The same would apply to those good at sf4 moving to injustice.

Playing another fighting game like sf4 or tekken would help, but if that's not your thing, then level up hard in mk9.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm not losing any tournament I go to for Injustice. Just sayin...

Anyway, the more the better. It's more hype if people who play other games also play Injustice. It would be nice if we have top players in every fighter playing Injustice.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Everyone has the same opportunity. People in this community just prefer not to play anything else so its their fault for not expanding their horizons.
That's very true, I will give it up to the MK community for the commitment, but it's situations like this where it can hurt us because MK is so different from every other fighter in so many ways. Some of them are good, but others not so much.
Reactions: SLy
So Filipino Champ think Injustice is his game, this would infer that he would beat me.
good one Ryan, you should do stand up. :')


A prop on the stage of life.
The community downplaying really makes me proud to be part of this community. How long are some of you gonna keep posting "well 95% of the community doesn't do X" or "no one in the community except me has fundamentals but I'm not even going to define it for you because you're free". When will this crap stop? If its such a problem why don't you make a thread specifically for educating "the community"?(which is like 30-40 people that post regularly on this site lbsh)


On topic: F. Champ mentioned way back when that he'd be playing Injustice for the "easy money". This is nothing new.


cr. HP Master
Killphil is right. I've heard FChamp talk about getting "easy money" from this game. He is also a comic nerd though.

I'm very much looking forward to HBTB. I'm hoping Injustice will have a mixture of SF and Mortal Kombat's gameplay. I'm use to both.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I don't believe this community lacks fundamental, just because we played mk our half of life or entire life it doesn't mean we never tried other games before.

i've been playing Street Fighter II' since the arcade and i was a kid, and i've tried all the others game in competitive way as well, we used to have a KOF, SF and Samurai Shodown II Scene in the country, so not a big deal her just because we'll have to hold back to block.

i can't speak for everyone though...


Everyone has the same opportunity. People in this community just prefer not to play anything else so its their fault for not expanding their horizons.
That's the exact reason why people learn faster and level up better than most.. The more different type of fighting games are played the better your fundamentals are as a player


Play Monster Hunter!
I'm sure they will bandwagon it for a month after release, and most will probably quit, just like with MK, and KoF, and Persona, and Soul Calibur 5, and TTT2, and Skullgirls. Didn't even bother with DOA5.

Glass Sword

LBSH we are not going to do badly at Injustice. I mean I'm happy that we are going to get some knowledge leveling up against these new players from out of our little niche group. Just don't be going and saying everybody is going to get bodied. If you are a top or close to top player for MK9 you have a good, if not a great chance at being one of the best at Injustice. You just have to want it REALLY badly. Alternately you could just have the natural talent and just somehow be good.
More importantly having top players pick up Injustice will give our community here at TYM some more credit. Maybe we will be given better treatment and more people picking up MK just sayin'.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I don't believe this community lacks fundamental, just because we played mk our half of life or entire life it doesn't mean we never tried other games before.

i've been playing Street Fighter II' since the arcade and i was a kid, and i've tried all the others game in competitive way as well, we used to have a KOF, SF and Samurai Shodown II Scene in the country, so not a big deal her just because we'll have to hold back to block.

i can't speak for everyone though...
We aren't saying that is the case. What we are saying is that for those people that haven't played anything other than MK9 it could be difficult for them to adjust to the changes that people who do play other fighters are already used to by now.


PSN: Skkra
Champ will be good because he's a very smart player. He's sick in both Marvel and SF4. If he wants to be ood at Injustice, he will be. If both MK and Capcom players stick with it, it could be a very exciting scene.

I'm actually not psyched for the game or anything, but I'll pick it up and see how it is. If the online is closer to TTT2 and further from MK9, I'll probably stick with it.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
You can't expect a guy thats been playing for 2 years to hold a candle to these guys that have been playing and breaking down games for 10+
J360 Tom Brady

Again, you guys sell yourselves so fucking short, it's not even funny.

That said, this game will play so much different from MK9, but will also be very similar. Yes, there's back to block, but the blocking isn't proximity-based, which EVERY MK9 PLAYER SHOULD ALREADY BE USED TO. There are very few games out there that have such a combination of 2D-esque walkspeeds and contact-blocking.

We still have a base to work on, just a lot of things aren't going to be what we know. You guys are also fortunate to have as many vets still active in the community, and a lot of these guys weren't complete slouches in the games they came from, either.
The interactables man. It's like we pretend there not in it or it goes without saying that you can turn them off. I wanna see more of this mechanic and how it effects this game
Ps isn't top marvel players like 10, 000 people in America alone?
Because its NRS and hes a Capcom player people are shocked lol.. This is not the reason..
FChamp is a big comic book fan.. Any comic book fan is gonna pick it up regardless who its made by really..

On the flipside Champ is well known and respected. Many players are going to follow his lead.

on the "flipside" haha i just had to point out how funny that pun was
Reactions: SLy
All in all this extra interest is definitely great for Injustice and probably the MK community. I hope the mechanics and everything are sound and they tweak things more then in MK, but Im mostly looking to see if the net code and online play stands up to their hype for it, and what that means for the NEXT MK's online


I'm confused when MK9 players say MK9 has footsies. How do you guys justify saying that? Are you just counting the fact that it contains low attacks that can be used to defend low and bait? If so, I wouldn't consider that footsies. I don't believe MK9 has footsies because MK9 doesn't have traditional zoning. I say this because of the free roaming combo system that behaves like 3d fighting games.
You got to understand that Footsies deals with "Spacing" and not zoning.They are in fact two different things and people tend to confuse the two. Zoning is keeping your opponent out. Footsie is spacing accordingly for whiff punishes and so forth. This game definitlley deals with footsies.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Zoning and spacing are not the same thing. MK9 has spacing, but because there's so much free movement, and very few strong AA options.
Do we play the same game? There are sooooo many viable AA's in this game that it's ridiculous. This game is revolved VERY heavily on poking, counterpoking, AA's, and zoning. It's not a traditional footsies game I will say that, but tbh just about every fighting game has a different way to play footsies.


Cold day in hell...
If anyone watches even one match of CDjr's Jax or Dizzy's Cage and thinks this game doesn't have a very strong footsie component... Yeah I don't even know what to say to that.