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Top 50 Xbox Live Leaderboard


Selpex said:
any matches been recorded from xbl? would be cool to see how some play
would u guys want ranked matches or just matches against other players from this site cause i have a capture card now


Well I just played crazy dominican again today....And he only picked nightwolf all 15 matches.While I was randoming.I asked him to random but he has no headset and I realized that after I asked.So I then sent him a message saying "lets play random"he continued to pick nightwolf.final score was 10-5 in my favor.I wish I could fight this guy in rank so I could move up to #2 in the leaderboards.Oh well maybe soon

Bob Dole

x rickson x said:
shock where can i get a good stick from? These d pads suck donkey balls man.
if your looking for a stick. a custom stick without the wireing alone is 80 bucks. if your not going to do the wiring, thats another 100 bucks that includes the labor and stuff to do it., its a bitch. then you better hope you dont screw up the 360 d pad thats 40 to 50 bucks.

what i paid.

80 bucks custom stick. no, wired anything.

i order all the stuff, oh yeah, its all special equip. so, you do it right the first time. wait 3 weeks for it, then deal with all the shipping b.s.

then hope you dont screw up the d pad with the sodering and what not.

its really a big pain to have an exact stick that works to your advantage.

then when you get that you have people with dsl lag, what a pain.


If you beat him enough ranked matches his ranked would drop significantly as well. I only played him one ranked match so far and he beat me by pixels. I don't get to go on the same time he does.
Man... playing with you guys is awesome... but I sure hate these ranked games... and not owning an Xbox... and that D-pad... here's hoping Santa wants to play real nice. (not gonna happen) :p

Let's battle!!


Bob Dole

Br0ken said:
Bob Dole said:
yo, broken do you have a joystick?
No this is what I have

except mines black
you got those combo's down for a a s controller, thats talent! i thought you might have a stick. i think i played you once, and heard button mashing so i was'nt sure.
malidito duende and chigamecub ranked up so high in that short 2 day span cause they whipped my ass real bad yesterday and the day before.

my GT used to be MAD TOO GOOD btw.
I changed it, cause i couldnt even play more than 2 matches vs someone before they just quit out on me, said racist remarks, or left bad feedback, happens in most every game i play online. So i used some of the left over points i have from getting other live arcade games, and changed my GT to ACTION KUNGFU.

I was in the top 50(ranked 47) 2 days ago, now i'm in the 80s i think cause they both beat me something fierce.

What can Kitana DO VS TELEPORT and HK ABUSE?

p.s. thanks to konqrr for recommending this site, when i had played him last week.


add me
against teleport abuse:

aahp,aahp jk, fan toss, run in aahp, square wave punch - 53%

aahp,aahp jk, fan toss, run in aahp, aahp, jk - 56%

Even if you only get the aahp, aahp, jk, fan toss it's still 42%

If they're low to the ground don't hold run right away. Wait a sec then hit it to get a burst of speed.


Vs teleport abuse he might mean relatively safe teleports that cannot be blocked from a standing position. What you might want to do is scout the safe teleport and run with them as it happens into a spot where you can block it. It requires some timing but it can be done. Also, I see that chigamecub had almost 500 or 600 matches by the time he appeared in the top 10, I got into the top 10 my first match into the second day with under 75 matches I think it was.
well I mean, i cant even GET to some of the characters that have teleports. I can never set anything up sometimes. If i go for a air fan toss they teleport. If I try and move forward they start to jitter backwards you know, buffering for the spear and all that. Especially human smoke cause the fool is toooo fast on foot speed.

Also Jax air cross up and airthrow buffer abuse is horrible to fight against. And Kano and Sonya jk and sweeps.

But if good players are too smart with the teleports, there's a problem.

I wouldve been ranked alot higher, but when i usually play the most(due to my graveyard shift work schedule) I'm on at the low end, so i play those that are ranked way lower than I am for the most part. I lose one game i drop 20 ranks down. Sometimes i'll even WIN a game, and drop down 1 rank. Which doesnt make sense.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Welcome to umk.com, glad to see you here!

I know exactly what you mean on the ranked matches man, I work the gravy shift too and sometimes when I win a match my rank drops lol...next time we play, get on the mic and we'll play some and help each other out.


I see chigameCub is #5 now....Ive only plyd him twice and he is very cheap...He continously trys to throw and just jks the entire match...Even though i win its annoying chasing after him and getting caught with random jks lol


I played against a Kabal player last night who JKed constantly. It was terrible, and so was his connection, gameplay was half speed at best and jittery. I still beat him, but I mean, trying to counter the constant JKing was nearly impossible. At the end I said very seriously. "Stop Jump Kicking, and check your connection. It is TERRIBLE."


Updated for 11/8. Shock moves into 4th place, some very big drops by 3 players, and a big jump by CorrezZio.
I beat MAGNAMANAR like 6 of 7 games today. That's why that person dropped down 32 ranks. I also beat on Murray Williams, also, but looks like that person didnt fall in rank.

Meanwhile I lost to some laggy Robo Smoke players, and a guy that would just mirror match and xcopy me(Freeisgood)

EDIT: @ konqrr: word. Add me, or i'll add you next time i sign onto xbl.


Updated for 11/9. VADER Xxx busts on to the scene at #44 with a perfect 101-0 record. Also, Konqrr debuts on the list at #48.