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Top 25 Games of All Time

Subby Z

Oh wow!

This would be hard. I’m trying to think all the way back to my childhood

honestly these are not ranked but here we go:

  1. MK11 ultimate
  2. MK9
  3. MK Deception
  4. MK trilogy
  5. Pokemon Crystal
  6. Pokemon Sapphire
  7. Pokemon XD gale of darkness
  8. Pokemon Legends: Arceus
  9. Pokemon Sword
  10. Assassin’s Creed
  11. Assassin’s Creed 2
  12. Assassin’s Creed Origins
  13. Resident Evil 4
  14. Resident Evil 5
  15. Resident Evil 7
  16. Left For Dead 2
  17. Twisted Metal 2
  18. Luigi’s Mansion 3
  19. Rayman Legends
  20. Paper Mario the thousand year door
  21. Conker’s Bad Fur Day
  22. Mystical Ninja (Goemon)
  23. Remnant 2
  24. Simpsons Hit and Run
  25. Batman Arkham City


Oh wow!

This would be hard. I’m trying to think all the way back to my childhood

honestly these are not ranked but here we go:

  1. MK11 ultimate
  2. MK9
  3. MK Deception
  4. MK trilogy
  5. Pokemon Crystal
  6. Pokemon Sapphire
  7. Pokemon XD gale of darkness
  8. Pokemon Legends: Arceus
  9. Pokemon Sword
  10. Assassin’s Creed
  11. Assassin’s Creed 2
  12. Assassin’s Creed Origins
  13. Resident Evil 4
  14. Resident Evil 5
  15. Resident Evil 7
  16. Left For Dead 2
  17. Twisted Metal 2
  18. Luigi’s Mansion 3
  19. Rayman Legends
  20. Paper Mario the thousand year door
  21. Conker’s Bad Fur Day
  22. Mystical Ninja (Goemon)
  23. Remnant 2
  24. Simpsons Hit and Run
  25. Batman Arkham City
Simpsons: Hit and Run + Road Rage were both phenomenal.

So many memories being unlocked by this thread


Pale Rider
In no particular order;

Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Star Control II: Ur-Quan Masters
Aliens vs Predator Arcade
Middle Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Super Mario World
Double Dragon Advance
Smash TV
Soul Calibur DC
Dragon Force
TIE Fighter
GTA: Chinatown Wars
The Legend of Zelda
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Marvel vs Capcom
Metal Gear Solid V: Definitive Experience
Call of Duty Modern Warfare II DMZ
Mortal Kombat XL
Space Harrier
Revenge of Shinobi
Daytona USA
Virtua Fighter 5
Super Mario 64


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I just put doom 2.... it took the spot from hexen, heretic, duke3d, wolfenstine and dark forces.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Just that we have similar taste has me so interested in whatever the sam hell Jade Cocoon is lol. You're a man of fine taste.
It’s all thanks to how gaming used to work back in the day. Namely, Blockbuster. Me and my brother would go every Friday to rent a video game. This one time there was a certain PS2 game I wanted to rent (can’t even remember what it was), but it wasn’t in stock. So for those of you too young to have experienced Blockbuster, if a game wasn’t in stock to rent, you just had to find something else or get nothing. Oh and the rental time was I believe like 3-5 days or something like that. Anyway, since the game I wanted wasn’t in, I looked around and saw that game, Jade Cocoon 2. This was before smart phones and before the internet was anywhere NEAR what it is today, so it’s not like I could pull out my phone and look it up. All I could do was look at the art on the cover, and look at the descriptions of the game on the back. It looked pretty fun and interesting, so decided to try it out. One of the best gaming decisions I’ve ever made.

Both me and my brother, who typically like similar things (except unfortunately he’s not into fighting games like I am), fell in love with the game. If I had to describe the gameplay, It’s essentially a more strategic form of Pokémon… kinda. The game was way ahead of its time but it was also severely underrated. Had I not randomly accidentally stumbled upon it, I doubt I would’ve ever heard of it let alone played it. I’ll still play it from time to time. I’ve put a ridiculous amount of hours into it, what I wouldn’t give for a remake, a sequel, or even just a remaster. There’s so many things they could do these days to improve upon it. It’s the same way I feel about the game Enchanted Arms. Which was another turn based game where you collect golems to fight with and what not. Which funnily enough, the game was made by FromSoft, so technically it was my first FromSoft game. With Enchanted Arms, there’s also a lot you could do to improve it. The biggest and most crucial would be adding a New Game + (NG+).

Oh, and instead of Duel Links on my list, I should’ve put this PS2 Yugioh game called “The Duelists of the Roses”. That game was godlike and had an amazing OST

There’s a lot of games that I could’ve put in my top 25, or are just outside of it. Like the Gen 1 Pokémon games, Dragon Age Origins instead of Inquisition, Tenchu Z, For Honor, SF3 3rd Strike, SF4, MvC3, DBFZ, DBZ Budokai 3, Diddy Kong Racing, Halo 1, War of the Monsters, TMNT Turtles in Time, Killer Instinct, I Wanna Be The Guy (IWBTG), The Fable games, R6 Siege, and I could keep going and going. So many amazing video games I’ve played, and a bunch I haven’t played as well. I still never finished BG3, which I need to do. Only got like 5-6 hours or so into it.

Subby Z

I just realized I didn’t include xmen legends or xmen legends 2 in my list and needless to say that list is getting revised. I played the shit out of those 2 games back in the day.
I just put doom 2.... it took the spot from hexen, heretic, duke3d, wolfenstine and dark forces.
I considered this but it doesn't feel right. Hexen and Heretic are too sick to be hidden in an implied stack.
Dark Forces II is a very different game from Dark Forces, it doesn't go in the Doom pile.

Love seeing Hexen and Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II on there.
This whole list is pretty dear to me but Jedi Knight has to be the most influential game for me as a whole since it was my gateway into learning how games worked under the hood, modding, designing, etc.
I remember sitting in class as a kid the day after learning applying skins to characters and weapons to make them different. All I could think about was all these funky lightsaber blade designs I wanted to try.

Oh and the rental time was I believe like 3-5 days or something like that.
Haha I can answer this! I was actually just talking about it with someone the other day; 2 day rentals for new and hot releases, 5-7 for everything else. You could often get away with squeezing in an extra day for the new stuff though, depending on how hot it was and how much stock they had for it.

The way you stumbled onto that game is relatable. I had a similar experience with Zone of Enders when I was actually trying to rent a copy of Ehrgeiz along with a PS2 lol. Was very okay with the result.

Lots of good choices in this thread. I see I'm among some fine gentleman of culture. I'm gonna make my own list later, but I'm curious if anyone ever heard about Sacrifice (a Shiny Entertainment game from 2000)? It's certainly gonna be my #1 spot but I never see anyone talking about, ever.
I feel this way about Otogi, the game that first made me aware of From Software.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I saw people saying that our lists could've been bigger, and you are right. So after giving a ton of thought, I managed to increase my list from top 25 to 40. I know it might look like too small of a jump for some people, but I really wanted to make sure that this list is not just about quantity but also quality and replayability for me.

Anyway, here it is:

Damn mace & Hexen as well! Tell me you were an N64 kid without telling me you were a n64 kid. Did you have a star fox 64 tshirt from Nintendo power too
I wasn't as into Star Fox as other kids actually, but yeah Snes, N64, and PC were my gaming childhood. Hexen was part of the PC stuff for me along with Doom, Heretic, etc. (Thanks dad)
Diablo 1 and shit would be up there too if I had room.

I still have the manual for a rented copy of Mace. Pretty fun game still tbh. Would be cool to revive.



Life was wasted on you.
I wasn't as into Star Fox as other kids actually, but yeah Snes, N64, and PC were my gaming childhood. Hexen was part of the PC stuff for me along with Doom, Heretic, etc. (Thanks dad)
Diablo 1 and shit would be up there too if I had room.

I still have the manual for a rented copy of Mace. Pretty fun game still tbh. Would be cool to revive.

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Fucking gaming manuals, man. I miss them so much. There was nothing like buying a new game and reading the manual on the way home. I loved it when it had game/character lore/information/tactics and shit like that included in them.

I also loved the new game smell when opening the case.
this list is totally chronological, basically formative games I played a lot as a kid. I might order a top 25 list differently, but I thought it was more honest to do this exercise like a timeline. edit: @Trustful_Whale I was the one with a Nintendo power star fox shirt that I regrettably wore during my freshman year of high school

edit: I blanked on the computer games I loved during those crucial “kid years” but those would include Full Throttle, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Myst, Red Alert 1 chrono expansion & StarCraft 2

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Anyone ever play those games like Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max hit the road, Indiana Jones and the lost temple of Atlantis?
yes definitely! It was always at other people’s houses. monkey island 2 was on the school computer! Full throttle and eventually grim fandango. There’s some new games like that too but I haven’t played them yet


Fucking gaming manuals, man. I miss them so much. There was nothing like buying a new game and reading the manual on the way home. I loved it when it had game/character lore/information/tactics and shit like that included in them.

I also loved the new game smell when opening the case.
I truly miss game manuals, the lore and story in them. There was always something special about going to the store, buying the game, and enjoying the box art and then the manual, before you started playing.

I've switched to digital about a decade ago, both on PC and console, but if manuals were still a thing, I'd likely be a physical media guy still.