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Top 25 Games of All Time

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I'm not big on FF. The story is insufferable for me, honestly.

TLOU is just unfun for me, no matter how good the story is. It's got that signature Naughty Dog shallow gameplay.

SotC is massively repetitive for at least the first 15 hours, from when I tried it last.

I like Zelda, but it wouldn't make a top 25 for me. I played OoT and Majoras Mask as a kid, but I probably never beat them. I'm not actually that into open world games, so Breath of The Wild and Tears of the Kingdom don't really do much for me.

Shenmue I have not played.
TLOU’s combat is shit, you really have to just love the characters, which I happened to in the first game.


I don't know why but I never really got into RTS games. I played some campaign stuff for Warcraft II and Age of Mythology, but it was one of those games where I never really felt like I knew what I was doing.
RTS is, objectively, one of the most difficult genres of video games out there.

I agree with it being hard to narrow down. I can't believe I didn't put a skateboarding game on my list, but those 25 are easily my most played games of all time aside from maybe a newer pokemon, but that's just for competitive play. Those aren't favorites.

If I had put a skateboarding game on there, it would be Tony Hawks Underground 2, or Skate 3.
Yeah. I forgot Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition for my honourable mentions. And also Killer Instinct: Definitive Editoin! I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting too.

There's also nothing wrong with your fiance's list. I'm sure my wife's would have several of the same games.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
If you count Remakes, there certainly have been several IMO. Horror Game remakes have been absolutely S+ Tier if you're into those. Final Fantasy 7 is great and I don't even like that series, truthfully. Demons Souls is beautiful.

Spider-Man, Elden Ring, Mario Odyssey, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Super Mario Wonder, SO many great Fighting Games, Returnal and Hades are pretty top tier for their genre, Hollow Knight and Metroid Dread for sidescrollers, RDR2 isn't a decade old yet. I mean, we aren't getting as many great NEW IPs, but its been an awesome few years foe gaming and I never feel like I have enough time to play everything I want to.

But I guess everything is subjective.
I’m torn on remakes. The newest ones have been objectively good games but I’d rather see new games tbh. I feel that video games are art and not disposable enough to just be replaced ya know? Like movie remakes are rightfully scrutinized but I don’t like how gamers are willing to throw away “dated” games. That’s why everything’s a fucking 3rd person over the shoulder shooter, since we have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Feels very cynical to see Silent Hill 2 as a generic 3rd person shooter. The criteria of a good remake imo is:

  • doesn’t replace the original. Meaning the original is still easily accessible.
  • doesn’t disrespect the original - not changing key details or changing things that were clearly done intentionally
  • capture the spirit of the original
A good remake imo is RE4 or Dead Space. A bad one is Silent Hill 2 or Demons’ Souls. In the PS3 generation, PlayStation players got Demons’ Souls as a badass exclusive, then Bloodborne in PS4. In PS5, we get Demons’ Souls with a butchered art style and atmosphere. That sums up the issues with modern gaming imo.

I realize this is extremely subjective but so is the topic in general. They can just rub me the wrong way.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous

Didn't put to much thought into it...

Doom II
Mortal Kombat

King's Quest
Wing Commander
Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia
Karate Champ
System Shock
Street Fighter II
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter

Master of Orion
The Ancient Art of War
Might and Magic
Super Mario Bros.

Double Dragon
Baldur's Gate
Sim City
X-COM: UFO Defence Foce


Goro is a Pokémon
I’m torn on remakes. The newest ones have been objectively good games but I’d rather see new games tbh. I feel that video games are art and not disposable enough to just be replaced ya know? Like movie remakes are rightfully scrutinized but I don’t like how gamers are willing to throw away “dated” games. That’s why everything’s a fucking 3rd person over the shoulder shooter, since we have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Feels very cynical to see Silent Hill 2 as a generic 3rd person shooter. The criteria of a good remake imo is:

  • doesn’t replace the original. Meaning the original is still easily accessible.
  • doesn’t disrespect the original - not changing key details or changing things that were clearly done intentionally
  • capture the spirit of the original
A good remake imo is RE4 or Dead Space. A bad one is Silent Hill 2 or Demons’ Souls. In the PS3 generation, PlayStation players got Demons’ Souls as a badass exclusive, then Bloodborne in PS4. In PS5, we get Demons’ Souls with a butchered art style and atmosphere. That sums up the issues with modern gaming imo.

I realize this is extremely subjective but so is the topic in general. They can just rub me the wrong way.

I couldn't disagree with this more. "The sanctity of the art" argument is so awful. Things age, and in the media of video games, they age poorly. These things are 100% tech limited and tech moves so fast.

Let go of nostalgia. The OG Silent Hill 2 is laughable unless you genuinely can pretend it's not cheese dialogue and hideous to the eye. I can't. I also can't go back to tank controls. Demons Souls was so fucking Grey and brown and clunky.

As a 31 year old gamer, I've only seen a remake that was worse than the OG once, Resident Evil 3. And that's simply because they cut the game in half and made it on the rails. It's insane to think, personally, that Silent Hill 2 having combat in the remake takes away from what the game was and still is, a deep story. If you're in the camp that thinks the OGs are better, then we just simply won't agree on much.

To each their own, but the movie industry has been doing it forever and chances are, you're favorite movies are adaptations or remakes of a century old play or half century old movie. Your favorite food is probably a modern take on a classic cuisine. Your favorite clothes are updated fashion from decades ago.

Progress is good, and we shouldn't lose the best things to time.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
View attachment 22455

I couldn't disagree with this more. "The sanctity of the art" argument is so awful. Things age, and in the media of video games, they age poorly. These things are 100% tech limited and tech moves so fast.

Let go of nostalgia. The OG Silent Hill 2 is laughable unless you genuinely can pretend it's not cheese dialogue and hideous to the eye. I can't. I also can't go back to tank controls. Demons Souls was so fucking Grey and brown and clunky.

As a 31 year old gamer, I've only seen a remake that was worse than the OG once, Resident Evil 3. And that's simply because they cut the game in half and made it on the rails. It's insane to think, personally, that Silent Hill 2 having combat in the remake takes away from what the game was and still is, a deep story. If you're in the camp that thinks the OGs are better, then we just simply won't agree on much.

To each their own, but the movie industry has been doing it forever and chances are, you're favorite movies are adaptations or remakes of a century old play or half century old movie. Your favorite food is probably a modern take on a classic cuisine. Your favorite clothes are updated fashion from decades ago.

Progress is good, and we shouldn't lose the best things to time.
Well I didn't say remakes suck but nice meme, there were 3 remakes on my top 25 list. It's incredibly dismissive to say that games age poorly as a blanket statement. I do believe in the sanctity of art, why is that so laughable and cringe? I think games are art. You're smart enough to know the difference between movies adapting centuries old plays, compared to remaking a game that came out 20 years ago.

To say that games age poorly as a blanket statement is crazy to me. Why do they age poorly? The graphics? Who gives a fuck. Halo will always be a beautiful game because of the timeless art style. They didn't have the technology to emulate reality in 2001, so everything is stylized. It will always be pleasing to look at while remakes that nuke the art style and only go for photorealism will look like shit in 10 years, since we will simply be better at emulating reality. Is it the mechanics? Obviously varies game by game and is heavily subjective but I think most of these games being remade play just fine. Halo and RE4 as an example again, the originals are well preserved and received QOL changes like high resolutions and frame-rates to make what is originally there shine through better. Which honestly is only happening because Capcom is an exception in terms of putting effort into preserving their old games in close to their original state and Halo MCC is there because frankly 343 needs these older games playable to hold the intrest of Halo fans to any degree.

Obviously it's subjective but I think some remakes are better and some are worse.

The ones that are downgrades imo are RE3, SH2, and Demons' Souls out of recent or more well known ones.

RE4 and RE2 are probably side-grades. RE4 is awesome and added a lot of things that are better than the OG like the parry mechanic, but it is less responsive and consistent as a gameplay experience. RE2 is better mechanically but the story was diminished, but it's such a great game that it's ok to me.

Some are strict upgrades like Dead Space and RE1.

They're not all strict downgrades but I wish that the talent that went to making them went to new ones. I don't think the original silent hill 2 aged poorly and the fixed camera angles added significantly to the atmosphere. The story is still deep but not as good imo, but we don't need to argue that, I'm glad you like it, genuinely.

Saying that we don't want to lose the best things to time is very ironic to me since that's what's happening. We get an inferior remake of Demons' Souls instead of just making the PS3 version playable on PS5 natively. at 4K 60FPS. I say inferior because the graphical changes ignore the lore and make no sense design wise - but it looks pretty. It's not made for fans of Demons' Souls, it's made for zoomers who can't play old looking games. That is a bad remake. I can go into much further detail and I'm prepared to defend why this remake sucks beyond the handful of mechanical improvements.

I'm worried that the REAL SH2, Demons' Souls, MGS 3, and a lot of these other games that have been or will be remade will be lost.

TL,DR: Remakes can be good or bad like every game but I wish people were more skeptical by default. It makes celebrating really good ones like the Resident Evil remakes possible, while still being able to point out cash grabs that miss the point of the OG like Demons' Souls. I'd much rather see developers go the God of War 2018 or Doom 2016 route instead of a straight up remake - although sony has sadly done a horrible job preserving classic God of War.


Shit I forgot about Bioshock in my lists somehow. What a travesty
I keep having the same thought. 25 is pretty trim for decades of gaming.

On the remakes topic, I fee like most remakes/remasters are soulless, and/or pointless for anyone who played the original. Its not like movies where new iterations can be very different, only carrying on a few key concepts or character names but somehow keeping the same title.


Goro is a Pokémon
Well I didn't say remakes suck but nice meme, there were 3 remakes on my top 25 list. It's incredibly dismissive to say that games age poorly as a blanket statement. I do believe in the sanctity of art, why is that so laughable and cringe? I think games are art. You're smart enough to know the difference between movies adapting centuries old plays, compared to remaking a game that came out 20 years ago.

To say that games age poorly as a blanket statement is crazy to me. Why do they age poorly? The graphics? Who gives a fuck. Halo will always be a beautiful game because of the timeless art style. They didn't have the technology to emulate reality in 2001, so everything is stylized. It will always be pleasing to look at while remakes that nuke the art style and only go for photorealism will look like shit in 10 years, since we will simply be better at emulating reality. Is it the mechanics? Obviously varies game by game and is heavily subjective but I think most of these games being remade play just fine. Halo and RE4 as an example again, the originals are well preserved and received QOL changes like high resolutions and frame-rates to make what is originally there shine through better. Which honestly is only happening because Capcom is an exception in terms of putting effort into preserving their old games in close to their original state and Halo MCC is there because frankly 343 needs these older games playable to hold the intrest of Halo fans to any degree.

Obviously it's subjective but I think some remakes are better and some are worse.

The ones that are downgrades imo are RE3, SH2, and Demons' Souls out of recent or more well known ones.

RE4 and RE2 are probably side-grades. RE4 is awesome and added a lot of things that are better than the OG like the parry mechanic, but it is less responsive and consistent as a gameplay experience. RE2 is better mechanically but the story was diminished, but it's such a great game that it's ok to me.

Some are strict upgrades like Dead Space and RE1.

They're not all strict downgrades but I wish that the talent that went to making them went to new ones. I don't think the original silent hill 2 aged poorly and the fixed camera angles added significantly to the atmosphere. The story is still deep but not as good imo, but we don't need to argue that, I'm glad you like it, genuinely.

Saying that we don't want to lose the best things to time is very ironic to me since that's what's happening. We get an inferior remake of Demons' Souls instead of just making the PS3 version playable on PS5 natively. at 4K 60FPS. I say inferior because the graphical changes ignore the lore and make no sense design wise - but it looks pretty. It's not made for fans of Demons' Souls, it's made for zoomers who can't play old looking games. That is a bad remake. I can go into much further detail and I'm prepared to defend why this remake sucks beyond the handful of mechanical improvements.

I'm worried that the REAL SH2, Demons' Souls, MGS 3, and a lot of these other games that have been or will be remade will be lost.

TL,DR: Remakes can be good or bad like every game but I wish people were more skeptical by default. It makes celebrating really good ones like the Resident Evil remakes possible, while still being able to point out cash grabs that miss the point of the OG like Demons' Souls. I'd much rather see developers go the God of War 2018 or Doom 2016 route instead of a straight up remake - although sony has sadly done a horrible job preserving classic God of War.
I just don't agree that the essence of the originals is lost, or that its just graphics that are improved, really. But it's all subjective. I think framerate, QoL upgrades, new mechanics, more content, etc., make them obvious upgrades. It's not worth arguing over, but I know I'm smart enough to not be blinded by Nostalgia. I loved the OG releases of a lot of these games and still play them, but to tell someone with a straight face the PS2 version of a game is better than the PS5 version is just impossible without hair growing from your neck, dog.

We have similar tastes in games outside of that disagreement tho, no point in fighting.

Very invested people prefer the OGs for nostalgia and a few things being vaguely and unspecifically more whimsical and special in its own way that can no longer be captured somehow and that's shit just sounds so gatekeepey to me. It's whatever tho, I don't enjoy these amazing games less because the filter was the wrong color, but man I'm sorry to the people that do feel that way.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I just don't agree that the essence of the originals is lost, or that its just graphics that are improved, really. But it's all subjective. I think framerate, QoL upgrades, new mechanics, more content, etc., make them obvious upgrades. It's not worth arguing over, but I know I'm smart enough to not be blinded by Nostalgia. I loved the OG releases of a lot of these games and still play them, but to tell someone with a straight face the PS2 version of a game is better than the PS5 version is just impossible without hair growing from your neck, dog.

We have similar tastes in games outside of that disagreement tho, no point in fighting.

Very invested people prefer the OGs for nostalgia and a few things being vaguely and unspecifically more whimsical and special in its own way that can no longer be captured somehow and that's shit just sounds so gatekeepey to me. It's whatever tho, I don't enjoy these amazing games less because the filter was the wrong color, but man I'm sorry to the people that do feel that way.
Fair points, and to be clear I don’t see this as fighting or intend/detect any animosity, just a disagreement.

I think everything you’ve said here is mostly agreeable as a general statement, my only issues are it being nostalgia, or that remakes are mechanically superior even in general.

I think RE4 2005 has better gameplay than remake and I don’t mind giving a full breakdown. I think it has many objective superiorities. And I mean objective haha. That’s not to say I think the ps2 RE4 05 is better than the PS4 version of it - that’s why games need to be preserved.

I also don’t think it’s just nostalgia. I’m 25. I certainly didn’t play halo or DMC in 2001. Or RE4, GOW, or DMC 3 in 2005. I played all of them except Halo as a grown man. They’re still awesome games and hold up perfectly fine if you’re lot just counting pixels.
It's whatever tho, I don't enjoy these amazing games less because the filter was the wrong color, but man I'm sorry to the people that do feel that way
This is so well put! Yeah there was maybe more artistry and freedom to take risks in this industry when we were kids. I feel like it made up for where music was when we were in high school (stuff like pop punk, nu metal, post-grunge) that’s a photocopy of a photocopy. But the games that came out in 1998 were easily beatles/isley bros/the clash quality of artistry


This is so well put! Yeah there was maybe more artistry and freedom to take risks in this industry when we were kids.
This is the bigest factor right now. Big companies that have the ability to mass market their products don't take risks. They'd rather remake/remaster something or follow a tried and true formula like Souls-like or whatever the hell you call a Ubisoft "open world" game.

Games used to be wildly different from each other in every aspect. Same with music.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This is the bigest factor right now. Big companies that have the ability to mass market their products don't take risks. They'd rather remake/remaster something or follow a tried and true formula like Souls-like or whatever the hell you call a Ubisoft "open world" game.

Games used to be wildly different from each other in every aspect. Same with music.
Yeah that's what I'm getting at. What games in the past 5 years will be legendary enough to be remade? Compare those games to how many in the 2000s are being remade in the 2020s / late 2010s. Are we more likely to get RE4 remake remake in 2040?

I guarantee RE1 will get another remake even when it's as close to a perfect survival-horror game as you can get, because most semi-casual gamers wont play something that's not a 3rd person over the shoulder game.


I've been playing video games for well over 40 years on a variety of platforms, so the challenge for me is narrowing down so many fantastic games to a list of 25. Ranking them would be even harder.

I'm simply going to list 25 games in alphabetical/release order, and then list a few honourable mentions who are just short of the list. I may also list the original or remaster, depending on which I feel is the better version.

The games I choose either were fantastic for their time, still hold up/are lots of fun to play today, or had a lasting impact on me.

  • BioShock
  • Diablo II: Resurrected
  • Diablo III: Eternal Collection
  • DOOM (1993)
  • DOOM Eternal
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
  • Half-Life
  • Halo 2 Anniversary
  • Halo: Infinite (Campaign)
  • Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
  • NHL 95
  • Starcraft: Brood War
  • StarCraft II
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Spider-Man and Venom Maximum Carnage
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Metroid
  • System Shock 2
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade Game)
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • XCOM: UFO Defence
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Honourable Mentions

  • Dead Space (2008)
  • DOOM 3
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
  • Gears of War
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Halo 4
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Okay, here's my list with the game cover art:


Another honourable mention goes to Gears 5.