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Top 25 Games of All Time


  • Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World (Sega Genesis)
  • ToeJam and Earl (Sega Genesis)
  • Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion (Sega Genesis)
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Echoes of the Past (Sega Genesis)
  • Global Operations (Windows PC game)
  • NBA Live ’96 (Sega Genesis)
  • Starflight (Sega Genesis game, such a gem)
  • Escape Velocity (Free Mac Play game, amazing space trade simulator)
  • KOTOR (Xbox)
  • Crash Team Racing (PS)
  • NFL 2K4 (Xbox)
  • MVP Baseball 2005 (Xbox)
  • Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
  • Sonic 2 (Sega Genesis)
  • Sonic 3 (Sega Genesis)
  • Comix Zone(Sega Genesis)
  • Fighters Megamix (Sega Saturn)
  • Halo (Xbox)
  • Oregon Trail
  • Number Munchers
  • WWF Attitude
  • True Crime Streets of LA
  • MLB The Show 2012
  • Injustice 2
These are probably the games I've played the most or have made the biggest impression on my growing up until now.


I've been playing video games for well over 40 years on a variety of platforms, so the challenge for me is narrowing down so many fantastic games to a list of 25. Ranking them would be even harder.

I'm simply going to list 25 games in alphabetical/release order, and then list a few honourable mentions who are just short of the list. I may also list the original or remaster, depending on which I feel is the better version.

The games I choose either were fantastic for their time, still hold up/are lots of fun to play today, or had a lasting impact on me.

  • BioShock
  • Diablo II: Resurrected
  • Diablo III: Eternal Collection
  • DOOM (1993)
  • DOOM Eternal
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
  • Half-Life
  • Halo 2 Anniversary
  • Halo: Infinite (Campaign)
  • Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
  • NHL 95
  • Starcraft: Brood War
  • StarCraft II
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Spider-Man and Venom Maximum Carnage
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Metroid
  • System Shock 2
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade Game)
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • XCOM: UFO Defence
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Honourable Mentions

  • Dead Space (2008)
  • DOOM 3
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
  • Gears of War
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Halo 4
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords


Goro is a Pokémon
  • Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World (Sega Genesis)
  • ToeJam and Earl (Sega Genesis)
  • Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion (Sega Genesis)
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Echoes of the Past (Sega Genesis)
  • Global Operations (Windows PC game)
  • NBA Live ’96 (Sega Genesis)
  • Starflight (Sega Genesis game, such a gem)
  • Escape Velocity (Free Mac Play game, amazing space trade simulator)
  • KOTOR (Xbox)
  • Crash Team Racing (PS)
  • NFL 2K4 (Xbox)
  • MVP Baseball 2005 (Xbox)
  • Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
  • Sonic 2 (Sega Genesis)
  • Sonic 3 (Sega Genesis)
  • Comix Zone(Sega Genesis)
  • Fighters Megamix (Sega Saturn)
  • Halo (Xbox)
  • Oregon Trail
  • Number Munchers
  • WWF Attitude
  • True Crime Streets of LA
  • MLB The Show 2012
  • Injustice 2
These are probably the games I've played the most or have made the biggest impression on my growing up until now.
WWF Attitude was my first wrestling game! Very solid list. I've never heard of Might and Magic, might look into that.


Honorable mention: Die Hard Arcade. That game was fun (and also used VF moves).

I know it wasn't a great system, but I think Sega Saturn is my favorite gaming console ever. The game cases were awesome.


Off the dome,:
Crystalis (NES)
Legend of Zelda (NES)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)
Super Mario 64
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (N64)
Perfect Dark (N64)
Halo 1
Halo 2
Mortal Kombat Deception
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Game of the Year Edition
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Chromehounds (you had to be there. . .)
Call of Duty 2
Gears of War 1
R6 Vegas
Halo 3
CoD 4
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2 (early release PvP was Top Tier)
Injustice: Gods Among Us

There hasn't been a top tier game in almost a decade imo. . .


Goro is a Pokémon
I've been playing video games for well over 40 years on a variety of platforms, so the challenge for me is narrowing down so many fantastic games to a list of 25. Ranking them would be even harder.

I'm simply going to list 25 games in alphabetical/release order, and then list a few honourable mentions who are just short of the list. I may also list the original or remaster, depending on which I feel is the better version.

The games I choose either were fantastic for their time, still hold up/are lots of fun to play today, or had a lasting impact on me.

  • BioShock
  • Diablo II: Resurrected
  • Diablo III: Eternal Collection
  • DOOM (1993)
  • DOOM Eternal
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
  • Half-Life
  • Halo 2 Anniversary
  • Halo: Infinite (Campaign)
  • Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
  • NHL 95
  • Starcraft: Brood War
  • StarCraft II
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Spider-Man and Venom Maximum Carnage
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Metroid
  • System Shock 2
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade Game)
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • XCOM: UFO Defence
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Honourable Mentions

  • Dead Space (2008)
  • DOOM 3
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
  • Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
  • Gears of War
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Halo 4
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
I agree with it being hard to narrow down. I can't believe I didn't put a skateboarding game on my list, but those 25 are easily my most played games of all time aside from maybe a newer pokemon, but that's just for competitive play. Those aren't favorites.

If I had put a skateboarding game on there, it would be Tony Hawks Underground 2, or Skate 3.


Goro is a Pokémon
Off the dome,:
Crystalis (NES)
Legend of Zelda (NES)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)
Super Mario 64
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (N64)
Perfect Dark (N64)
Halo 1
Halo 2
Mortal Kombat Deception
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Game of the Year Edition
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Chromehounds (you had to be there. . .)
Call of Duty 2
Gears of War 1
R6 Vegas
Halo 3
CoD 4
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2 (early release PvP was Top Tier)
Injustice: Gods Among Us

There hasn't been a top tier game in almost a decade imo. . .
If you count Remakes, there certainly have been several IMO. Horror Game remakes have been absolutely S+ Tier if you're into those. Final Fantasy 7 is great and I don't even like that series, truthfully. Demons Souls is beautiful.

Spider-Man, Elden Ring, Mario Odyssey, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Super Mario Wonder, SO many great Fighting Games, Returnal and Hades are pretty top tier for their genre, Hollow Knight and Metroid Dread for sidescrollers, RDR2 isn't a decade old yet. I mean, we aren't getting as many great NEW IPs, but its been an awesome few years foe gaming and I never feel like I have enough time to play everything I want to.

But I guess everything is subjective.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Based lists fellas

heres mine, semi ordered but not completely

  1. Halo: Combat Evolved
  2. Resident Evil 4 2005 + Remake
  3. The Witcher 3
  4. Red Dead Redemption 2
  5. Halo 3
  6. Batman Arkham City
  7. Devil May Cry 3
  8. Devil May Cry 5
  9. Sekrio
  10. God of War 2005
  11. Halo 2
  12. Halo Reach
  13. Batman Arkham Knight
  14. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  15. Ghost of Tsushima
  16. Dark Souls
  17. Elden Ring
  18. Uncharted 4
  19. The Last of Us 1
  20. COD Black Ops 2
  21. Injustice 2
  22. Battlefield 4
  23. Demons’ Souls PS3 version
  24. Uncharted 2
  25. Resident Evil Remake


If you count Remakes, there certainly have been several IMO. Horror Game remakes have been absolutely S+ Tier if you're into those. Final Fantasy 7 is great and I don't even like that series, truthfully. Demons Souls is beautiful.

Spider-Man, Elden Ring, Mario Odyssey, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Super Mario Wonder, SO many great Fighting Games, Returnal and Hades are pretty top tier for their genre, Hollow Knight and Metroid Dread for sidescrollers, RDR2 isn't a decade old yet. I mean, we aren't getting as many great NEW IPs, but its been an awesome few years foe gaming and I never feel like I have enough time to play everything I want to.

But I guess everything is subjective.
Spider man games on original Xbox and the 360 were better.

Elden Ring was great but hollow in comparison to Dark Souls 1 and it's sequels (to a lesser extent). Demon Souls is a classic but Dark Souls is basically better in every way (could've squeezed it onto the list though)

Mario Odyssey was solid. Played it a shitload, maybe the only Mario game I've 100%. I had fun and it killed a lot of time but it didn't blow me away. Didn't play Wonder.

Plenty of Fighting games could encroach my list but they don't have the lasting memories that MK9 or Injustice created for me.

Rogue-likes, I play co-op mostly so I never touched Hades. Don't know what Returnal is. Never played hollow knight or Metroid Dread.

Played an Old Yakuza game and it didn't grab me. Never felt like trying another.

Red Dead Redemption's ending was perfect, never felt like I needed to step into that world again. If I had space I'd add that, and Red Dead Revolver on the original Xbox. Forgot how awesome that game was, tons of multiplayer fun and an incredible single player for the time.

If I had time I'd be all over the Kingdom Come games. Played the first and loved it but just never had the free time to be truly absorbed by it so I stopped playing. Saving it and the sequel for some future time that I can appreciate them fully.
Writing about Kingdom Come sparked a memory of another game that is criminally forgotten. . .Kingdom Under Fire. I waited for a follow-up to that game (and it's prequel) for forever, only for it to be turned into a foreign MMO that died before I knew it even existed.

Honorable mentions to Diablo 2 and original Pokemon games.
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Goro is a Pokémon
Have you ever tried FF7, Shenmue, TLoU, SotC or Zelda games?
I'm not big on FF. The story is insufferable for me, honestly.

TLOU is just unfun for me, no matter how good the story is. It's got that signature Naughty Dog shallow gameplay.

SotC is massively repetitive for at least the first 15 hours, from when I tried it last.

I like Zelda, but it wouldn't make a top 25 for me. I played OoT and Majoras Mask as a kid, but I probably never beat them. I'm not actually that into open world games, so Breath of The Wild and Tears of the Kingdom don't really do much for me.

Shenmue I have not played.