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Top 10 games to commemorate the outgoing console generation


In no paricular order

1) Infamous series
2) Uncharted series
3) Dark Souls
4) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots
5) Mortal Kombat 9
6) Resident Evil 5
7) Flower
8) Super Mario Galaxy
9) Persona 4 Arena
10) Injustice



What's a Smarrgasm?
So does anyone want to get back into Halo 3? It'd be nice to play it again until MK10 comes out. I'll play anything, team doubles, team slayer, big team battle, team objective, snipers, grifball, custom games, w/e.

Impractical Joker
Enuma Elish
AK Smarrgasm
Im down to play 4v4 MLG customs if we get enough interest. Or anything really. I miss that game so much.


Hmmm. Ten games of this generation. It's soo hard to choose...

1. Pain. This for me was like the ultimate game. And cheap as all get out unless you bought all the extra content (which I did ;)) A great party game but also good for breaking things down or creatively solving objectives. This game alone made the $500 for the ps3 worth it.

2. MK9. What's there to say that hasn't already been said?

3. Metal Gear Solid 4. Epic storytelling yet again with amazing graphics and characters that seemed real. Not to mention that one easter egg where you could get one of the BBs to hump you to death. Literally...

4. Disgaea 3. Cute but adult humor and a very deep strategy make for a must play in my book. I have never played a game where I actually looked forward to running around and talking to the npcs.

5. Bayonetta. A highly overlooked title in my opinion due to the sexuality of the main character. A little limited on weapon choice but that could be mitigated by equipping different weapons to hands and feet. Combat never feels repetitive and the mobs get difficult but not frustratingly so. This is what Devil May Cry should have been.

6. Lollipop Chainsaw. I know I'm gonna get lynched for this but I think this is an amazingly well-built game. Not perfect by any means I agree, but even casual fan of action games should give this one a chance.

7. LittleBigPlanet series. A solid and challenging platformer with oodles of customizeable options. Not to mention the ability to create a whole level or game yourself within the game and the community that goes with it.

8. Lego Star Wars. I guess I have to give a nod to the Lego series even though This is the only one I have played. In spite of the fact I was looking at overly colourful blocks, I really felt like I was living the movies while playing this game. I can only assume that they took the same care and dedication with their other licenses.

9. Hot Shots Golf series. Cute and cartoony graphics hide a deceptively deep game. Just as challenging as the Tiger Woods series but a little more accessible for my tastes.

10. Final Fantasy XIV. Square/Enix is doing amazing things with the game right now and there is only more to come. Definitely the MMO to keep an eye on if you aren't already playing it.

Honourable Mention:

Sports Champions. The Move just didn't take off for whatever reason but I liked these sports games. They are fun and challenging (and sometimes frustrating) But still chock full of good times and exercises :D

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I think there are still a bunch of people that play, at least more than MK9 and Injustice's online population. Even if the online is dead, we could still do custom games. We would just need 8 people to do 4 vs 4, and any more we could do infection.
Ye I guess custom game are always fun. But if we're doing that why not do it on 4 where Forge and Cutom Games give you more options.


Ye I guess custom game are always fun. But if we're doing that why not do it on 4 where Forge and Cutom Games give you more options.
I don't think many people liked halo 4 though (myself included). I'd still play it, but I think people are more interested in 3.

I'm thinking about making a new thread unless someone else wants to do it. I won't be able to play until next month though. :(
So does anyone want to get back into Halo 3? It'd be nice to play it again until MK10 comes out. I'll play anything, team doubles, team slayer, big team battle, team objective, snipers, grifball, custom games, w/e.

Impractical Joker
Enuma Elish
AK Smarrgasm
I switched from Xbox to ps3 because of the red light of death a long time ago :(


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
1. Ninja Gaiden 2
2. Ninja Gaiden 1
3. Dead Space
4. Gears of War
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
my fav 10 games of the ps3 era,no order

2.twisted metal
3.siren blood curse
5.hitman: absoultion
6.last of us
7.ea mma
8.army of two
9.call of duty 4
10.little big planet

"sega mega drive ultimate collection" gets special mention for putting all my fav sega games on one disc


I want Kronika to step on my face
My list is based not only on my time invested but the amount of enjoyment:

Halo 3 - Xbox 360
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Xbox 360
Super Meat Boy - XBLA
Braid - XBLA
'Splosion Man - XBLA
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Xbox 360
Castle Crashers - XBLA
Shadow Complex - XBLA
Limbo - XBLA
Uncharted 2 - PS3
Looks like you are into Indies, how come FEZ isn't on your list?!


In no particular order, and admittedly, this is more of a "my favorite 10 games" list:

Red Dead Redemption
The Uncharted Series
Batman Arkham games
GTA IV and GTA V (especially the latter)
The first couple of COD Modern Warfare games (before the series grew stale)
Half Life 2
Assassin's Creed II
FIFA series (I was a huge PES fanboy back in the PS2 days, but FIFA definitely trumped them in recent years)
Mortal Kombat 9 (the most I've spent time on a single video game)
Far Cry 3

There are still a few games sitting my shelf that I think would figure on the list once I get around to playing them such as the Mass Effect Trilogy, God of War 3, and Skyrim.
In no particular order, and admittedly, this is more of a "my favorite 10 games" list:

Red Dead Redemption
The Uncharted Series
Batman Arkham games
GTA IV and GTA V (especially the latter)
The first couple of COD Modern Warfare games (before the series grew stale)
Half Life 2
Assassin's Creed II
FIFA series (I was a huge PES fanboy back in the PS2 days, but FIFA definitely trumped them in recent years)
Mortal Kombat 9 (the most I've spent time on a single video game)
Far Cry 3

There are still a few games sitting my shelf that I think would figure on the list once I get around to playing them such as the Mass Effect Trilogy, God of War 3, and Skyrim.
I played pes competitvely back in the ps2 days. Now pes is kinda wack, but I dont want to switch over to fifa, it feels so weird.


Smash Brothers Melee
Unreal Tournament 3
Soul Calibur 4
Halo 3
Dark Souls
Katamari Forver
Mario Kart Wii


1 2 3 drink
Halo 1 (top from europe :p)
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Killer Instinct
Streetfighter 2 turbo
Tekken series

Also KI3 will soon take a spot in this list


I played pes competitvely back in the ps2 days. Now pes is kinda wack, but I dont want to switch over to fifa, it feels so weird.
It's going to feel a bit alien at first, especially since FIFA is increasing the difficulty of its mechanics by the year, but you'll get used to it. It is the superior game at the moment, and the licencing thing is huge.


Worst. Player. Ever.
my fav 10 games of the ps3 era,no order

2.twisted metal
3.siren blood curse
5.hitman: absoultion
6.last of us
7.ea mma
8.army of two
9.call of duty 4
10.little big planet

"sega mega drive ultimate collection" gets special mention for putting all my fav sega games on one disc
I had overlooked Army of Two--although I enjoyed 40th Day way more than the original.


I thought heavenly sword was quite fun. Reminded me of God of War a bit. There was another game too, but I'm not sure if it was for xbox360 and ps3, might have been exclusive to xbox - Crackdown. Loved it.