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TommyTweedy is now a free agent


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Tweedy didn't have legit reasons to be mad. No one is entitled to an invite. They are free to invite whoever they want to the event.
Nonsense, it was an invitational tournament for something he competes in and he's certainly performed well enough to earn a spot for something like that. I'm not saying he should kick up a bunch of dirt and call people names about it but he as every reason to be unhappy about not being invited. As a fan of competitive NRS I thought he probably should have made it.


Dojo Trainee
Nonsense, it was an invitational tournament for something he competes in and he's certainly performed well enough to earn a spot for something like that. I'm not saying he should kick up a bunch of dirt and call people names about it but he as every reason to be unhappy about not being invited. As a fan of competitive NRS I thought he probably should have made it.
This isn't a world tour, there is no "earning" a spot. They invite people who they deem acceptable on their own merits weather that be popularity or anything


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
This isn't a world tour, there is no "earning" a spot. They invite people who they deem acceptable on their own merits.
Not sure why you felt the need to explain that. Tweedy feels he did enough to justify him being invited. If Sonicfox didn't get invited would he not be allowed to be mad despite being the most prolific NRS player? Is there not an expectation that a competitive invitational would have strong players?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I think people miss why Tweedy was upset at the leaked list. It wasn't solely his exclusion of a guaranteed invite. Rewind, Theo, Honeybee, etc. These are 3 extremely notable figures within NRS games that got no invite, according to the list. One of which is the EVO champ and the other two placed top 3 at EVO within the past 2 years and have quite the following. They weren't getting spots over people who are much less known and active (bless Tyrant, cuz he deserves recognition with his past NRS outings), or are generally barely associated with NRS anymore. The leaked list, for what it's worth, is much better than it could have been...it could have been better, though.

Unfortunately, Tweedy really took to his emotions on this one and did say some really off-base stuff. Who knows if that's specifically why he's been released...but if it is, I hope he learns from this situation.


Here's to hoping.
Okay so ChrisG is out now? Okaaay... Does anyone know the reason for real? Is it because of the Tweedy situation? Did he breach his NDA with some comments? Or because of something else, like the controversy about racist comments?
I think people miss why Tweedy was upset at the leaked list. It wasn't solely his exclusion of a guaranteed invite. Rewind, Theo, Honeybee, etc. These are 3 extremely notable figures within NRS games that got no invite, according to the list. One of which is the EVO champ and the other two placed top 3 at EVO within the past 2 years and have quite the following. They weren't getting spots over people who are much less known and active (bless Tyrant, cuz he deserves recognition with his past NRS outings), or are generally barely associated with NRS anymore. The leaked list, for what it's worth, is much better than it could have been...it could have been better, though.

Unfortunately, Tweedy really took to his emotions on this one and did say some really off-base stuff. Who knows if that's specifically why he's been released...but if it is, I hope he learns from this situation.
Tyrant is an animal. He and Theo gave me my worst beatings in injustice 1 free. I think he is a good choice.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I think people miss why Tweedy was upset at the leaked list. It wasn't solely his exclusion of a guaranteed invite. Rewind, Theo, Honeybee, etc. These are 3 extremely notable figures within NRS games that got no invite, according to the list. One of which is the EVO champ and the other two placed top 3 at EVO within the past 2 years and have quite the following. They weren't getting spots over people who are much less known and active (bless Tyrant, cuz he deserves recognition with his past NRS outings), or are generally barely associated with NRS anymore. The leaked list, for what it's worth, is much better than it could have been...it could have been better, though.

Unfortunately, Tweedy really took to his emotions on this one and did say some really off-base stuff. Who knows if that's specifically why he's been released...but if it is, I hope he learns from this situation.
The thing is did it have to come to this?

Why does it matter if you might get voted in anyways?

Why is it so necessary to leak lists, info, rosters all that just to spoil everything a company is going to reveal to you anyways.

What's the rush?

And why can't people learn from this?

Both players and developers now in this case an outside production company is being cycled in this washing machine of unnecessary drama.

Seriously. The entitlement and the chance at lil Fame or some money really does askew the views of these players. They have to be held accountable for their actions and those that leak shot should be too.

I won't say this community but there are quite a few people who should not have an opportunity to join a summit, event or anything else. Just to set an example of what and how serious their actions and words can carry weight.

This whole thing is fucked up and we all should take the L on this one.

Such dumb shit over something that's not even officially announced yet with who is going or voted in.

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
I think people miss why Tweedy was upset at the leaked list. It wasn't solely his exclusion of a guaranteed invite. Rewind, Theo, Honeybee, etc.
He didn't actually care, that was his excuse and shield to rant for himself and prop himself up, he fixated on Chris G, whose NRS achievements far outstrip his own since MK9, MKX, and INJ 1, and went on his dumb little crusade and now ruined whatever career he could have in e-sports.

Ain't nobody should feel bad for him, and ain't nobody should feel he was justified. Summit is a marketing/PR event, he wasn't in the consideration for it and now he will never be in the consideration for anything ever again.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Okay so ChrisG is out now? Okaaay... Does anyone know the reason for real? Is it because of the Tweedy situation? Did he breach his NDA with some comments? Or because of something else, like the controversy about racist comments?
He wasn’t crystal clear about it. But from what he said, his past was brought up on twitter and the Summit people got wind of it, PLUS all the controversy happening around him (like with Tweedy). And it either was a mutual agreement between Chris and Summit peeps, OR his invite was revoked without him having a choice. Again, he wasn’t super specific on the details of that aspect. The way he was talking on his stream it seemed like it was a mutual decision they made together.


Here's to hoping.
@Juggs thanks! I had misunderstood that whole who breached NDA thing. I've also watched the entire video now.
What a shit show. Really unfortunate how all of this turned out. This is a situation with no winners, and the community as a whole is losing if THIS is what happens after a huge opportunity like the summit turns up.


This is the definition of entitlement, and a lot of times this isn't how life ends up working out in reality. All we can do is work hard and put our best foot forward, be humble and grateful for the opportunity and let the cards fall where they may. Even if you outwork everybody, your own expectations of what you "deserve" will destroy you one day, because you're never always going to get exactly what you think you should which means you'll eventually be disappointed in a big way.
You make a great point, which is why I said he should have gone about it in a better way. I feel like if he had said it better and came at it from a different angle he could have gotten his point across without sounding entitled. Instead of going off on people left and right, simply stating he doesn't understand their position and making a good case for why he feels he earned it would have been better.
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Stream addict
Sad to see this happening to Tweedy. He's a great player but still young, he will learn from this and continue to get better.


Eh, I think this will blow over pretty quickly.

I'd be surprised if anyone ever invited Tweedy to it though lol
Thing is

Literally nothing this stupid has ever happened with a Summit before. Shits never leaked or caused drama & I can see them not wanting to deal with it.