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Question Today marks the 2 year anniversary of MK9


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I can honestly say mk9 will go down as one of my favorite fighters regardless of the bugs and issues it had. I had loads of fun playing it the past two years and the game will always be special to me.


Grapple > Footsies
Best game of all time. Sure Injustice is here and we're all ready for a new game to crack open. But MK9 will ALWAYS be known for bringing this community together. And no matter how big MK or NRS games get, we will all think back and remember "man I wish it was like the MK9 scene" cuz we were just small enough to know everyone and big enough to generate crazy hype. Everytime I play MK9 I am transported back to being 12 yrs old in an arcade. Its just that fun.
Best game of all time. Sure Injustice is here and we're all ready for a new game to crack open. But MK9 will ALWAYS be known for bringing this community together. And no matter how big MK or NRS games get, we will all think back and remember "man I wish it was like the MK9 scene" cuz we were just small enough to know everyone and big enough to generate crazy hype. Everytime I play MK9 I am transported back to being 12 yrs old in an arcade. Its just that fun.
this is my favorite post ever. lol


Best game of all time. Sure Injustice is here and we're all ready for a new game to crack open. But MK9 will ALWAYS be known for bringing this community together. And no matter how big MK or NRS games get, we will all think back and remember "man I wish it was like the MK9 scene" cuz we were just small enough to know everyone and big enough to generate crazy hype. Everytime I play MK9 I am transported back to being 12 yrs old in an arcade. Its just that fun.
this is my favorite post ever. lol

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
This is a very special day for me. It is both my own and MK's b-day. When I got this game two years ago I had never even considered competing in tournaments, much less tournaments that were on the other side of the country. But once I discovered TYM, I was hooked. I have met some amazing people and have made some unforgettable memories. I will continue to compete in MK9 as long as it is in tournaments while also playing our new game, injustice. Thanks guys, and stay awesome.