Blind justice....
This is a forum and he can post whatever he likes within forum rules. That much is true. Moronic was a bad word for it so im first to apolagize for it.The problem here is that this is a forum and just because you don't agree with the man or what he's saying doesn't mean it's a moronic thread or he's stupid for saying it. And since when did having criticism of something mean you absolutely hated the thing you are talking about/playing/watching? Such attitudes is what curtails growth and this community needs less of that and more development.
I've seen people make threads literally 10x worst than what you think this one is and I haven't seen you insult them nor react to them in this way. How can we encourage everyone to sit down and express their opinions while in the same vein attack them for saying it, in an open forum nonetheless?
That being said coming to NRS forum to create a thread that watching NRS game is boring is well wierd to say the least. There are no facts supporting that statement. And whats the goal here? What did he expect to achieve by posting something like this on NRS forums? This makes no sense. He could've made a status post or a twitter post if he really felt he needed to share that with somebody.
Posting things like this for sure won't make the community better in any way.
Doesn't really matter he didn't know the MU, since it's so bad for Kotal and Hayatei is such a good player + Pillow made insane reads. Maybe instead of lecturing others show some respect to the player who deserve it......Furious Pillow only won the match because he (Hayatei) didn't know the match-up and how you could easily react to Kotal's stuff and even neutral block them. I wouldn't call it an "insane" match, kind of a bad match-up honestly and Big names get eliminated all the time this is nothing new.