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Things you think that you only do.

Refer to Enhanced Specials by their name, instead of EX SpecialName. Nomad Charge, Deep Sleep, Spirit Vengeance, Frozen Parry, Soul Capture, Double Low Ball, Bang Bang.


Filthy Casual
As I'm walking through the hallways at school I just look at people and judge them. "Look at the dumbass cunt walking like he has a dick in his ass," "Look at this bitch, not even looking where she's going, I'm going to bump into her on purpose." Are common thoughts.
You're the only person to call a guy a cunt...

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
When I'm on transport I look out of the window and imagine a little character platforming over obstacles.
On loading screens with rotating icons I try to rotate the analogue sticks on my controller in sync with it.
I have arguements with myself in my head.


Squat while peeing. :oops:

Never step on cracks unless there're a bunch of them.

Make beats on my laptop keyboard.

Sleep with my gutiar on my bed.

Listen to all genres of music.

Play only one shooter and fighter (Halo, MK9).

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
When I'm on transport I look out of the window and imagine a little character platforming over obstacles.
On loading screens with rotating icons I try to rotate the analogue sticks on my controller in sync with it.
I have arguements with myself in my head.
Holy Shit!

I used to do the first one all the time!

Second too but not as much.

Third one, I have debates, not arguments per say...