So how does it work? You do party crasher than neutral jump or is it reliant on some sort of set-up?So I figured out how it is. Thankfully it's the jump and not the facedive. Compiling a list of wakeups that get beat by it now.
I'll try this on as many stages I can and post my results.When you land a facedive and expect your opponent to wake-up, you can go for a neutral Jump 3 into full combo to stuff their wakeup. From there, you get 113 into whatever you please. The Jump 3 is, like the facedives after a facedive knock down, a cross-up. The neutral jump is what makes them flip to the other side.
List of notable reversals that get stuffed (someone test if this is on all stages or not, because I tested only on Wayne Manor left side corner)
Superman: Rising Grab and Low Scoop
Cyborg: Power Fist
Green Lantern: Lantern's Might
Killer Frost: Black Ice
Black Adam: Lightning Cage and Lightning Storm
Raven: Soul Crush
Zod: Zod Charge and Phantom Strike
Lex: Corp Charge
For Cyborg's Power Fist and Superman's Rising Grab, you have to do your Jump 3 earlier. For Killer Frost's Slide, you have to delay your Jump 3 so you can full combo punish her with 113. If you do it with the normal timing, she lands on the ground before you can hit her.
I've only tested those wakeups because they are The wakeups that everyone uses. I've assumed Deathstroke's Sword Flip and Sword Spin/Nightwing's Staff Spin beat this out cleanly due to their massive hitboxes, but everything else gets cleanly beaten out with your jump 3.
Well they probably didn't know they could roll, until you posted it just know but ok LOL
But doesn't the combo you posted take them out of the corner or actually no huh cause of the low space hook.... Why'd I just post thisthat's assuming people that don't play Lobo go to his section for anti-Lobo findings![]()
Does my guide not assist you?Damn it guys, when will you teach me the ways?
It's like I know how to use him, but I don't know how to win with him.
But doesn't the combo you posted take them out of the corner or actually no huh cause of the low space hook.... Why'd I just post this![]()
A little bit, I figured most of that stuff out online and in practice mode though.Does my guide not assist you?
Well I played a pretty good Killer Frost earlier and his patience & oki shenanigans mean nothing with her safe slide on wake-up and you can only MB B3 so many times LMAO in hindsight I should have baited the slide and neutral J2'd but eh....A little bit, I figured most of that stuff out online and in practice mode though.
I cant tell if it's because he has such shit match-ups with certain characters or if my Lobo game isn't tight enough yet.
I'll keep at it.
Cuz if winning was the only thing that mattered, we play someone else. We want to win with Lobo. The more we play him, the more you realize those hopeless match ups aren't as hopeless as we originally thought.I cant see how you guys only/primarily use Lobo at this point, I only use him when the match-up isn't hopeless or potentially hopeless.