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The TYM "Injustice 2 Combo Standard"

Should TYM regulate the positing of combos in Injustice 2?

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The combo threads are an absolute mess. People just start them to feel important or something and then they don't do a fucking thing with them. Of course, there are a few exceptions, but most of them are a mess with nothing on the main post updated. Sometimes I'll be bored on a Sunday or something and decide to try out a new character. Good luck finding a decent list of combos. It's even worse when the notations are wrong and never changed. I can only imagine how much worse this will be when the gear is introduced.

Maybe the solution is having two separate threads? One for base kits and another for gear based stuff?

For god's sakes, though....if you're starting a combo thread, realize it's your responsibility to keep it updated and accurate.
This is actually one of my biggest pet-peeves on TYM.


The future of law enforcement.
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Here's my Combo Standardization proposal (using Pumped Up Jax as my example character).

Thread starts with a description of enders. I.e:

Overhead Punch: Soft Knockdown; 40~ Hit Advantage; Knocks Full-Screen; Sets up Ground Pound OtG
Gotcha: Leaves opponent standing with you at +3; best corner ender

The combos are then broken down into:
  • Midscreen
    • meterless
      • 1
        • 123~ender
        • 11~ender
        • etc
      • b2
        • b2~ender
      • etc
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
  • Corner
    • meterless
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
  • Situational (require Interactable, only works on Females, etc)
    • meterless
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
Injustice 2 already has varying damage based on your offense and the opponent's defense, so no real point in posting damage numbers, anyway. You could just include something in the [Ender] description, like "most damaging option; most hit advantage with hard knockdown" etc. You could also include such notes on a per-combo basis, like "123~ender [highest damage; whiffs against Kitana]".

If someone wanted even more info than that, they could take the combo to the lab and figure it out for themselves.
Here's my Combo Standardization proposal (using Pumped Up Jax as my example character).

Thread starts with a description of enders. I.e:

Overhead Punch: Soft Knockdown; 40~ Hit Advantage; Knocks Full-Screen; Sets up Ground Pound OtG
Gotcha: Leaves opponent standing with you at +3; best corner ender

The combos are then broken down into:
  • Midscreen
    • meterless
      • 1
        • 123~ender
        • 11~ender
        • etc
      • b2
        • b2~ender
      • etc
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
  • Corner
    • meterless
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
  • Situational (require Interactable, only works on Females, etc)
    • meterless
    • 1-bar
    • 2-bar
    • 3-bar
    • 4-bar
Injustice 2 already has varying damage based on your offense and the opponent's defense, so no real point in posting damage numbers, anyway. You could just include something in the [Ender] description, like "most damaging option; most hit advantage with hard knockdown" etc. You could also include such notes on a per-combo basis, like "123~ender [highest damage; whiffs against Kitana]".

If someone wanted even more info than that, they could take the combo to the lab and figure it out for themselves.
I think combo % should be presented. Just include the lowest percent and highest percent ex: 29%-35%


The future of law enforcement.
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I think combo % should be presented. Just include the lowest percent and highest percent ex: 29%-35%
That's a possible solution, though then you've got to test every single combo on two separate characters, which I suppose isn't a huge issue, just kind of a pain when you're trying to make you combos.


Blood & Rage
That's a possible solution, though then you've got to test every single combo on two separate characters, which I suppose isn't a huge issue, just kind of a pain when you're trying to make you combos.

I think the whole community is putting % on a pedestal. Everyone just needs to understand the new measurement as there are new variables involved Such as HP and defense. % is useless now as it's situational.


Blood & Rage
Think you need to be more specific. Do you mean gear as in more damage, cause that wouldn't change the combo or do you mean abilities?

If abilities then I understand, otherwise it will literally be a different damage output.
Gear is tied to abilities if you turn gear off you turn abilities off aswell

The real term we are all looking for is competitive mode and normal as the game references. Competitive is what online ranked will be and does not allow gear or abilities
I think the whole community is putting % on a pedestal. Everyone just needs to understand the new measurement as there are new variables involved Such as HP and defense. % is useless now as it's situational.
Please explain to me how the numbers presented in the game is a better way to present it. Not knocking that way. I just don't understand why its better. Keep in mind I'm not the greatest in math when explaining it.


bye felicia
I'm no mad lab scientist but if anyone can coach us toward a format standard it would not be too hard to set up a website or Google doc with standardized forms.
Eventhubs has their own terrible system for moves no reason we can't have one for combos.


Also we have the responsability if we post "nice find" or whatever in the typical "one-minute-of-fame-single-useless-combo-thread" that appears when a character is launched.
We should ONLY post in the oficial combo thread. We should let this threads die by itselves


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
As far as I learned, the gears are like the Mortal Kombat Kostumes. However, they have both stats and aesthetics. The stats are only for the scrubs. The NON-stats are for the competitive guys, so please, make a sub-forums for both.


Blood & Rage
Please explain to me how the numbers presented in the game is a better way to present it. Not knocking that way. I just don't understand why its better. Keep in mind I'm not the greatest in math when explaining it.
Basically each character has their different HP stats for example cheetah has 1200 and swampthing has 1000 along with that each character has a defense stat. Those numbers don't seem to be static it's relative to the character archetype.

So say you are GL and you do a 12 hit combo, if you are going by % it will hit cheetah for 40% low defense stat high HP character. Now do that same 12 hit combo to swampthing it would be 30% because he has high defense low hp.

When the game displays damage in practice mode it no longer uses percentage because percentage based damage would only be useful if hp and defense was static or constant. But because of character archetypes and or gear on or off there are too many variables so instead of seeing this combo does 40% you will see this combo does 400Hp
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What is the problem with notating combo damage by the actual number? I.E. 456 damage instead of 43%-47%? I know that base stats are in existence but has it ever been verified that the defense stat is going to be different along with health? Meaning the percentage will certainly be different based on the character starting health but the AMOUNT of damage would be constant if this bizarre "defense" stat doesn't affect competitive. I'm not even sure what purpose the defense stat would serve in competitive since it basically just acts as additional HP.

Also I agree with character specific mods. They could check in weekly to combo forums or whatever, leave a notation in the OP that they updated it that week and if they fall behind without notating checking in they could be replaced.

Edit: Has it been clarified if the damage shown in practice mode is the damage "dealt" or damage "recieved"? Meaning if it's dealt it would be pre whatever damage mitigation happens due to the defense stat?
Basically each character has their different HP stats for example cheetah has 1200 and swampthing has 1000 along with that each character has a defense stat. Those numbers don't seem to be static it's relative to the character archetype.

So say you are GL and you do a 12 hit combo, if you are going by % it will hit cheetah for 40% low defense stat high HP character. Now do that same 12 hit combo to swampthing it would be 30% because he has high defense low hp.

When the game displays damage in practice mode it no longer uses percentage because percentage based damage would only be useful if hp and defense was static or constant. But because of character archetypes and or gear on or off there are too many variables so instead of seeing this combo does 40% you will see this combo does 400Hp
Won't that same combo read 300hp on swamp thing?
One more thing why do they have a defensive stat and a health stat. When ultimately they both determine how much damage you take. Why not just make it one stat. The only thing I can see this helpful for is clash.


Blood & Rage
I see what your saying. I

Won't that same combo read 300hp on swamp thing?

Yeah, it could. Until we get our hands on it I don't think we will know for sure how to do the measurement classification. For now though we can be sure it can't be by percentage and the reasons I listed are why. It could end up being classified as high, mid and low damage combos.

Time will tell but if we are going down the path of combo standardized notation this is a conversation that will need happen and soon. Better we get ahead of this and put into motion now rather than playing clean up after the game comes out. Hope the mods agree. It is a large undertaking.
Love this idea.

Another small thing- an end to including extra jump in attacks on BnB combos. This gets really annoying. J3 conversions ok, but in Injustice 1 people would track on j2 to BnB combos just to make them look like they did more damage.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Would making a separate thread all together be much more simpler? Like if the mods can include it as a competitive or vanilla option and the other as gear related. Then the OP would be able to choose and go into details however they choose?

Also @karaokelove template is a very good start.

There does need to be a better version of updating combo, frame and match up threads then the current standard.

Looking at walls of text is a pain also for Mobile users like myself who's on the road almost 24/7.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
What is the problem with notating combo damage by the actual number? I.E. 456 damage instead of 43%-47%?
I'm fairly certain that even without gear, each character has a different health pool, much like Street Fighter. So basically, what we should be doing is finding out who has the smallest health pool and the largest health pool, then perform the combo on both of them and post the range of damage. i.e. 397-428 damage or whatever it works out to.


Sometimes I'll be bored on a Sunday or something and decide to try out a new character. Good luck finding a decent list of combos. It's even worse when the notations are wrong and never changed..
Agreed, same here. This is a nice chunk of why I got into Kitana, when I visited their combo thread everything was color coded and easily accessible. Shoutout Kitana community.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Agreed, same here. This is a nice chunk of why I got into Kitana, when I visited their combo thread everything was color coded and easily accessible. Shoutout Kitana community.
Same here! Her combo thread is fantastic and should be a standard bearer for all combo threads. I started playing Mournful because of that thread.


The future of law enforcement.
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What is the problem with notating combo damage by the actual number? I.E. 456 damage instead of 43%-47%?
I can't remember where I saw it, but it seems that each character is going to have an Offense stat and a Defense stat to dictate how much damage they deal and take, and yes, that's in addition to HP. So theoretically a character with a high Defense could take longer to kill than a character with even higher Health, and vice versa. And a character with high Health and Defense would take the longest to kill. So a combo that does 500 flat damage on one character might only do 400 flat damage against a character with a higher defense.