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The "Superman Is Pure Evil" Thread.


Where is crossplay?
Yeah my bad guess it just because of Regime Superman really but I actually thought DC canon wise he was an anti-hero.
In canon, you can interpret it however you want but story mode, they explained that the good guys were forced to work w/superman and the back guys were captured, brain washed and worked for superman as well. BA and Sinestro did not need convincing since in the story (not dc comics) they feared superman.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Nobody was crazier than the ultimate warrior. Ultimate Warrior gorilla press slam would have made grundy look like a little bitch

Special Moves:
Shake The Ropes = 600% damage buff.
Flying Shoulder Tackle = MB does 80% damage and is +65 on block.
Gorilla Press Slam = instantaneous victory and 85,000 XP.

And they STILL wouldn't nerf him, because NO ONE can nerf the Ultimate Warrior.


'The Cage Mage'
Even before Injustice, I've never liked superman.
He's the biggest Mary Sue ever created. Making a character practically invincible is how to make a boring character because, y'know, where's the challenge/danger?
Oh no! Kryptonite! One challenge. One boring, predictable shit of a challenge.
I hate him because he has more costumes then the characters I play.

Fuck him.
This. Seriously, I've got regular Supes, Godfall Supes, Regime Supes, Lockdown Supes, and there's DLC for Blackest Night, Red Son, Man of Steel, and New 52 Supes. My biggest issue with this game is that it's too centered around Superman and Batman.

Tapatalking from my bed. Ya mutha says hi.