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The only tier list that matters! Girls tier list


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Yes, but it's usually more subtle. I've been pants-ed, stalked, e trash talked (like, not just as a gamer - downright malicious shit) dragged around like a poodle/trophy, spoken down to...

But I can shrug most of it off. And I know a lot of gamers are.... Shall we say... Socially awkward lol.
Those things that happened are unacceptable. Being awkward is not an excuse for treating anyone like a second class citizen based on any bias, in a gaming environment or any environment. Its your choice to shrug it off and not let it bother you, I honestly understand its a huge burden to deal with the gravity of confronting absolutely every situation. I do feel its the responsibility of everyone around, guy or girl, to put a stop to this sort of behavior. I think its peoples awkwardness that stops them from putting their foot down against people being sexist, homophobic, racist etc... bottom line is if you see someone treating someone wrong, you can help by being a voice that stands up for the minority.

I feel passionately about this because my wife is also a gamer but hates playingv online because of the dumb ignorant stuff that happens and because you cant do anything about it online... does she have to just acceptvit cause its online? Hell no, but the only other option besides a meaningless complaint is to just not put herself in that situation, way to go nerds your boys clubhouse is successful at kicking out yet another female. My wife likes mk but hates seeing the ignorant crap people send me when I play online. She also sees the garbage shit talk in the stream chat andc thats turned her off from offline. She does come with me to offline locaks in minnesota and everyone has been aweome so far... but we're both weary of going to other events because of the shit weve seen.

So basically I feel that we ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT feel like we just have to put up with it because its video games, or because its the internet or whatever. DONT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THEY ARE DIFFERENT just because you are in the majority and they are a minority.

With that said I dont see why this thread needs to be here. If this kind of thread is ok, then along the same lines we could create tier lists for all minorities, lets start with the gays, latino, etc. If it were created and handled with more tact then maybe, but this one isnt excersising much tact.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
DONT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THEY ARE DIFFERENT just because you are in the majority and they are a minority.
i agree. only people who main kabal or kenshi deserve to be treated like they're different.

on a serious note though this thread is stupid and should be added to the list of closed list threads.


Cold day in hell...
Aris... lol that guy. I was brand new to the fighting game community at the time and I didn't really understand how much the internet mentality really seems to be a part of the climate. All I could think of was what I would think of anyone acting like that in any other situation. I just saw it the same way I would see that fat obnoxious moron at a bar who is talking to a girl like an object... I just assumed he was upset that when he looks down he can no longer see his dick without a considerable lean forward (yeah, fat comment, I went there, he earned it. Don't objectify people for their appearance if you're unwilling to have your own considered) and was using his aggresive attitude toward women to try to compensate. That or he hungers for approval from stream monsters so much (because lbsh any of us who watch streams see the things they say if they actually happen to glimpse a girl) that he was willing to belittle another player at an even Capcom had paid him to have the chance to participate in. I actually remember the first time I saw Goldfish play on stream (it was whichever tournament Brady used Raiden at for the first time) almost nobody was talking about the match. All I could think was if I had to put up with that I wouldn't be in the community. Our female players must have thick skin to put up with fgc garbage.


work hard, play harder Ò_Ó
here are some i played online or saw play on youtube.

D-Girl21 ( probably one of the best kitanas ive played online )

evil-miss-mara ( decent mileena & fun to chat with on mic)

Bossette ( hands down best kit from mkdc and popular on utube )

miZ cali something? ( kind of a rage quitter & semi racist towards mexicans, but very good sonya at times)