While playing in Survivor King of The Hill, these were opponents I had to face during a winning streak: A Kung Jin (Bojutsu) player who didn't know what he know what he was doing, a Jacqui (Full Auto) player who tried to do nothing but her machine gun shots to me, and then rage quitted right before I could finish the final combo. A Scorpion (Inferno) player who tried to do nothing but teleports and maybe an actual punch every now and then, and another Kung Jin (Bojutsu) player who didn't know what he was doing, and when I beat him, started to get salty and was giving me 0 respect in the next match(es).
All of this during a single streak online. And it all happened back to back. I know some players aren't as good at the game, but why try to do these things instead of getting better? Everyone thinks Kung Jin is so easy to get wins with, so they play him. Scorpion is like every other player's go-to character (because he's "easy"). Full Auto Jacqui's who try to do nothing but the same move over and over again, and rage quit right before they lose are just the worst...
Just in case you are wondering, no, I didn't lose to any of those players. And I normally don't lose to other players that do the same thing as well. So what's the issue? Why am I annoyed? It's annoying to see these players waste their time trying to do these go-to scrubby "tactics" just for an easy win, instead of actually learning how to play the game. Learn how to do good combos, set-ups, mix-ups, figure out how to adapt to situations, etc. I'm no professional at this game and I know if a lot of big competitive players would see how I play, they would point out a lot of flaws. Again, I'm no pro. But I think it's safe for me to say that obtaining a basic understanding of how Mortal Kombat X works is pretty easy. I do (honestly) believe that when people say that understanding a game like MKX is hard, they are over exaggerating. And yes, I'm talking about the basics, nothing tournament level. Just enough to know how to pull off the stuff I listed above earlier. Just enough for you to be pretty good online. This stuff is not hard to learn, it just takes a little research, time, and practice.
To explain why I'm so annoyed, basically, when I get online I see wasted potential. I don't think everyone CAN or HAS to be good at this game, but I also don't think that these people should waste their time with the things I talked about and explained in this thread.