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The Official MKXL Complain/Rant Thread


I'm not even salty. It's just some-what annoying. Nothing more, nothing less. I just kinda wish I could tell these players how to get better without them feeling insulted or ignoring me. I just think it would be cool that when I get online, instead of fighting a ton of people who don't know what they are doing, I could fight a ton of people who DO know what they are doing.

Anyway, about fighting people on TYM... I noticed on the PS4 there is a online lobby called "TYM", is that us?
Fighting people from TYM is nice and all but doesn't really help you move away from the "randoms". I say, if you play online, just get used to people spamming things over and over again. It's their way of enjoying the game and while it may go down as being annoying, to the player doing it it's their only way to play the game.


97% of the people who play this game play it casually. Meaning they don't know what the fuck wake ups are or punishes or full combos.

As stated above, either find good people to play with, or don't complain. This game will sell probably 5M+ copies. You think everyone is pro?
I never said anyone had to be a pro. I said in the thread that I don't think every can be good at the game. And I also don't think that people has to be good at the game. The only thing I was complaining about was the "tactics" that some of those players try to do. I never complained about anyone not being good enough. Just people who try to do that stuff. And even then, I wasn't really complaining. Just wishing that they wouldn't.

But I do know you are right. A lot of the people who play MK are casuals. I just wish I could fight a lot of people online who were better, that is all. But still, maybe I'm wishing for too much.


Positive Poster!
While playing in Survivor King of The Hill, these were opponents I had to face during a winning streak: A Kung Jin (Bojutsu) player who didn't know what he know what he was doing, a Jacqui (Full Auto) player who tried to do nothing but her machine gun shots to me, and then rage quitted right before I could finish the final combo. A Scorpion (Inferno) player who tried to do nothing but teleports and maybe an actual punch every now and then, and another Kung Jin (Bojutsu) player who didn't know what he was doing, and when I beat him, started to get salty and was giving me 0 respect in the next match(es).

All of this during a single streak online. And it all happened back to back. I know some players aren't as good at the game, but why try to do these things instead of getting better? Everyone thinks Kung Jin is so easy to get wins with, so they play him. Scorpion is like every other player's go-to character (because he's "easy"). Full Auto Jacqui's who try to do nothing but the same move over and over again, and rage quit right before they lose are just the worst...

Just in case you are wondering, no, I didn't lose to any of those players. And I normally don't lose to other players that do the same thing as well. So what's the issue? Why am I annoyed? It's annoying to see these players waste their time trying to do these go-to scrubby "tactics" just for an easy win, instead of actually learning how to play the game. Learn how to do good combos, set-ups, mix-ups, figure out how to adapt to situations, etc. I'm no professional at this game and I know if a lot of big competitive players would see how I play, they would point out a lot of flaws. Again, I'm no pro. But I think it's safe for me to say that obtaining a basic understanding of how Mortal Kombat X works is pretty easy. I do (honestly) believe that when people say that understanding a game like MKX is hard, they are over exaggerating. And yes, I'm talking about the basics, nothing tournament level. Just enough to know how to pull off the stuff I listed above earlier. Just enough for you to be pretty good online. This stuff is not hard to learn, it just takes a little research, time, and practice.

To explain why I'm so annoyed, basically, when I get online I see wasted potential. I don't think everyone CAN or HAS to be good at this game, but I also don't think that these people should waste their time with the things I talked about and explained in this thread.
If you have steam, add me. I'll be done with my university work in a couple weeks and then I'll be playing quite a few matches every day.


Divekick x 1000
Gamer6post: 1717029 said:
I never said anyone had to be a pro. I said in the thread that I don't think every can be good at the game. And I also don't think that people has to be good at the game. The only thing I was complaining about was the "tactics" that some of those players try to do. I never complained about anyone not being good enough. Just people who try to do that stuff. And even then, I wasn't really complaining. Just wishing that they wouldn't.

But I do know you are right. A lot of
it's best to just find some players on TYM to practice with. Hell add me I'll practice.

PSN: substructurex


Online is a pain in the ass, even Kenshi possessed can be annoying but Jacqui and Kung Jin aren't the real problem, its easy to fight against them if you know a lil bit more, did you played against some good Quan Chi's, Sonya's, Scorpions and Erron Blacks? To defend a mix up character is almost impossible online, i live in Brazil so we just have the most expensive and shittiest internet connexion of the world.


UPR DanableLector
I don't know about you, but I struggle with "casuals" online sometimes. They are so random. I played a cryomancer sub and had a tough time. Lag helps but my god.. This guy used slide, ex hammer, throw, and that god damned ridiculous uppercut. I lost several matches to this bullshit. I counted 12 uppercuts in one round TWICE! So just SL you know man. I totally feel your frustration.. But the other dudes have a point. Play with tym'ers more often and you'll have a better time. I'm DanableLector on PSN. Holler


Never forget The Great Ferra/Torr Scare!
.... i live in Brazil so we just have the most expensive and shittiest internet connexion of the world.
No You Don't! :coffee: and about online, my friend that has a the game on ps4, because of our shit for bricks internet from time to time the matches might be a little laggy and people just keep leaving the koth rooms because of that :(

I defense of our connection we used to play tekken tournament online and very rarely the matcher would be super laggy!


Here... I am a god!
I don't know about you, but I struggle with "casuals" online sometimes. They are so random.
This so goddamn much. It depends on the character but some people are so bad, yet so random that they actually get a round or sometimes even a match. So damn annoying.

But yeah, stop playing randoms and play TYM'ers. Add me for games as well if you want to, PSN: BobaGrimes


I feel a lot of players
I never said anyone had to be a pro. I said in the thread that I don't think every can be good at the game. And I also don't think that people has to be good at the game. The only thing I was complaining about was the "tactics" that some of those players try to do. I never complained about anyone not being good enough. Just people who try to do that stuff. And even then, I wasn't really complaining. Just wishing that they wouldn't.

But I do know you are right. A lot of the people who play MK are casuals. I just wish I could fight a lot of people online who were better, that is all. But still, maybe I'm wishing for too much.
I think you need to give it some time. Give it a few months and the quality of online players will be different. The casuals would have moved on and those who are still willing to play will be your average and above players. That's not to say there will be no scrubs left, but that's just the general layout of all multiplayer games.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Why should people have to bother trying to get better if they don't want? Not everyone wants to spend the time getting to tournament level - some just want to kick about and have fun. Play ranked matches or even better, play with friends. You cannot have expectations that random people should / would be good. It is unfair and unrealistic.


There it is...
I agree man, theres always private matches but its painful. I either get spammy jins scorpions or jaqui's

The only good players i go against sweat me with grandmaster as cassie its horrible.. Lol so its either win a match basically against somebody having a seizure on their remote or loose cause i have next to 0 options vs subby


Ninjas > Special Forces
Hey man, add me too: gito666. I share your frustrations.

I know people here say just play tym people, stop playing randoms, etc. But those people aren't always available...

But @Gamer68 I'm on for like 5 hours a night every night, so I'm always down ;)


"On your Knees!"
The only thing that pisses me off that, when I do combos online, I barley get the damage output, but why they just jump aound doing random shit they get more damage in just by jump kicks and straight spamming specials. smh.


Hey man, add me too: gito666. I share your frustrations.

I know people here say just play tym people, stop playing randoms, etc. But those people aren't always available...

But @Gamer68 I'm on for like 5 hours a night every night, so I'm always down ;)
Okay, cool. I will be sure to add you!


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
this is why i never play public, i stay concieled in my own liettle private world playing against people i know are good so i can improve


Again, I'm not saying anyone has to do anything, or that everyone can be great. I feel like some people reading/commenting on this don't quite understand my point. Seriously, all I'm saying is that I wish people wouldn't try to get free wins and that type of stuff. It isn't that I'm having issues with that (I'm not) and not salty either.


For the 1000th time, play with people from TYM and stop being salty about randoms being randoms.
not as easy as you think. I've posted around trying to get matches with no luck. noone cares about you unless they've heard your name. ive posted some good tech here and there so i have a tiny advantage but others most likely always get the cold shoulder.


Subby-Z is my Main Man, the Man that I Main
I try not to play online xD it sucks but I just spend time labbing characters :p I play xbox so I guess noone from TYM has one or plays on it cause i've been waiting a couple weeks for people to play with. no luck xD

not as easy as you think. I've posted around trying to get matches with no luck. noone cares about you unless they've heard your name. ive posted some good tech here and there so i have a tiny advantage but others most likely always get the cold shoulder.
Yep, this, so much of this xD I've been here for close to 4 years, and even when I was severely active noone ever added me xD
I tend to play in rooms because getting into a match seems faster i want the option of run-backs.

It is frustrating to run into the random bs that people pull online, but i will still rematch the hell out of it until i can finally overcome.

The i just dont like people who win 1 match and leave. Or they win the first and i get the 2nd and they quit. I believe matches should really be best of 3. Learning is what its all about.


No respect for Kung Jin
Add me, along with anyone else in this thread that would like an at least 50% decent Cage/Jax, I'll take all the matchup experience I can get. PSN: Eppy69zSmallBoys