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The Official MK11 Player Tier List


Dojo Trainee
This is a thread I created in MKO and MKU 13 and 11 years ago (damn time goes by fast) thread still stickied in MKO.

So back in the day there was always the debate of which were the top and elite players in the community so this really helped, we did the same for all characters so to prove you were the best for specific character you needed to challenge and beat the number one on the list

Some of the rules we had when playing for tier spot, “of course if you guys are down we can adjust some rules”

1) No Death Traps, No Quitting, and No Semis! Make an effort to MSG your opponent!
2) Series will be played first to 7 or 10. The Player being challenged makes the decision.
3) You have 10 days to fight! If you cannot play you will be replaced by the person that challenged you.
4) Rematches- Once you challenge someone and you lose, you must wait exactly one week before you can re-challenge them.
5) You cannot challenge anyone higher than 7 spots above your rank.
6) If the Challenger wins, then the challenger takes over the loser's spot and the loser moves down one.
7) When playing for Official Overall you can not use KAK's, Moloch, Blaze, Onaga, Kintaro, or Goro.
8) To get on any of the lists all you have to do is Challenge someone.
9) Members Only!

MK11 isn’t here yet but let’s get the hype going



Dojo Trainee
I said this was done years ago and we all had un with it. If I posted here was just to leave it as I don’t really know I’m gonna be active and second of all I said those were the rules back then and we all could adjust them

Don’t worry I’m an old player who can stand the heat but I’m very sure you’ll go cry to mama when you get to know who I am and what I’ve done to the community


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
I said this was done years ago and we all had un with it. If I posted here was just to leave it as I don’t really know I’m gonna be active and second of all I said those were the rules back then and we all could adjust them

Don’t worry I’m an old player who can stand the heat but I’m very sure you’ll go cry to mama when you get to know who I am and what I’ve done to the community
Just giving you shit. Don't take it personal, scrub. :DOGE


Dojo Trainee
Lol calling everyone noobs wont help your cause gerchap :DOGE
I’m not here to prove a point or help my case, I just hate when people disrespect others and when they do it they are vulnerable for whatever the person being deisrespected wants to do or say. I just think I’m gonna take a staff position here so people can show some respect, obviously those talking don’t really know me lol


Dojo Trainee
I disrespected you how? If its about you thinking I called you out, I clarified that here https://testyourmight.com/threads/dear-noobs-to-tym.68022/#post-2425314

And who are you exactly ?Question mark?
4) MAKE TIER LIST WITH CAUTION! - Through personal experience being here this discussion goes left real quick UNLESS it is thought out, constructed with facts, and with a level headed mindset rather than bias. And PLEASE don't make any damn tier list for a game that hasn't even been out yet. That goes back to point #1
You know damn well you posted this because of the thread I opened

And who am I? I’m just a noob who joined TYM last week


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Holy s*** what a shame....

This is such an interesting, fun, hype, and cool idea to have once MK11 actually comes out and the thread has been derailed so hard.

I'm 100% down with remaking and rewording this thread once the game actually comes out and settles a bit.


Dojo Trainee
hey gerchap long time no see.. i remember this from back in the MKA days. fun times!!
Looooooong time bro.

I just rejoined the scene last week and got to be called a noob for opening this thread lol

How you been? planing on whooping ass with the girls in MK11? I know you will haha

Your Sindel was always a freaking B
Good to hear from you Dan

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
This thread has a pretty easy arc to discover where it got this way. Freaking out on people and then saying you'll ban them for perceived slights against you will generally bring in the vultures. I am a vulture so I would know.
Yeah I know.

They'll be lots of fresh meat to pick of the bones soon enough on here.

I plan to feast if the mood strike's me too. As old inpatient wolverines tend to do without giving any fucks.

But this thread didn't need it per se.

Y'all got puzzled by the title and not the body of the message as so often happens here.


PSN: Cansuela
Very bad thread title, but I love this.

I would love to see a living character loyalist tier list.

I think this could be hype and help the community come together.

Gerchap, welcome back, props for your past involvement and contribution. I don’t know how well your bragging and flexing is going to go over, but I like the pot stirring so I’m good with it.

JBeezY, you seem like a good guy, and I respect your passion for the community. However, it definitely seems like you started that other thread as a response to this. At the very least, I see why Gerchap would perceive that.

I don’t know man, you are actually very new to this scene yourself and it was barely yesterday it seems where you made an introductory post and had a very “awe shucks what a neat place this is” attitude and frankly came across as pretty annoying and attention seeking. I don’t say that as a diss really, because I actually liked your attitude and posts mostly, but basically the “jaded veteran clowning n00bs” persona doesn’t suit you at all.