I know. I wouldn't have a problem with male characters showing skin, if the female characters were too. But they're not.
I actually liked the MK9 outfits, especially in comparison to the ones in MK11. But with that said, I do understand why some people may not like them. It's really just something you'll either love or hate. In that game, they are showing more skin the male characters, sure, but remember that the target audience of MK is men, so they can get away with that double standard. The other way around , however, not so much.
While gameplay is the most important aspect, there are more to video games than just gameplay. And the lack of skin showing has been proven a controversial and touchy subject, which is naturally going to cause a lot of debate.
Feminists have contaminated the games with idiocies like the "objectification of female characters"
"Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as a mere object of sexual desire. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity."
This means treating a person as an object.
In advertising, modeling, beauty contests, etc; There is no such thing as "objectification" because a woman FREELY exercises her OPTION to work as a model, in an advertisement, in a beauty contest, to work with her image, etc. She is exercising a human right that is her FREEDOM or LIBERTY to work and do what she likes to do. From the first moment, she exercises something that is inherent in his quality as a human person that is her human rights, this is absolutely the opposite of being an "object".
In fact, those who are really objectifying women on this point are feminists, who want to censure and prohibit women from working as a model, in advertising, in a beauty contest, working with their image, etc. And prevent the free exercise of her OPTION AND LIBERTY. For example, by preventing women from working as advertising products or as we have already seen, removing the competition from Miss America swimsuits.
All this only because feminists want to impose their ideology and morals on others.
And in fact, you could not "objectify" for example Jade MK because Jade is not a human person, has no human rights, is a fictional character, literally is an object. In things like this, "gender studies" show their farce and sensationalism to drive their narrative.
In addition, what "gender studies" or feminists say: "objectification is that women in a bikini contest are valued for their body and sexual attractiveness over other attributes" does not make sense because it would be the same case in that an athlete in an athletics competition that is only valued for his speed.
In addition, too,
beauty is appreciated because the Hellenic principle is accepted that some people are born or become more beautiful than others. It is likely that feminists call this an "offense against equality". I believe that equality is an absolute moral imperative in politics or before the law, but that the arts (like videogames or design) will always be governed by the "elitism" of talent and the "tyranny" of appearance.
Feminists and their "gender studies" are just that, an IDEOLOGY masquerading as a science to give it false academic legitimacy. This farce is developed in the faculties of social sciences, which have been instrumentalized for this political activism. The faculties of social sciences are often not being serious in the "investigations" or "studies" that they claim to have,
but these studies are only aimed at continuing to promote a political narrative with little intellectual rigor. Famous is the
"Sokal affair", scandal that undressed the little intellectual rigor that the social science faculties can have in their "studies"
Another, more recent, is the one that brings to light all the corruption and political activism that the social science faculties are doing precisely in "gender studies" and "identity politics". This is like ROSETTA STONE that comes to explain all this gangrene in the social climate.
Journalists and other professionals study at the university and are indoctrinated by these same activist teachers with all of them "studies", after that it jumps to politicians and the mass media and ends up contaminating everything and thus this unpleasant situation has contaminated video games and in this precise moment to MK.
people who demonize or criminalizes sex appeal of women in videogames and who has absolutely no argument. Just repeat shame and guilt tactics And they intend to impose on all people (men and women) her totalitarian ideology by censoring all video games
These SJW are not even asking for a DLC that fits their ideology or morals without bothering others, they want all games to be completely adjusted according to their morale.
Do people like Anita Sarkeesian and all those feminist SJW activist journalists with their ideology of "gender studies" who infest the mass media want female characters with burqa or covered and toned down? Well. But here there are fans who do not care about the political correctness, nor the activist journalists SJW; and they only want OPTIONS of the classic sexy costumes like those of MK9.
The developers have to make a DLC Anita Sarkeesian, feminist SJW MODE for feministservice
The game must have OPTIONS and everyone happy.