Ok, I'm not one to really go on rants. I like to be peacemaker, but I did have a couple things on my mind. For now, I'll just vent about this... I believe there's a disconnect right now between NRS (maybe even specifically EB), as far as reveals and how fans should be patient, this or that. I'd like to think that I personally am a patient person. However the build up to this game, even with a shorter window, has clearly caused frustration among many fans on a few different levels, and I think it's valid. I understand Boon likes to be a troll on twitter, and this would've been fine 10 years ago. But in 2019, it's just not gonna fly. We are in the generation of social media, uber, amazon, the instant everything generation. Meanwhile NRS, considering that, wants to continue to reveal things at this super slow water drip pace from beginning to end, treat any bit of info with the highest degree of secrecy, and for me personally, it's just a big turn off honestly. That's part of where the disconnect is and it's a big part of where ppl become frustrated. Which leads to backlash, leading to speculation, leading to fans being outraged about their characters or roster. A domino effect that just isn't good for anyone. NRS wants to reveal things at a snail's pace in an age of instant everything. I hope going forward, they can realize this and perhaps take a little bit of a different approach.
Listen, I understand wanting to keep some things a surprise. I'm not saying they should reveal every single thing from the game a year before it launches. That's not what I'm saying. But it does honestly get a little annoying how they treat any info that comes out for the game as if it's some super secret government information that will ruin their business if they don't hold onto it and hold on and hold on until x or y date months later. It's almost as if they never actually have a plan in place, it's just simply holding out the info for as long as possible, because maybe in their minds it's going to "build hype". There's never any real plan. For example, they revealed the render for D'Vorah and then you never heard anything about her until over 2 months later. Even with the weekly kasts, it still felt like some things were planned, but then other things it was just reactionary to what was being talked about most recently.
I'm not really familiar with how things are done with most of the other fighting games or how the process has been for them leading up to new games, so maybe this is common, it's not exclusive just to NRS, and I'm just off base here. But even so, again, the reality is that society today, maybe more so in the US, in this generation today of instant everything, it just clashes right now with NRS' process leading up to a new game. I'm not saying I agree with it, or that I support the toxicity or out of control fans, but I do understand the frustration.