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The obvious flaws of the no round system

why the hell should any game have a mechanic where there is a buff given to a guy who's on the receiving end of a beating?
Not "any game". A game without rounds. It's not just a matter of hype and helping less skilled players. It's also about helping low-mid tier characters who greatly struggle in X matchups. 2-8 and 3-7 matchups could feel like 4-6 because of a simple comeback mechanic like Super/Ultra/Rage. It gives options to characters with no options.

If Injustice had rounds like MK or Supers/Ultras like in AE, then characters wouldn't need 50-60% combos and unreactable mixups / standing vortexes to be viable and make it to top 8.

How do you balance Injustice?

1. Nerf top 10, then nerf the next top 10.
2. Give low-mid tiers very high damaging combos, +frame launchers and some dumb vortexes to be able to compete. Basically, make everyone stupid.
3. Improve walkspeed, greatly improve traits that need to be improved and buff Supers to make them matter.
4. Adopt Capcom's stamina/health system where characters with more tools and mobility have lower stamina and characters with few options or low mobility have higher stamina.

To be honest I'm more for #3 and #4 than 1 and 2.

King Hippo said:
Clash/Wager system that lets you get a little bit of life, maybe 25, 33% back
In exchange of 4 meters. I don't consider trading 4 meters for 30% health a particularly good trade in the sense that meter is your comeback potential and is often more important than your health. If you trade 4 meters for 30% health, you live for a bit longer but you also have no options anymore. Having more health makes you win by time out but doesn't really help you comeback from behind.

Chris G isn't stupid, when he plays Green Arrow he keeps his meter for Super because he knows that's how he's going to seal the match. KDZ isn't stupid, he knows that sitting on full meter is better than using his Super because it makes his opponent respect him and scared all the time. And that helps him in every situation: it makes his zoning stronger, it makes his pressure stronger. But the thing is, only Green Arrow and Superman players have the feeling that keeping Super is more important than Clashing.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I think the round system as is is fine.

And honestly, comeback mechanics ruin the hype of a good comeback. The game pretty much gave it to you in a lot of situations.

While I don't wanna see this in MK10, the reason for that is MK should always be a different game from Injustice in my personal opinion.

I've played a lot of Vampire Saviors 2, which also uses this round system, and I honestly enjoyed the lack of wait between rounds and the idea that doing well is rewarded by not having both players start at a neutral state. If someone only has 30% health left, while the other has 150%, they were being dominated anyway and shouldn't be handed their comeback on a silver platter. All the hype comes from the "Only a true master"-type comebacks, and lets face it, those are the ones that are more fun and satisfying to make.

But also taking a look on your idea of wanting a sort of comeback mechanic in this game to fix bad match-ups. I don;t see it helping in the slightest.

Say a Character A has a 2-8 MU against Character B. Pretty unwinnable for the most part, correct? Now say it's the established situation of about 70% health for Character A to Character B's 130% remaining. Now, they use whatever comeback mechanic they have to get them down to at least 100% or less. Now, the thing you forget, is Character B still has this comeback factor and can use it to re-establish the lead they already had, in a MU that was already almost impossible for Character A.

Now, let's take this to a situation with rounds. Say Character A is now actually winning the first round pretty well, but then Character B makes a comeback which now resets the round. Now all of that hard work Character A had put into the first round is gone and they have a completely uphill battle to fight all over again just to take a single round to stand a chance in the match.

Wouldn't the character with the bad MU want to remain rewarded for the work they already did?

Just some food for though. I've played tons and tons of MK9, AE, VS2, UMvC3, and a bunch of other fighting games on top of Injustice. While I think they all have their pros and cons, I really like playing Injustice as it is and I'm fine with it being it's own fighting game and not what everyone else is doing.