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The Newest Mortal Kombat (9) Tier List

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Vs. Cage 5-5 Skarlet zones cage all day and uses f4, 3 to keep herself away from him. Cage has an incredibly hard time getting in on skarlet. If cage gets close, skarlet has to spend meter to get away. If she get trapped in the corner with no meter, she’s dead.

Vs. 5-5 Noob has a hard time in this matchup. For far screen noob has to be careful with shadows as skarlet can teleport them. Once skarlet is in, she is free to use her in close offense to build tons of meter. D4 into slide by itself builds a little less 25% of one bar while 1,1,2 into slide builds a little more that 35% of one bar. Once Skarlet has meter she becomes a nightmare for Noob, he can’t do anything without being blown up by EN red dash. Skarlet can just en red dash through shadows of any kind, combo, and then reset directly into EN knife traps which do a TON of chip and build the meter she lost back at the same time. The only reason I don’t put this in skarlets favor is because she can’t zone midscreen.

5-5 reptile Im not too sure about this one though. I just wannn put my .02 in( not that anyone cares) Skarlet can zone reptile midsceen and it prevets him from putting jello blobs on the screen. Reptile has better footsies than skarlet though and once he shuts down her midscreen zoning game, it means trouble for skarlet. Reptile can’t zone skarlet with jello, but he is better inclose. ED can blow up Red Dash pressure the skarlet player uses it dishonestly, and she has a hard time getting anything started if her midscreen zoning is shut down.

I have a theory about the cyrax MU but I won’t be posting it until I confirm this theory to be true or false. I think M2dave is correct about everything else. Really, I don’t think skarlet is so great. Like, jade she too meter reliant. She needs meter get opponents off her and she needs meter to pressure chars that outzone her. However, unlike jade, she actually has ways to build meter for a far, and in close.
Skarlet with meter= mid tier
Skarlet w/o meter= low tier

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Vs. Cage 5-5 Skarlet zones cage all day and uses f4, 3 to keep herself away from him. Cage has an incredibly hard time getting in on skarlet. If cage gets close, skarlet has to spend meter to get away. If she get trapped in the corner with no meter, she’s dead.
Skarlet Vs Cage is in her favour, he has no answer to a jump back down dagger when hes advancing (he cant just throw snot at her all day), if it hits him Skarlet is at advantage for a dash. She can zome him all day, escape any of his frametraps and frametrap him back (she has more advantage off of a blocked Ex Dagger than Cage has off of his ExForceballs), + her strings are safe and uninteruptable so he has to be careful when he throws a move out. Any character in the corner against Cage with no meter is dead.

Skarlet is definitely above mid tier, the fact that she gets a mixup every single time she touches you brings her out of the mid tier. The slide of the end of block strings cant be stopped so its no different to Sonyas MS mixups except Skarlets overhead gives her a combo, but as the cost of it being punishable.

Skarlet without meter is still threatening, get caught with an AA dagger into slide upslash and put back on your feet again into a mixup situation. She has a string that builds her shit loads of meter anyway. Her footsies are definitely not bad considering she can cover a range with a safe slide (-3 on block right?)
She has incredible corner damage herself

Any character that has:

- Safe strings
- Armour that interupts frametraps and can launch (Dash)
- Anti air moves (F4, Daggers, standing 1 etc.)
- High damage
- Mixups after block strings (including a safe low option)
- Mixups off of a projectile (Have skarlet players started doing this yet?)
- Good meter building (daggers/blockstrings)
- Good footsies
- Armoured overhead Xray
- Moves that give alot of frame advantage (some on hit some on block)
- The ability to deny the opponent a wakeup situation
- A teleport (even though its unsafe its still a teleport)
- Air control

Isnt a bottom tier character, compare all of them to what Jade and Sindel have. Skarlets only real enemy is execution.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
M2Dave played skarlet pre patch, however after the patch he dropped her immediately. She has tools, such as her iAF, En knifetraps, safe slide, and En Red Dash and many others. However, her unorthodox play stlye and awkward combos are a huge turnoff. Ill attempt to post a viable argument for some of the bad MU's I think are wrong.
good story, bro, I feel your pain, cause, despite I love Skarlet, I admit she cause not so much damage in BnB combos, and her best combos , are complex, hard to do sometimes, with a very short restricted window time to execute ..... to play her properly , in order to compete , for example, against a very skilled Kabal or Cyrax, a Skarlet player should do almost 0% mistakes, and execute ultra well every single move of her, so, she can be , sometimes, complicated to play with ....

hehe :D


Skarlet is definitely above mid tier, the fact that she gets a mixup every single time she touches you brings her out of the mid tier. The slide of the end of block strings cant be stopped so its no different to Sonyas MS mixups except Skarlets overhead gives her a combo, but as the cost of it being punishable.
Scarlet needs meter to do any type of an effective mixup. In my opinion, her mixup game was completely trashed when they nerfed the slide. The overhead is too slow and easy to read without meter. That and all of her mixups options have a high discrepancy in terms of reward.

She also needs meter for an effective wakeup option and good, safe pressure. That is what Scarlet has in common with Jade. She needs meter in order to do anything. I think that she isn't good, but at the same time she isn't F tier due to her effectiveness with meter. This chart needs to be reviewed once again.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I play against lot of skarlets and I don't think she is bottom and foxy does lay it out well

I have easier time by 50x against cage, reptile, sub, sektor, kenshi than I do skarlet.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Scarlet needs meter to do any type of an effective mixup. In my opinion, her mixup game was completely trashed when they nerfed the slide. The overhead is too slow and easy to read without meter. That and all of her mixups options have a high discrepancy in terms of reward.

She also needs meter for an effective wakeup option and good, safe pressure. That is what Scarlet has in common with Jade. She needs meter in order to do anything. I think that she isn't good, but at the same time she isn't F tier due to her effectiveness with meter. This chart needs to be reviewed once again.
The fact she can force an opponent to block low at the end of a string opens up so many options in the first place. You could slide into throw, blockstring, cross over, or slide and dagger instead which is all meterless etc etc.

How does she need meter to do any kind of effective mixup? Her offense is so similar to Sonya's who has arguably the best mix ups in the game.

The slide nerf was needed, she didnt need to get a combo off of a safe low advancing launcher. Thats like saying Sonyas low punches should relaunch.

Skarlet only really needs meter to escape frametraps, not pressure because she has good enough low pokes or start her own ones, but her mixup game isnt based around her ExDagger for the most part or her ExDash, so how does she need meter for any mix up game?


The fact she can force an opponent to block low at the end of a string opens up so many options in the first place. You could slide into throw, blockstring, cross over, or slide and dagger instead which is all meterless etc etc.
Slide put her at a slight disadvantage on block. Anything you do after that is a huge gamble where you can receive a full combo punish.

How does she need meter to do any kind of effective mixup? Her offense is so similar to Sonya's who has arguably the best mix ups in the game.

The slide nerf was needed, she didnt need to get a combo off of a safe low advancing launcher. Thats like saying Sonyas low punches should relaunch.

Because the overhead is super slow. Red dash makes little difference. The only option that makes a slight difference is ex overhead. All of her strings that carry mixups for example b1~the overhead roll or b1,1,~low sweep are 50/50 mixups but they carry very little reward because your opponent only eats a small amount of damage. You also knock him down, which gives him/her more defensive options than if you used the 1,1,2 reset. Now compare that to something like Liu Kang's overhead which does not knock the opponent down and gives a large advantage on hit and you see the differences in effectiveness. Scarlet's mixups are overrated in my opinion...unless you have meter.

Using daggers in her offense is just as gimmicky because she is at a disadvantage and the opponent can duck it. The dagger recovery made it worse. EX daggers are your only option if you trying to implement daggers into her offense.


EX smash solves all
Im not being a dick when i say this but thats a pretty poor reason.

NW has worlds of problems opening players up
Heavily effected by cross ups due to negative edge problems
also reflect doesnt even work correctly most the time on IAFs

Listen trust me, NW is c tier....he has issues

did you know liu kang gets a full 45% combo off an attempted shoulder?
Yeah I guess he is better theoretically than in reality, but he has glitches with his reflect ability.
Still, I think EX Lightning is great because if they turtle from fear of Shoulders, you can get full combo off of that. Also, if they try to dodge you lighting my moving around, you can get them with Shoulders.

I also did not know about the Liu Kang 45%, so that matchup is pretty bad. But still, I believe Nightwolf is underrated, still has tons of potential. They gotta fix reflect.


Slide put her at a slight disadvantage on block. Anything you do after that is a huge gamble where you can receive a full combo punish.

Because the overhead is super slow. Red dash makes little difference. The only option that makes a slight difference is ex overhead. All of her strings that carry mixups for example b1~the overhead roll or b1,1,~low sweep are 50/50 mixups but they carry very little reward because your opponent only eats a small amount of damage. You also knock him down, which gives him/her more defensive options than if you used the 1,1,2 reset. Now compare that to something like Liu Kang's overhead which does not knock the opponent down and gives a large advantage on hit and you see the differences in effectiveness. Scarlet's mixups are overrated in my opinion...unless you have meter.

Using daggers in her offense is just as gimmicky because she is at a disadvantage and the opponent can duck it. The dagger recovery made it worse. EX daggers are your only option if you trying to implement daggers into her offense.
Skarlets over head out of red dash comes out in 20 frames, making it one of the faster overheads in the game. All b1,1 mixups should be used very little, they are horrid on block. Slide is safe, so why gamble and go for an over head when you can slide and have it blocked for tons of meter build. Once you have meter, the enemy is forced to respect slide because if they don't, they get blown up by En red dash for full combo in to resets. Saying you can block something on reaction is so easy, people say all the time that you can block 50/50's on reaction. Its alot easier said than done, especially when the player knows how to used Red Dash mixups.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I said it once, I'll say it again: Skarlet is a strange, strange lady.
But she's always an interesting fight. every time. I can't think of a fight I've had with Skarlet that I wasn't on edge.
Her eccentricity is what makes her character. It's only a matter of time before somebody puts her on the pedestal.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Slide put her at a slight disadvantage on block. Anything you do after that is a huge gamble where you can receive a full combo punish.

Because the overhead is super slow. Red dash makes little difference. The only option that makes a slight difference is ex overhead. All of her strings that carry mixups for example b1~the overhead roll or b1,1,~low sweep are 50/50 mixups but they carry very little reward because your opponent only eats a small amount of damage. You also knock him down, which gives him/her more defensive options than if you used the 1,1,2 reset. Now compare that to something like Liu Kang's overhead which does not knock the opponent down and gives a large advantage on hit and you see the differences in effectiveness. Scarlet's mixups are overrated in my opinion...unless you have meter.

Using daggers in her offense is just as gimmicky because she is at a disadvantage and the opponent can duck it. The dagger recovery made it worse. EX daggers are your only option if you trying to implement daggers into her offense.
If the slide is blocked and you try to go for a move against a character with a move 9 frames or less then yeah ofcourse shes gonna get beat up, that only makes sense, the point is that you have a SAFE fast low special that cant be jumped out of or anything, which means the opponent MUST respect it or they'll just eat slides all day.

A mixup isnt just high or low (it could just be a change in the pattern of movement, it doesnt have to touch the opponent), the fact that the opponent has to respect the slide everytime they block a string is incredibly powerful.

You're not looking at it the same way it'd be played out in game. You wont be able to fuzzy guard her overhead easily since its one of the faster ones. Daggers can be cancelled into slides, and the slide in itself is a major mixup tool.


Zoning Master
Pig Of The Hut said:
I play against lot of skarlets and I don't think she is bottom and foxy does lay it out well.
No, he doesn't as usual. Anybody who thinks red dash xx slide / down slash is a legitimate mix up knows nothing about Skarlet. Don't get me started on Foxy's points like Skarlet's X-Ray. It's a poor man's version of Liu Kang's X-Ray, which is also an overhead, covers twice as much range, and leads to 45% juggles.

Also, EX red dash xx up slash is overrated vs frame traps. It's slow and unsafe. It can be easily baited too, particularly with character who have quick and safe pokes (i.e., Cage). In addition, up slash's hitbox is "too high", meaning if someone like Reptile is mashing d+4, the move can whiff. EX downslash is too slow and too unsafe. EX slide is very good but does no damage.

The best aspect of Skarlet is JP,1,1,2 xx EX dagger cancel, f+2,1,2,1+2 xx red dash xx slide, which is only interruptable by armor attacks as far as I know. Now, if she had her old dagger cancels, we could have a serious conversation about mid and top tier status. Skarlet's damage, meter building, zoning, etc. are nothing compared to what they used to be.


Skarlets over head out of red dash comes out in 20 frames, making it one of the faster overheads in the game. All b1,1 mixups should be used very little, they are horrid on block. Slide is safe, so why gamble and go for an over head when you can slide and have it blocked for tons of meter build. Once you have meter, the enemy is forced to respect slide because if they don't, they get blown up by En red dash for full combo in to resets.
20 frames is not fast and its even slower when you consider the startup on red dash. There are some strings where the opponent can still hit you before you dash. I have already said that Scarlet is very good when she has meter, but that situation will not come up every time.

Slide is safe but your pressure essentially ends right there. Anything else and you take a risk.

A mixup isnt just high or low (it could just be a change in the pattern of movement, it doesnt have to touch the opponent), the fact that the opponent has to respect the slide everytime they block a string is incredibly powerful.

You're not looking at it the same way it'd be played out in game. You wont be able to fuzzy guard her overhead easily since its one of the faster ones. Daggers can be cancelled into slides, and the slide in itself is a major mixup tool.
The opponent does not have respect the slide in every string. There are some strings that can be poked out as soon as you dash.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
20 frames is not fast and its even slower when you consider the startup on red dash. There are some strings where the opponent can still hit you before you dash. I have already said that Scarlet is very good when she has meter, but that situation will not come up every time.

Slide is safe but your pressure essentially ends right there. Anything else and you take a risk.

The opponent does not have respect the slide in every string. There are some strings that can be poked out as soon as you dash.
The start up of the red dash isnt gonna show u if the overhead or the slide is coming out.

They do have to respect the slide on her strings, its called hitconfirming. B11F4 you can be poked out of the slide on F4, thats why you make sure you slide if the B11 is blocked.

Am yet to be given an ACTUAL reason why Skarlet is in any way a bad character. The nerf made her work how shes supposed to work, this conversation is probably the same kinda conversation people would have about Cyrax if they actually removed his resets.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No, he doesn't as usual. Anybody who thinks red dash xx slide / down slash is a legitimate mix up knows nothing about Skarlet. Don't get me started on Foxy's points like Skarlet's X-Ray. It's a poor man's version of Liu Kang's X-Ray, which is also an overhead, covers twice as much range, and leads to 45% juggles.

Also, EX red dash xx up slash is overrated vs frame traps. It's slow and unsafe. It can be easily baited too, particularly with character who have quick and safe pokes (i.e., Cage). In addition, up slash's hitbox is "too high", meaning if someone like Reptile is mashing d+4, the move can whiff. EX downslash is too slow and too unsafe. EX slide is very good but does no damage.

The best aspect of Skarlet is JP,1,1,2 xx EX dagger cancel, f+2,1,2,1+2 xx red dash xx slide, which is only interruptable by armor attacks as far as I know. Now, if she had her old dagger cancels, we could have a serious conversation about mid and top tier status. Skarlet's damage, meter building, zoning, etc. are nothing compared to what they used to be.
Either way Skarlet is a Skank w Chlamydia (i googled to spelling of this at work, god i hope they dont check history)


Zoning Master
A F0xy Grampa said:
Am yet to be given an ACTUAL reason why Skarlet is in any way a bad character. The nerf made her work how shes supposed to work, this conversation is probably the same kinda conversation people would have about Cyrax if they actually removed his resets.
Cyrax would still be able to dish out 60% of damage with one bar without resets while Skarlet's zoning game has gone from top 3 to mediocre. Your comparison is therefore invalid.

Besides, I have already told you why Skarlet is a bad character numerous times. She is not better than mid tier at her very, very best. I was one of the first people to use Skarlet competitively before and after the patch. You are just theory fighting and spreading misinformation in this thread as you usually are.


The start up of the red dash isnt gonna show u if the overhead or the slide is coming out.

They do have to respect the slide on her strings, its called hitconfirming. B11F4 you can be poked out of the slide on F4, thats why you make sure you slide if the B11 is blocked.

Am yet to be given an ACTUAL reason why Skarlet is in any way a bad character. The nerf made her work how shes supposed to work, this conversation is probably the same kinda conversation people would have about Cyrax if they actually removed his resets.
Depends on what you mean by "bad"
If you mean f tier, then I have no answer
If mid tier then, meter dependency

I already said that Scarlet needs meter to create decent mixups, good pressure, and produce an effective wake up option. Meter dependent character like Scarlet struggles a lot when they don't have meter to burn. Having an advancing move is nothing special since she would be smart to do anything other than block after it.


Cock Master!!
Let's all not forget f tier doesn't mean your character is shit in this mk game. I use sindel I'm aware of her horrendous match ups and I agree with her low tier status. However she still competes well with every character on the roster ( mileena, raiden not so much).

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Cyrax would still be able to dish out 60% of damage with one bar without resets while Skarlet's zoning game has gone from top 3 to mediocre. Your comparison is therefore invalid.

Besides, I have already told you why Skarlet is a bad character numerous times. She is not better than mid tier at her very, very best. I was one of the first people to use Skarlet competitively before and after the patch. You are just theory fighting and spreading misinformation in this thread as you usually are.
Considering zoning was 1 point of many I said she was good at, you really havent made my point invalid.

I already said that Scarlet needs meter to create decent mixups, good pressure, and produce an effective wake up option. Meter dependent character like Scarlet struggles a lot when they don't have meter to burn. Having an advancing move is nothing special since she would be smart to do anything other than block after it.
You never said what she needed meter for, the Ex Overhead is hardly a worthy arguement considering she doesnt HAVE to combo you


"Strength isn't everything"
Skarlet is a fantastic character, with all the right tools and is somehow confidently rated by certain individuals in tier lists already, yet she is currently one of least explored in offline competition.

I also don't understand why Sonya is tiered so far away from Skarlet.

How about we start looking at the characters on individual merit and qualitys and put the useless fucking tier lists to rest, I am sick of them.


"Strength isn't everything"
I already said that Scarlet needs meter to create decent mixups, good pressure, and produce an effective wake up option. Meter dependent character like Scarlet struggles a lot when they don't have meter to burn. Having an advancing move is nothing special since she would be smart to do anything other than block after it.
I wouldn't agree that Skarlet needs meter for combos or mix ups. Sure she can Armour out of most problems (Like most characters) with her :en Dash, but without meter, the answer still is and always will be block and counter.


Zoning Master
A F0xy Grampa said:
Considering zoning was 1 point of many I said she was good at, you really havent made my point invalid.
Your point is invalid because the dagger is a severely slowed down projectile that does chip damage on hit.

By the way, is anyone else annoyed by the misinformation that European players are spreading in this thread? Someone has to ask. Has anything good come from Europe as far as Mortal Kombat is concerned? Europeans think Sonya's rings go under Kabal's iaGBs, Ermac's instant aerial teleport is as good as Mileena's telekick, Skarlet is a high mid tier character, etc. When is enough enough?


Go to hell.
TYM: AE. American Edition.
And... Now this thread is a stereotype war. Last time I checked, this was a video game forum. Calm down. Here, we're not European, American, African, or Eskimos. We're Mortal Kombat enthusiasts. Now please, shut the hell up.
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