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The Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project

Just waiting. We heard 3 weeks ago that there were discussions going on, and that we would be hearing from them soon...So, I'm holding out hope.
We spoke with DK recently. The word is that they really would like to do it, and have left word with WB that they'd like to - but have not heard back. There will be a global acquisition meeting next week where the book will be discussed and they'll try to get things finalized in terms of direction, but we need to get this thing out there more.

I was asking folks to tweet or email, or message big names in gaming communities to share it, sign it, etc. Even asking folks from NRS or emailing WB to see the petition and let them know it's needed.


Bout it
Might try contacting folks that seem incredibly interested in MK. Um... maybe Ketchup/Mustard, sp00ky, others that run streams?


Just spit-balling. Don't know those folks personally
We have tried...

We aren't members on SRK, but we wouldn't mind if someone else posted and shared the petition with folks of importance.

We reached out to DK again, and are waiting on a reply, hopefully.
Bumping this back up as we are within the 150 signature mark of 5,000. We reached out to DK again, hopefully we hear something by next week. We even called and left messages for folks at NRS, hoping they reach out to DK and bridge the gap.
Been a while - but we received word back from our connection at DK books. I will share it with you all. I know folks from NRS post and check here, so I hope you guys see this, too.


I met with Warner Bros in LA last week; the news is not good. Apparently the game maker for Mortal Kombat has vetoed publishing in the past, I think it's because they just don't have the bandwidth to handle the asset requests and approvals. My contact at WB says it was a very clear no, without any wriggle room at all. He said he'd ask once more for us but I am not hopeful.

I will keep you updated. Thanks for your continued interest.

So, what does this mean? Well, we sent everything we had to Ed Boon last week in physical format in a package. The package WAS delivered. We don't know if he checked the contents, though. It does mean that DK and WB have discussed the book, and both have interest in the product. It's Ed Boon shutting things down here.

Energy Crisis

new to posting, but I been a ghost for years
Been a while - but we received word back from our connection at DK books. I will share it with you all. I know folks from NRS post and check here, so I hope you guys see this, too.


I met with Warner Bros in LA last week; the news is not good. Apparently the game maker for Mortal Kombat has vetoed publishing in the past, I think it's because they just don't have the bandwidth to handle the asset requests and approvals. My contact at WB says it was a very clear no, without any wriggle room at all. He said he'd ask once more for us but I am not hopeful.

I will keep you updated. Thanks for your continued interest.

So, what does this mean? Well, we sent everything we had to Ed Boon last week in physical format in a package. The package WAS delivered. We don't know if he checked the contents, though. It does mean that DK and WB have discussed the book, and both have interest in the product. It's Ed Boon shutting things down here.
Judging by the reply you got I'm not sure it's Ed shutting things down. It says WB is the ones telling em no. If it was Ed it'd say NRS is giving a very strong no


Dojo Trainee
This is awesome. I hope you guys can get it made. Id love to have one.
I signed it :)
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We know folks from NRS check this out every now and then - We just wish we could have like a two minute conversation with them kind of explaining this project. I feel like this has been an incredibly trying year with a lot of phone calls, emails, digging around.


Elder God
Yup! I can definitely do that. We have actually recently spoken to Prima Games, who have some heavy interest in doing this; Also had discussions with WB - Little bit of Email tag. I think we need this to push closer to 6000 before anything big happens though! Anyway - here's the mock ups. More can be found at @encyclopediamk
Hello! Can you please link me to the source of the pages?

In addition, i would be glad to know more details about this.

We are doing a prototype book, covering MK1-MK2 characters and going to send it to NRS, WB, and all popular Youtubers.

Spoke with WB recently, and Prima as well. LOT of interest from them. WB is not planning on it right now, but they said that could change if there is high enough demand.

That being said, we need to get this thing some serious love!


Elder God

We are doing a prototype book, covering MK1-MK2 characters and going to send it to NRS, WB, and all popular Youtubers.

Spoke with WB recently, and Prima as well. LOT of interest from them. WB is not planning on it right now, but they said that could change if there is high enough demand.

That being said, we need to get this thing some serious love!
Why there is MKX theme, if there are only MK1-MK2 chars? I also noted Raiden from MKM listed as MK3? What kind of info would be there? Or those are just example pages.


Knife Fight
The project would be even more worth doing if the encyclopedia included a MKXL game guide in the back of the book.
More mock ups can be seen on twitter.com/encyclopediamk

We have Reptile, Rain, Raiden, Johnny Cage along with several MK Actors like Daniel Pesina, Carlos Pesina, Richard Divizio, John Vogel, and a Cover. Please check it out if you haven't already.