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The Injustice League Podcast Episode 5: Featuring MIT and DJT


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
The entire Joker forum will boycott our podcast if Theo continues this nonsense. We just lost 5 whole listeners :DOGE
Haha nah. It's cute to listen to people try to come up with Joker tech.
I also agree that f2 being an overhead is a perfectly reasonable buff that could have been given to him to provide some mixup potential.
But Joker's oki, while decent, is not as godlike as it's being portrayed. Best case scenario I get you to the corner or near a BGB and THEN, yes, I can kill you save a few matchups, but typical midscreen situations, the best I can do is make you do something and try to make the correct read. Pushblock setups being taken out of that little guessing game is a problem, but not insurmountable. Just makes some troublesome rushdown matchups a bit harder to overcome. We'll keep on keepin' on, as usual.:rolleyes:
The mid gun thing would be broken if they didn't make it a bit negative on block, since you can delay it and dash cancel it already. That is also something we have discussed in the past, but it could be one of those things that breaks him (NOT Aquaman becoming a 10-0 matchup in our favor; and seriously, suddenly FTD would become punishable if the height of the bullet changes? Sweet frame data understanding bro :p).
I like anything talking about Joker more comprehensively than "Joker sucks", so please continue.
You stay classy fellas. :joker:


Est In Harvey 1989
If Theo or PL ever won a major or regional with Joker I'd salute that. Show me what Joker mains aren't doing haha.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Haha nah. It's cute to listen to people try to come up with Joker tech.
I also agree that f2 being an overhead is a perfectly reasonable buff that could have been given to him to provide some mixup potential.
But Joker's oki, while decent, is not as godlike as it's being portrayed. Best case scenario I get you to the corner or near a BGB and THEN, yes, I can kill you save a few matchups, but typical midscreen situations, the best I can do is make you do something and try to make the correct read. Pushblock setups being taken out of that little guessing game is a problem, but not insurmountable. Just makes some troublesome rushdown matchups a bit harder to overcome. We'll keep on keepin' on, as usual.:rolleyes:
The mid gun thing would be broken if they didn't make it a bit negative on block, since you can delay it and dash cancel it already. That is also something we have discussed in the past, but it could be one of those things that breaks him (NOT Aquaman becoming a 10-0 matchup in our favor; and seriously, suddenly FTD would become punishable if the height of the bullet changes? Sweet frame data understanding bro :p).
I like anything talking about Joker more comprehensively than "Joker sucks", so please continue.
You stay classy fellas. :joker:
Thanks! I agree about the mid gun bit. I said at its current state, Joker would turn into Raven and Cyrax combined because you couldn't move. It would have to be reasonably minus for someone to be able to forward dash and get in. What are your thoughts on unblockable teeth?


Nightwing In Retirement
@AK Pig Of The Hut I know the NW player you're talking about and I think he's very good. I really like the way he plays, and I think he might pull some upsets for sure.

He's one of a handful of NW players I really think is strong