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The Infamous Input Bug Discussion

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I'm not really sure what the argument is here. I can sit down with anybody and show you input bug all day long. My controller, your controller, your mom's controller, it doesn't matter. I even made Digimon get it, and he front paged a rant about it not existing.


First of all the video is apparently down. That would help explain a lot.
Maybe you should have watched the video when the input bug was first being discussed, and first being proven.

Don't get me wrong, blaming the input bug for a loss is silly, because it doesn't give you back your win. But choosing to ignore it completely is not the answer.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Input bug happens on the 4th frame after down is registered, this includes after coming out of blockstun. Hardly user error.

As far as this:

Kinda tough when every move in the game has a different amount of blockstun.

No sense in being punished for hitting 1 on the 4th frame instead of the 3rd frame after letting go of block and coming out of blockstun.
Exactly. The blockstun in the game is very irritating to deal with when combined with the input bug.


The input bug is existent, but I believe this thread (while some are contesting the existence of it) is addressing members that use the input bug as an excuse for poor performance. Rather than actually owning up to their own mistakes that resulted in their defeat.

I am rather appreciative of Pig creating this thread. A trend I see over the boards is of members constantly reminding the community of the faults in the game. However, we all play the same game, and therefore see it for ourselves (whether we reaize or not) and all have to cope with the same issues.

I'm not at all trying to get under anyone's skin. It's just a symptom of the underlying problems related to this game.


"Thanks" button abuser.

Pig, I think you're a little late on the subject. The input bug DOES exist and it's replicable. It's annoying and may get you a standing 3 instead of a d3, which hurts your offense.. Webreg had a unlisted(not public, link-only-viewable) video of him performing the input bug every time through a loop script.

If there's people who have background info about the input bug then we might as well tag them to the post.
Somberness Check Tom Brady webreg
and possibly soonk

It's basically one of the reasons I quit the game. (we were a small community and these kind of bugs do not helped us grow).
Happens with my hitbox, happens with your kontroller, happens with any peripheral. It's not "ocasional" as I think most of us can agree that Mortal Kombat 9 is a poking-friendly game, and that it tends to stay this way for long.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Never knew this, but do you think it could be the 4 was acting faster than the input of a held "down" button?

I feel like when i do d4 i have to input them at same time or slightly offset of each other exactly the way you do Quan's u3 and mileena u4
The input bug is a real bug. It only happens on down + any button on a certain frame (Possibly 4th frame but I'm not sure). I know it's real, I thought it was maybe me when the game first came out but it happened to others also. I play a lot of fighters and don't have any problem doing crouching attacks.

BTW I've also done the shoe thing but with a string and a cell phone. I tied the string to hold down and put my phone on 4 with turbo. Sometimes when I hit dummy and stood it back up it would get a standing attack.

It's nothing more than an annoyance TBH. Hopefully it's not in the next game.


The Free Meter Police
Input bug happens on the 4th frame after down is registered, this includes after coming out of blockstun. Hardly user error.

As far as this:

Kinda tough when every move in the game has a different amount of blockstun.

No sense in being punished for hitting 1 on the 4th frame instead of the 3rd frame after letting go of block and coming out of blockstun.

but for reals... no matter what is said... input bug is still shitty as hell. It's just that since there IS a way around it, which requires you to know the block stun of every move in the game (ridiculous), then people should be doing it. SHOULD. Not that it's easy or anything.


I agree that blaming your losses solely on the input bug is poor sportsmanship, but to deny its existence is just being willfully ignorant and short sighted.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter if this happens once every match or once every thousand matches. If it's a bug that hurts the competitive aspect of a "tournament" level fighting game, than it shouldn't be there. The same goes for the Player 1 advantage bug. Who wants to play a supposedly competitive game where the outcome has even the slightest chance of being decided by anything other than player skill?

By saying there is nothing wrong with the game itself, you are basically saying that is okay for developers to have gaping flaws in their game, and that you will throw down your $60 next time and lap up anything they feed you, even it's straight up bullshit. Who gives a flying fuck if there's bugs? It's all good! Nothing's wrong with these games whateosever! Mmm, shit sandwhich tastes good, no?

How can Mortal Kombat be taken seriously along side other top level fighting games if this trend continues? What kind of precendent does this set for future games (MK or otherwise) to downplay or ignore such glaring issues?


I rather dealing with the input bug, than having negative edge and input shortcuts on this game, ive lost matches cause i want to do an uppercut to finish someone off and a qf move came out cause i pressed diagonal down, this easy inputs break this game at high level playing more than the input bug, i hate dealing with these kind of bs really,


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Pig Of The Hut

I think I've experienced it but I can't recall the last time I saw it happen to me.

It could be due to the hitbox - I rarely input more inputs than necessary or incorrect ones. Perhaps the game has issues handling multiple inputs in fast succession (read: button mashing or turbo mode on a button).

I think it exists...I just never see it anywhere near as often as some other people claim to.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk 2


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
As a Hitbox user who plays the game everyday for at least an hour (and sometimes online) I almost NEVER get it. I do get it when I use Sonya everymatch and thats, IMO, because of my bad execution. I am more likely to "button mash" when using her, and getting standing 1 and 4s when I meant crouching attacks happens quite often.

In conclusion, I agree with Piggo, most of the compalining is due to poor execution and NOT the actual input bug (which I dont think anyone denies that it exists)

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I rather dealing with the input bug, than having negative edge and input shortcuts on this game, ive lost matches cause i want to do an uppercut to finish someone off and a qf move came out cause i pressed diagonal down, this easy inputs break this game at high level playing more than the input bug, i hate dealing with these kind of bs really,
Exactly why I'm converting to pad for this game. Playing on a sanwa just makes all the easy inputs and shit happen more often imo. Uppercutting should not have to be so precise lol.


I agree that the input bug is using used as a scape goat by certain players but to say its on the players for bad "Execution" is stupid to me.I feel that people who say such things are just trying to cover up for the games holes.Building a strategy around not triggering the glitch is stupid....so i think some people have an legitimate argument here. But seeing how it cant be fixed people just need to hold their salt and move on. I myself just say "Shout out to NRS" whenever bullshit glitches happens

lol however how rare it is....nothing would suck more than to lose a very close match in a tournament and potential thousands of dollars to a bullshit glitch that's beyond your control.

Or it to happen anytime your fighting cyrax with full bar and you have no meter lol


I've personally mastered the input bug technique. I trick my opponent into thinking I will poke and then bam I use the input bug and hit them with a standing 1 instead.
You're right, the input bug doesn't matter much. it's why i dominated more than any player in this community since 2003.

The blockstun.... however.... every player complains about. including cdjr. so now you have the best player in the community for the last 10 years NOT EVEN TOP 20 anymore, because of the blockstun (mostly), and everything else i've gotten around over these last 10 years because YES:

1) The input bug existed in MKD etc, i got around it by buying new controllers.

2) P1 priority existed in MKD etc. (discovered by me back in 2004). By playing footsies since spacing helped determine the priority issue by 25%. it wasn't much, but when you know the game like i do, you know when to strike/you know where to stand.

I don't know what else to say, but i'm glad to see more people complaining about the blockstun, because i have since MKDC, and even told NRS it was the first thing i was going to be looking for before ever playing the game back in February when i tested, and low and behold, 100's of block trap jab infinites were found. All that was done was adjustments SO THAT YOU CAN MOVE, not attack. The blockstun in this game is why i will never take it serious.

There is no way around P1 priority in MK9, because it is based off MKDC, where p1 priority was 90% or above (as opposed to 75% in MKDA etc). It doesn't matter how well you know the game or how well you play footsies.

Input bug effects MK9 because 90% of matches are pokes. Pretty simple logic there.

Going back to MKDC at NEC made the blockstun feel twice as fast as compared to MK9, plus it was played on CRT, which is why i won that tourny. And i had to beat Detroit, Reo, Pig of the Hut and Tom Brady to do it (and others too). Not bad for not having played the game in years.


Dojo Trainee
I have an idea, does the input bug occur more often when the clock is even or when its odd? Because then we can get an idea from the clock when to consistently do some down pokes.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I don't know what else to say, but i'm glad to see more people complaining about the blockstun, because i have since MKDC, and even told NRS it was the first thing i was going to be looking for before ever playing the game back in February when i tested, and low and behold, 100's of block trap jab infinites were found. All that was done was adjustments SO THAT YOU CAN MOVE, not attack. The blockstun in this game is why i will never take it serious.
Can't say I disagree. The input bug is bad, but the retarded shit characters are capable of because of blockstun is just fucking irritating, especially online (lol).

I rather dealing with the input bug, than having negative edge and input shortcuts on this game, ive lost matches cause i want to do an uppercut to finish someone off and a qf move came out cause i pressed diagonal down, this easy inputs break this game at high level playing more than the input bug, i hate dealing with these kind of bs really,
Also agreed.
Can I just say: When I'm playing as Nightwolf and I want to make use of his awesomely-fast uppercut.. but then a reflect comes out and I get punished.. that's annoying.