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Match-up Discussion The Final Kenshi MU chart (my last one/update ever)

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Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
Pig Of The Hut The only issue is that if you put Ermac Kenshi as 2-8, you gotta put Nightwolf Kenshi as 3-7 since he has an easier way of getting in.

Tom Brady

Pig Of The Hut

OK SIR.. I no longer have strep along with the flu and a 9999999.999999 degree fever. I ran through the KL vs kenshi mu again and.. ok.. yes.. its 7-3 KL. I prehaps slightly over reacted to one bad day in the mu lol..

still though, I have Kenshi at #2.


Pig Of The Hut

OK SIR.. I no longer have strep along with the flu and a 9999999.999999 degree fever. I ran through the KL vs kenshi mu again and.. ok.. yes.. its 7-3 KL. I prehaps slightly over reacted to one bad day in the mu lol..

still though, I have Kenshi at #2.
A couple good sets vs Blackula and now the MU suddenly changes

I thought we were past the whole MU numbers changing because player X had a good set vs player X that day..



Just not gonna argue anymore

Kenshi is braindead, OP, easy, no bad MUs and has got to be banned soon cause he's making our game look bad

The quicker we ban kenshi the better off we'll be
I agree with everything said in this post. But Kabal/KL do win 6-4. I just never understood all these bad MUs you listed and some of the 5-5s didnt make sense.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Good list pig. 8-2 vs Sonya isnt out of the question but I do think its 7-3.

Tom Kenshi list is good too but a bit downplayed
I agree

Tom was downplaying kenshi after upplaying saying he's interchangeable w kabal and have zero bad MUs

It's really made me question myself as a player and my lack of skills and fundamentals

Basically I can only succeed in 7-3 or better MU but none if the others

And yea Sonya had no chance, she has zero options , Sonya isn't as good as people think.....possible mid tier

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Luis kang?

@Pig, please don't become emo, we have enough of those
No the thing is I obviously don't know my own character as well as others

I should stop posting MU #s and my "IMO" charts because I mean LBSH what do I know about kenshi

I'm now just going to believe what people tell me and what people tell me is the above as well as the OP

I'm completely comfortable w that, just means I never have to argue again and can agree w everyone and everything

Ill keep this mentality in tourney and apologize before every match that kenshi isn't banned yet


I agree

Tom was downplaying kenshi after upplaying saying he's interchangeable w kabal and have zero bad MUs

It's really made me question myself as a player and my lack of skills and fundamentals

Basically I can only succeed in 7-3 or better MU but none if the others

And yea Sonya had no chance, she has zero options , Sonya isn't as good as people think.....possible mid tier
You are right about Sonya in this MU. Its very tough for her. But not mid tier. Shes top 5 lbsh

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You are right about Sonya in this MU. Its very tough for her. But not mid tier. Shes top 5 lbsh
All of her pressure is escapeable and she has way too many bad MUs

Every player that gets top 16 w her or better is just showing ther an exceptional player who can win w a character ranked around 12-19

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
KingHippo I'm agreeing w Tom who knows more about kenshi and MK9 as a whole

Kenshi is way broke, more broke than any character and is #1

The main problem w kenshi is ANYONE can pick him up and win the next major tourney w him, except me. My poor execution and lack of knowledge has just been masked by kenshi OP tools

LBSH I am rig of the hut, because I rigged 30 MUs in this game by using kenshi

By maining kenshi u r rigging and cheating

Tom Brady

Death no.. not "a couple of sets vs blackula"..

I have always dominated all kenshi's as KL. I had one bad day vs Pig in that MU. Pig talked to me and told me not to over react in that mu over ONE night lol. I went to Blackula's and was really sick from FF and was getting bodied KL vs Kenshi. The thought that i was just out of it and playing bad hadent crossed my mind actually. I seriously over reacted to an isolated situation in that one mu. It was to the point that I actually was gonna try Raiden lmao..

Anyway, while I over reacted there.. I still feel kenshi is #2 but he is not as good as Kabal.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
lmao Pig <3.
I mean Sonya is the HARDEST character to win w and you have to be Jesus Christ reincarnated basically to win w her unlike kenshi who is comatose laying in his death bed w no brain functionality at all

Aka braindead

I got a B+ in calculus physics in college, would have gotten an A if I were not brain dead

Tom Brady

KingHippo I'm agreeing w Tom who knows more about kenshi and MK9 as a whole

Kenshi is way broke, more broke than any character and is #1

The main problem w kenshi is ANYONE can pick him up and win the next major tourney w him, except me. My poor execution and lack of knowledge has just been masked by kenshi OP tools

LBSH I am rig of the hut, because I rigged 30 MUs in this game by using kenshi

By maining kenshi u r rigging and cheating

Are you upset that you werent nominated for emo of the year?



Just not gonna argue anymore

Kenshi is braindead, OP, easy, no bad MUs and has got to be banned soon cause he's making our game look bad

The quicker we ban kenshi the better off we'll be
LBSH, you are the most successful kenshi out there no matter what, and not only that, you are also one of the best players out there, Why can't people counterpick him if they feel it is because of the matchup, why don't people learn other characters that can help them in their bad matchups in general? i know you are trolling saying that kenshi should be banned, come on dawg, don't let these things go to your head, you should do like me and many others and not get involved in matchups charts anymore, let people believe what they want, People will never agree on any of these charts and will constantly change them.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Death no.. not "a couple of sets vs blackula"..

I have always dominated all kenshi's as KL. I had one bad day vs Pig in that MU at 3am.. he was semi drunk, I was sick.. it was a slop fest. I went to Blackula's and was really sick from FF and was getting bodied KL vs Kenshi. The thought that i was just out of it and playing bad hadent crossed my mind actually. I seriously over reacted to an isolated situation in that one mu. It was to the point that I actually was gonna try Raiden lmao..

Anyway, while I over reacted there.. I still feel kenshi is #2 but he is not as good as Kabal.
Dude those kl and kenshi games were a fluke

You obviously were way too sick and drunk to comprehend any rational thought during game play

The complete bottle of alcohol I finished by myself had zero effect on me (cause I'm brain dead anyway) so basically I took advantage of u badly man

I'm sorry

I basically raped u while you were mentally unequipped to defend yourself on a tv screen

Ill take down tht MM video, it's just a video of someone getting taken advantage of
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