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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
I almost wish ppl would stop posting in this thread until something concrete comes out. I always click to the bottom of the like 90th page or whatever it is expecting some inkling of something and instead just get more speculation. Following Lord Boon's twitter on a daily basis inevitably results in yet another sigh . . .
lol its to be expected, i wouldnt get your hopes up if your looking for concrete release info soon. we have several months untill a DLC drop. but its the HYPE moment for it all. i cant wait for news myself.
and if your worried of missing something, i wouldnt worry, if something solid comes out.. odds are there will be 3 pages talking about it on this thread alone, not to mention several threads about it, and several closed ones:coffee:

@Scott The Scot props on this thread.... page 91 Ohh My Word... definitely one of the most popular threads on TYM


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I would prefer there to be no guest characters in MK ever in the future. If they did, hold off for MK11 and put in Alien AND Ripley. That would be kind of cool too.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
You clearly don't know how much of a troll Ed Boon actually is then.

So what? As I said the silhouettes mean nothing, they're just there to show it's going to be 4 people.
I had heard that past silhouettes had not been true, but that would be truly trolling.

If that were the case, then most people would just be disregarding anything he says by now - and that clearly isn't the case.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I almost wish ppl would stop posting in this thread until something concrete comes out. I always click to the bottom of the like 90th page or whatever it is expecting some inkling of something and instead just get more speculation. Following Lord Boon's twitter on a daily basis inevitably results in yet another sigh . . .
I wish people would stop picking Bojutsu and thinking they're good, but that isn't going to happen either. :p


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I had heard that past silhouettes had not been true, but that would be truly trolling.

If that were the case, then most people would just be disregarding anything he says by now - and that clearly isn't the case.
It is truly trolling...that's the point. That's what Ed Boon does and always has done.


Baraka is the best character ever!!! (if u are 14 years old or below) So it won´t be profitable for NRS to release him but IDK it may bring new young players to the game...

Don´t tell me that you did not love Baraka when you were starting to play MK !!!!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Baraka is the best character ever!!! (if u are 14 years old or below) So it won´t be profitable for NRS to release him but IDK it may bring new young players to the game...

Don´t tell me that you did not love Baraka when you were starting to play MK !!!!
I've always hated Baraka. MK9 was my first MK and I didn't know how to deal with his blade charge and I got salty. Fuck Baraka.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
MK 9 was your first MK game? Naa... I´m talking about OLD SCHOOL players!!! He was amazing!!!

Yes MK9 was my first MK game, what's hard to understand about that? Lol being born earlier or playing a different MK first doesn't make you any more or less of a MK fan so stop sounding so entitlted and pretentious lmao.

I've played the original MK games and I had fun playing them, I still don't like Baraka. I don't like the way he looks, I don't like his design, and I don't like anything about him. If tomorrow he didn't exist in the MK universe, I wouldn't lose sleep haha. I don't see what's amazing about him frankly :p

Edit: Don't mean to sound like a dick, I'm just really tired and a little cranky. My bad. Haha


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
@Youphemism Its all love from me, but arent you a wee young to know what Boon has always done? Lol
I'm 18, what has my age got to do with it? Twitter was only invented in 2006, it's not like Ed Boon tweeting has been happening since 1980 or something.
I wasn't around for the MK9 silhouettes. Is that what he did there?
Pretty sure the MK9 silhouettes were only in the game itself.


MK 9 was your first MK game? Naa... I´m talking about OLD SCHOOL players!!! He was amazing!!!

I've played it long enough to know that this is from the Snes version of MKII !!

I'm 18, what has my age got to do with it? Twitter was only invented in 2006, it's not like Ed Boon tweeting has been happening since 1980 or something.

Pretty sure the MK9 silhouettes were only in the game itself.
The fact that you know of Boon's trolls only trhough twitter shows your age.. he had other means of communication with the fans way before that.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I've played it long enough to know that this is from the Snes version of MKII !!

The fact that you know of Boon's trolls only trhough twitter shows your age.. he had other means of communication with the fans way before that.
Lol "shows my age", no need to be pretentious. Stop making assumptions. Where did I say I only knew of Boon's trolls on Twitter? I'm just saying Ed has always trolled on twitter, not that it's the only way he's done it.


That is not the SNES version of MK2. The names were not in the life bars they were below it. Also a solid yellow circle was an indication of a round won unlike the Dragon symbol in the arcade version.
You sir, are correct! My bad, also the lack of scanlines is really confusing.


Apparently, Alien is owned by FOX, so that's not something we're going to see anytime soon, so there, people can stop talking about it already lol, but if you ask my opinion on what should be within the second Kombat Pack i'd have to currently go with.... Havik, Fujin, Sareena, and Enenra. Those characters peak my interest the most considering we don't see too many 3d era's and Havik was heavily involved in the Prequel comics, Enenra because I mean WTF is up with this guy!? and Sareena because I'm getting a little sick and tired of seeing her get new designs but no roster spot... seems like every friggin game this happens!


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Apparently, Alien is owned by FOX, so that's not something we're going to see anytime soon, so there, people can stop talking about it already lol, but if you ask my opinion on what should be within the second Kombat Pack i'd have to currently go with.... Havik, Fujin, Sareena, and Enenra. Those characters peak my interest the most considering we don't see too many 3d era's and Havik was heavily involved in the Prequel comics, Enenra because I mean WTF is up with this guy!? and Sareena because I'm getting a little sick and tired of seeing her get new designs but no roster spot... seems like every friggin game this happens!
quick question for TYM in general dont know or care where to put this but ive taken a break from mkx and i just wanted to know did that fuckin patch from august ever come to xbox one? i played it just now and it seemed it was not there