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Any ideas?
Don't know if they are all the same character or not but..

Things to consider:

Who could have something on their head that would need to be blurred out?

Who could throw a physical object in that way that would crack someones neck in an xray?

Maybe Reiko with shurikens?


Any ideas?

Whoever it is, throws some sort of projectile (that doesn't help much; I know. Considering a lot of characters have projectiles)... I'm not sure who it is honestly. I know there are some rumors going around that Tanya is DLC, and she does use a boomerang, so maybe Tanya? Yeah, like I said, I don't know.


it must of been a strong clue that was obvious so he blacked it out
Reiko with Shao Kahn's helmet confirmed.

Really though, i'm wondering why he even has any distinguishing features on the head. The other ones are just generic stickfigures, and the move doesn't look like it's relating to the head at all.


I feel like this is the list of potential dlc(excluding guests) IMO based on popularity or variety:
Baraka(featured in game, classic, large fanbase)
Cyrax(tournament character from mk9, classic, large fanbase, assist in game)
Noob(classic, large fanbase, though a lot of his moves are being used by others)
Tremor(because of how much they've been RT'ing the petition etc, dont think he'll be in kombat pack though)
Smoke(classic, large fanbase, featured in game)
Fujin( in comic and game, large fanbase)
Havik(in comic, decently large fanbase)
Kabal(tournament character, classic, large fanbase, featured in game)
Reiko(big role in comic, large fanbase)
Sektor(decently large fanbase, things like pulseblades and missiles were given away though)
Tanya(large fanbase, need female character)
Frost(large fanbase, need female character, featured in comic)
Rain(small chance but if there's enough demand i wouldn't doubt Ed going back on what he said, not kombat pack though)
Sindel(also small chance because lack of popularity)

Now for the kombat pack, I think only one kombat pack character will be female(to keep with the pattern of previous games), and i think they'd go with Tanya over Frost.
I'll take my chances and try to weed some out based on stolen moves or smaller fanbases:

So out of these characters.. who could it be?

I really think it's Reiko.

The picture he blocked out looks just like Reiko's armageddon move where he does Shao Kahn's shoulder charge and the helmet appears on his head. Similar body positioning/stance and a knocked back opponent. And in this case the helmet actually relates to the move, it wouldn't make sense to draw any distinguishing feature on a stick figure if it didn't relate to the move. And the picture that looks like an x ray where something gets thrown at their neck could be one of his shuriken.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it makes sense to me.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I feel like this is the list of potential dlc(excluding guests) IMO based on popularity or variety:
Baraka(featured in game, classic, large fanbase)
Cyrax(tournament character from mk9, classic, large fanbase, assist in game)
Noob(classic, large fanbase, though a lot of his moves are being used by others)
Tremor(because of how much they've been RT'ing the petition etc, dont think he'll be in kombat pack though)
Smoke(classic, large fanbase, featured in game)
Fujin( in comic and game, large fanbase)
Havik(in comic, decently large fanbase)
Kabal(tournament character, classic, large fanbase, featured in game)
Reiko(big role in comic, large fanbase)
Sektor(decently large fanbase, things like pulseblades and missiles were given away though)
Tanya(large fanbase, need female character)
Frost(large fanbase, need female character, featured in comic)
Rain(small chance but if there's enough demand i wouldn't doubt Ed going back on what he said, not kombat pack though)
Sindel(also small chance because lack of popularity)

Now for the kombat pack, I think only one kombat pack character will be female(to keep with the pattern of previous games), and i think they'd go with Tanya over Frost.
I'll take my chances and try to weed some out based on stolen moves or smaller fanbases:

So out of these characters.. who could it be?

I really think it's Reiko.

The picture he blocked out looks just like Reiko's armageddon move where he does Shao Kahn's shoulder charge and the helmet appears on his head. Similar body positioning/stance and a knocked back opponent. And in this case the helmet actually relates to the move, it wouldn't make sense to draw any distinguishing feature on a stick figure if it didn't relate to the move. And the picture that looks like an x ray where something gets thrown at their neck could be one of his shuriken.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it makes sense to me.
i doubt we'll see Smoke or Stryker seeing as they have moves as modifiers, granted they do have models but Rain is in the same boat and Boon has basically deconfirmed him when he said he doesnt want to repeat DLC. i could be wrong though


The stance of that figure looks like Reiko throwing Shurikens.

But why would he black the head of a stick figure out?

Doesnt make sense because even if the head has a different characteristic, he wouldnt draw it.

Maybe the name, a object or a word with the character is there that would be obvious?

No clue why he need to black that out on a stick figure.


I really think it's Reiko.

The picture he blocked out looks just like Reiko's armageddon move where he does Shao Kahn's shoulder charge and the helmet appears on his head. Similar body positioning/stance and a knocked back opponent. And in this case the helmet actually relates to the move, it wouldn't make sense to draw any distinguishing feature on a stick figure if it didn't relate to the move. And the picture that looks like an x ray where something gets thrown at their neck could be one of his shuriken.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it makes sense to me.
Oh god, I really hope it is Reiko! Him and Fujin were my favorite characters that was introduced in MK4. They are also apart of my top 10 favorite characters!


I really think it's Reiko.

The picture he blocked out looks just like Reiko's armageddon move where he does Shao Kahn's shoulder charge and the helmet appears on his head. Similar body positioning/stance and a knocked back opponent. And in this case the helmet actually relates to the move, it wouldn't make sense to draw any distinguishing feature on a stick figure if it didn't relate to the move. And the picture that looks like an x ray where something gets thrown at their neck could be one of his shuriken.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it makes sense to me.
Oh god, I really hope it is Reiko! Him and Fujin were my favorite characters that was introduced in MK4. They are also apart of my top 10 favorite characters!


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Reiko is 99% confirmed to me since he first appeared in the comic. I had assumed fujin was another lock but then I think they will want at least 1 female. A lot of talk about Tanya but I see no reason why. Frost is in the comic, that alone makes her 10x more likely IMO.


Bout it
I was thinking Pred with his dreads also...

BUT now I think Boon's just fucking with us with that black-out. Certified troll, yo


Tell me, do you bleed?
Predator's konfirmed, apparently. I don't think Reiko will be DLC; I think he's in the game. In fact,
I think he's boss
. With the female DLC part you may be right, although I'm pretty sure it'll be Cyrax and Sektor. Tanya wouldn't sell all that much, in my opinion, while the cyborgs would take our pockets away.