I really hope Tanya gets a little redemption.
At the very least, increase her damage. Nothing radical, but a little increase would be nice. A few more minor adjustments for KJ rekka pressure and Pyro fireball startup/recovery. I still think EX dust should cause more staggering for combo potential, but that's just me. If you're spending a bar, you should get a bit more of a reward for it. Also, being able to teleport after an air fireball please. K thnx.
I'd love to have her f4 cancels back too, but I'm skeptical about it.
I actually don't see Mileena getting hit too hard. I wouldn't mind some small buffs for Ethereal/Ravenous. B12 Piercing is really all that I hear complaining about.
Alien will probably take a hit. It will be interesting to see who sticks by after the inevitable nerfs.