This is such a ridiculous comment. The released a netcode update, they added new characters, 5 classic and 2 guest.. characters that everyone begged for. They put in new skins like we all asked, they added stage fatalities and basically did everything we asked for. They WILL continue to normalise and fix some of the problems with the DLC powers, just like they have with the other KP1.
saying NRS is leaving the MK fans dry is practically slander. I mean come on. What a load of BS.
I had a big paragraph ready but your post is so full of laughable falsities it's not worth starting an argument over. But know this:
1. If you think the netcode update was simply for MK fans you know nothing about businesses.
2. "They added new characters, 5 classic and 2 guest.. characters that everyone begged for" is not only wrong beyond belief but also not backed up by anything anywhere. Go actually look at the character select, there are 2 classic, 2 technically new and 4 guest characters. HALF the DLC are guests which appeal more to other fanbases than MK fans and the 2 classic they did bring in aren't even close to the most popular, point proven.
3. They put in skins because the bring in money regardless of what fans are asking for, I mean the DLC still don't have any and Scorpion has like 8.
4. "basically did everything we asked for" is another false blanket statement. Stop just spouting random things, or if you are at least back them up with something.
5. You have no evidence to suggest they "WILL" continue patching the game. Paulo has clearly stated the MKXL patch was the last other than MAYBE fixing broken stuff from KP2 and that's it.
I didn't say they were leaving MK fans dry so stop continuing to make up falsities, you're the only one slandering here. I'm just telling it like it is. You're the one coming up with nonsense from wrong numbers to assumptions about the future of the game which has nothing to do with the point I made, if you're going to write stuff at least have something to back it up with and at least stay on topic.