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The Death of Zoning in Injustice: GAU

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GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Ultimately, what I'm getting at is, we all get it. The game is admittedly pretty lopsided. Boon and Co seem to have a personal vendetta against zoning -- perhaps they're afraid they may have another KUHBAWL in IGAU -- I don't know. 50/50s, strong rushdown, and vortexes aren't going to be adjusted. Or, perhaps they're just tired of the endless tweets/bitching and moaning threads on TYM/Gamefaqs (yes, this thread is as bad as Gamefaqs.) The community is 1,000x worse than the Gamefaqs forums but I don't have the energy to get into that.
Mods can we atart deleting idiotic posts like this. Ill use sinestro as an example his fear blast has 9 start of frames batgirls teleport has 15 frames ofstart up. How in the fuck can your grandma react in -6 frames, unless she can see into the god damn future.
Wow you must be worse then I thought if you are getting zoned to death by Sinestro's SUPER BROKEN -30 fear blasts. Oh and I'm sorry 15 frames of start up for a teleport that leads to combos is not good enough for you. Maybe you should move on to Scorpion already. Just a suggestion

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Whats hilarious is that they can EASILY make a solid fighter to be taken serious. MK9 for example couldve actually been the best fighter to date but NRS constantly makes the worse choices. Dash nerfs? Kano nerfed to shit? Braindead kenshi? Its like they have no order at the HQ.
I liked MK9 but Kenshi having 9-1 MUs against Sub Zero while he flowcharted his way to brainless armored victory was retarded. I rarely use the term 'braindead' but FFS, Kenshi was beyond fucking braindead. SINESTRO NEEDS MOAR ARMOR, BRO! RIP!:coffee:


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
So hes been a long standing casual then. Ive watched his mk9 matches its just projectile spam that is hard to deal with aka free wins. Now that his free wins are gone we get casual dave.

LMAO i cant even defend him anymore, i hate his guts for maining Freddy in mk9. Ultimate pussy move. Let alone this kid couldnt adapt like Aris.


Wow you must be worse then I thought if you are getting zoned to death by Sinestro's SUPER BROKEN -30 fear blasts. Oh and I'm sorry 15 frames of start up for a teleport that leads to combos is not good enough for you. Maybe you should move on to Scorpion already. Just a suggestion
Answer the god damn question how does your grandma react to -6 frames? Is she a gypsy?


TYM White Knight
Are players that want to sit full screen and throw the same projectiles over and over again really calling Devs/other players braindead?

You have to think now. That's why Raven hasn't gotten hit with the nerf stick. You have to zone smart with her.

When done right she is hella effective.

Ryu is nothing like deathstroke. Also, SF mechanics let you FADC through projectiles to punish/advance. A better comparison albeit loosely would have been Vanilla Sagat and oh shit he got nerfed too!
I respect zoning and all but m2dave plays like a bitch, always backing up and zoning non stop. With 0 rushdown its so stupid. I play nightwing,batman, and starting to use deathstroke. But I don't zone all day I will zone until they get in close then I fight them unlike m2dave he plays scared
extremely hard to do. the consensus around here was it couldn't be fuzzied
What are you talking about dude.
I was refering to the really nooby ranked scorps who just woke up tele and 111spear. and no his vortex could not be fuzzied
Dude stop complaining. If someone hit you with a spear its your fault for not blocking, and if they hit you with a slow ass teleport it's also your fault.


Are players that want to sit full screen and throw the same projectiles over and over again really calling Devs/other players braindead?

You have to think now. That's why Raven hasn't gotten hit with the nerf stick. You have to zone smart with her.

When done right she is hella effective.

Ryu is nothing like deathstroke. Also, SF mechanics let you FADC through projectiles to punish/advance. A better comparison albeit loosely would have been Vanilla Sagat and oh shit he got nerfed too!
Actually a better comparison would be vanilla sagat with current akuma and gouken.
Answer the god damn question how does your grandma react to -6 frames? Is she a gypsy?
No shes just better then you. 6 frames means the fireball is making contact up close at point blank with no space between two character models.

You can just duck it at that range. Fail

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
This is a good point.

I usually love spending hours in practice mode to find new setups for characters or anti-character tech but now I'm afraid anything I find will become irrelevant in 2 weeks because of system changes and balance/frame data tweaks.

I'd wait for the "final version" of Injustice but I'm afraid that could possibly be around Injustice 2's release.
Hey, MK9 is finalized now, oh wait...nobody plays it anymore and Kabal never got those adjustments!


No shes just better then you. 6 frames means the fireball is making contact up close at point blank with no space between two character models.

You can just duck it at that range. Fail

No no no you said your grandma can punish projectiles on reaction with teleports. Sinestro and deathstroke have start ups on there projectiles faster than batgirls telepprt start up. So again i ask is yoir grandma a psychic to react to -6 frames.
No no no you said your grandma can punish projectiles on reaction with teleports. Sinestro and deathstroke have start ups on there projectiles faster than batgirls telepprt start up. So again i ask is yoir grandma a psychic to react to -6 frames.
Can't tell if just bad at math or just bad player in general... Learn to proper frame data.

Ill help you:

Sinestro fear blast = 9f start up

You do the rest. Lol


Can't tell if just bad at math or just bad player in general... Learn to proper frame data.

Ill help you:

Sinestro fear blast = 9f start up

You do the rest. Lol
Batgirl smoke bomb= 15 frame start up

That give you -6 frames to react

Human beings cant react faster than 21 frames, thus either your grandma isnt human or she can see the future.
Batgirl smoke bomb= 15 frame start up

That give you -6 frames to react

*I* cant react faster than 21 frames, thus either your grandma isnt human or she can see the future.
Edited to make it clearer for others to understand and Ok I gathered you're just bad from this post. Here let me help you:

Batgirl smoke bomb = 15 frames

Sinestro fear blast = 9 frames


Now go level up and no need to thank me


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
I cant take this community seriously, there are actually people in this forum that are complaining about projectiles that go fullscreen... Ign has better threads then this...


Edited to make it clearer for others to understand and Ok I gathered you're just bad from this post. Here let me help you:

Batgirl smoke bomb = 15 frames

Sinestro fear blast = 9 frames


Now go level up and no need to thank me
Are you retarded? Smoke bomb is slower than fear blast . And it is undisputed fact humans cant react faster than 21 frames lrn 2 science.
Are you retarded? Smoke bomb is slower than fear blast . And it is undisputed fact humans cant react faster than 21 frames lrn 2 science.
Are you just bad? Seriously lrn 2 math. And lrn 2 proper frame data while youre at it because math is definitely your weak spot...

I laid it out all in front of you with that post. Not my fault you're not knowledgable enough to understand it to better yourself
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