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The buck stops here NRS community


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Bro....what can green hippo even do against pink hippo? That shit is lopsided. Green hippo has NO footsies. Pink hippo is fucking mash friendly. Its a joke.
Bro as of right now the tier list goes
1. Pink
2. Red
3. Orange
4. Green

Pink hippo is the kabal of Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Best Doomsday in the world
Also here is a little tip for everyone in this game: Predict the jump in and go a Air-To-Air J1 or J2. You get your anti-air as well as a extended combo too. WOW!!!!
This isn't a smart thing to do, to be completely honest. You have an infinite amount of time to trip guard in this game. Meaning you can VERY EASILY get full combo punished for guessing wrong on an air to air. Which means they're extremely high risk/low reward.

That being said, this game can play a lot like a traditional fighting game with fundamentals in play. It can have anti airs, and footsies. The problem is most people that play this game come from MK where dash canceling exists. So 90% of Injustice players get into neutral game and start dashing around and jumping like wackos because they have no idea what to do in a neutral game situation without dash canceling, and honestly in the state that the game is in right now, that's probably a better idea than actually trying to play a neutral game unless you have a character with decent enough normals and anti airs. This is also why most good Street Fighter players won't even touch this game, because it doesn't follow any fighting game fundamentals. Well that and the ridiculous amount of bugs and obvious balance issues.

I'm not trying to bash this game in any way, it's my main tournament game, and I play it for a reason. But you can't ignore a game's flaws.


Vagrant 's observations, while poignant, fail to address the bigger issue: a lot of people just don't enjoy Injustice but enjoy the NRS community.
i'm one of them. i adore all my darling wenches here on TYM (you know who you are! xoxoxoxo) but i dislike injustice. it's not that i'm not good at it (i am), i just REALLY don't like it and see it as a sub-par game. but i don't want to crap on those who do enjoy it. so i post very little nowadays, as the focus here at TYM is currently IGAU. I like to socialize here, but i have no interest in discussing/playing injustice. truth be told, i'm just waiting for it to die so that MK can again become the main focus. i miss it.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
well, the great thing is that I can laugh off my idiocy. Most of the time everyone else is alreayd laughing so i don't feel alone


I think my ultimate problem is that there are just some MU's right now that are not even close to fun to learn or play.


Grundy v Cyborg is just the dumbest MU in the entire game. He can literally use 2 moves and win. Never has to change.
I think that is the frustrating part. I'm forced to learn someone else so I can compete. So success isn't always "instant"

and man do we live in a society now where if it doesn't happen instantly, might as well pitch it.
Superman my was deemed impossible too

Tyrant last night said "hello"
I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that this is intentional in NRS games. It is one of their conventions. That generally in other fighting games a jumping attack is more of a risky, disfavoured move. In NRS games, jumping attacks are better, safer, less punishable, better hitbox moves. Even going back to old MK games, jumping in is quite often a pretty good move (maybe not so much at high level play, but in general). I could be wrong about this.

So, yeah, for folks who were weaned on other fighting games where jumps are more yolo they might come to an NRS game and wonder what is going on. They see a bunch of players jumping around all the time and feel like (as in games they are accustomed to) they should be able to punish that risky s--t. Yet, I believe by design, in an NRS game jumps are meant to be more of a staple. Perhaps Boon and crew are trying to emulate the high-flying old-school kung fu movies where half a fight is in the air. Thus, someone from another game will have to recognise this convention and adapt their playstyle accordingly.

To be more technical, perhaps it is meant that one can more aptly punish a jumping attack on a read (anticipating it is coming before the jump) than on a reaction (trying to punish the attack once you see it has begun). I suppose one can argue that this isn't 'realistic' since irl a jump attack is risky. (Bruce Lee actually thought even kicks above the waist were risky in a real fight). Then again, shooting fireballs, dropping ice clones, and teleporting aren't very realistic either. I know I shied away from jumping attacks when I started playing MK since they intuitively seemed risky, until I was informed that this is a convention of NRS games.

Thus, one either accepts the convention or not. Frankly, it is a little more exciting to watch a match where characters are jumping in on each other. If anti-airs were all great and able to swat down any fool that tried a jump-in, then what we'd have are games where everyone is a lot more ground based, right? It isn't just your opponent, but you would have to hold off on jumping in as well, leaving both sides more grounded. Would that really be preferable or is it more fun that both sides have a little more safety with jumping attacks, even if it isn't as "realistic" as it could be?


Loud and Klear~
One of the best posts I've seen on this site, i agree that complaining and trying to play this game like other games wont get you anywhere. Its a different game with a different engine and different fundamentals so dont try to play it like SF/MK/whatever game you came from.

HOWEVER I can see the logic behind the complaints, when you see a move that was designed to be an anti-air but it fails to do its job it kinda nullifies the point of the move. In other games most of the anti-air moves actually anti-air, there are faulty ones in every game dont get me wrong (eg: Vega's flipkick in SF4, Athena's dp in KoFXIII, SFxT anti-airs before the big patch and the list goes on) but in injustice a good amount of the anti-air normals/specials will get beaten out or trade at best when trying to beat a jump-in with them.
I think the issue comes from how active air normals are in this game. Compared to other games air normals stay out for the very long time in injustice. Add to that the anti-airs arent very active and having very odd/wonky hitboxes so they get beat quite often.

I personally never had an issue with anti-airing coz Hawkgirl's d2 is da gawd but I can see where the others are coming from.


My blades will find your heart
You are a DS player, right? Like, DS the one who has a 7f antiair?
So because his character has a good anti-air his whole point is moot?

No, if you cant find ways to AA with your character than use the invincible frames of backdash to make it whiff and punish it. Sure its hard but it can be done.


i glossed over the central and defining problem with this game and apparently with MK9 too. there are SHITTY matchups. The game is ST level unbalanced in that regard.

in a balanced game like SFxT, theres no reason to not use your team. every team can beat every other team. In guilty gear, evreynoe plays one charcater as all matchups are winnable. same goes with blazblue, p4a..

i guess its just a problem with how they design the system mechanics

there is ZERO reason for someone to attempt to play grundy vs sinestro in a tournament match. Counterpicknig occurs A LOT, even online. why do you think theres a hide cursor?

I agree to an extent. This applies heavily at the casual to above average skill level. Take Batgirl vs Aquaman for instance, NO casual player Batgirl player will know how to get around Aquaman's trait. They lack footsies and will not be able to get in without Aquaman having the trait recharged and will auto loose because they cannot beat the trait.