What I'm saying is that after MK9, people have this idea on how AA should work in NRS games and IGAU doesn't offer the MK9 jab out of the air system. Dealing with jumping isn't bad because of it, its just different.
Different does not = scrubby. Example...
If you play SF, especially old SF where there is no auto correct, AAing in MK9 could be seen as scrubby. Why? Fast jabs being able to AA easily on reaction to any jump, and even faster down jabs that AA every cross up on reaction. I mean, coming from SF, being able to AA EVERY CROSS UP with a 6 frame crouching jab on reaction to the cross over could easily be seen as "brain dead AA bro"... But its not scrubby or brain dead, its just a DIFFERENT way.
In IGAU, punishing opponents for jumping is very possible, just done differently. In MK9, Air to Airs were not something consistent because everyone had the same generic air normals and there were no trades, meaning that one attack wont "beat" the other and P1 adv allows P1 to win every single situation where a trade should have happened. In IGAU, everyone has completely different jumping normals, which actually allow you to "beat" a players jump attacks and Air to Air opponents consistently. You also can uppercut (character and range dependent) and get a full combo. You also have trip guard which wasn't in MK9. Trip Guard allows you to space out the jump in and full combo punish as they land.
What does this mean?
1. In MK9, there was HEAVY damage scaling on Air to Airs, in IGAU there is NO scaling on Air to Airs. Air to Airs were in many ways "random" in MK9 because everyone had the same generic air normals. In IGAU, air normals have different speeds, ranges, hurt boxes, etc which allow you to consistently Air to Air. There are also trades in IGAU, so now one player won't always win in a situation where both air attacks hit at the same time.
2. In MK9, uppercut combos were completely situation and almost never seen as an AA that leads to a combo. In IGAU, every uppercut allows a juggle combo but not everyone can uppercut in every situation. Most of the time its based on your character + the attack used + the range the attack is being done from. There is an uppercut formula for knowing what attacks you can and cannot AA.
3. MK9 offers no real trip guard. In IGAU, the opponent cannot block for a few frames after landing. This allows you to bait the jump in attempt, space it out, and punish with a full combo.
Besides what I listed, there are also character specific normal and special attacks that can AA. All i see is a different system which means you have to use what the system gives you to AA. Learn it and use it..