You think you bad? You aint bad.
Whoa. didnt know how many grammar errors I made..Typing forums with droid is terrible .___.If they stream the Xanadu monthly in MD I'm attending next month, I'll do my best to get on stream. Pretty sure LulzLou will be there too? Not sure, he was at the last one.
And ground spark mid blockstring isn't good. I tried it with f2,1,3 and just got mashed out of it.
Anyways, Ill look forward to you at the tourney

Seems like all the easy to master characters are either in the tops or winning tournaments :\
Is your tournament name the same or is it different from your TYM U.N.?
I like watching matchups played by really good players.. I actually learn from watching..Kinda like Taskmaster

But yea, ill root for yah.