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The Beef Thread


Goro is a Pokémon
Too bad that nothing that I said had anything to do with skill, but I guess that's how this website works. You guys remind of Little Kuriboh's YuGiOh series where they have various disagreements and they settle them over a card game, which is completely nonsensical.

At any rate, enjoy your W in the game itself. I won't get into yet another debate here, because at this point it's moot to point out the inconsistencies.

This would've been hilarious if I had ever actually claimed I'm good at the game.

No idea - perhaps this is for the PC users?
So the beef thread was designed to hand out spankings, it's not prejudiced. You got popped on the bottom for your bad behaviors, don't talk back to your parents, please.

The sword is mightier than the pen, fool, this is not the thread for the keyboard warrior-ing.


Oh gender swapping lots of their male characters to female.

Let’s count
Bo Rai Cho - Madame Bo
Johnny and Janet
Fujin possibly

and yet to be seen but I could see
Female nightwolf and once Bi-han dies no more Sub-Zero hmm would NOT put it past them to try Frost. I honestly wouldn’t at this point.

ALSO this would be fine if it was done even one time the other way. Has it been though? Go on I’ll wait.

It’s not like an open hatred either (I don’t think) but there are definitely some creators there who resent a large portion of MK’s fans.

Then there’s the making females bland, overly covered, or just straight up ugly while you have spank bank material like Kano in MK11, Jax in MK11, Kuai Liang in MK11, Reptile (of all fucking characters) in MK1 and they’re out here looking ready to walk the fucking runway.

But you’ve got Skarlet and Jade in Burkas in MK11 and half the women look old in MK1. Come on now. Come on let’s be really for real right now. I know you see it. It doesn’t take a microscope to see this.

Also this is not Boon I’m talking about, but there are definitely creatives higher up in NRS who hate some of the fans.
Sure, the female attire has been more modest post-MK9, no arguments here but...where you completely lose me is how or why this is an affront to the entire male fanbase? Look, if you would just come out and say it's important to me that the female characters got skimpy outfits on I would just say cool dude, not to me but I respect your opinion. But to drag the entire fanbase along with you and somehow equate adding clothes to woman into hating men is in fact what makes you weirdo.

Seeing as how you don't own MK1 then...I'll dust you in MK11 :coffee:


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Man got in an argument about character designs and showed up to a beef set over it. +1

Oh gender swapping lots of their male characters to female.

Let’s count
Bo Rai Cho - Madame Bo
Johnny and Janet
Fujin possibly

and yet to be seen but I could see
Female nightwolf and once Bi-han dies no more Sub-Zero hmm would NOT put it past them to try Frost. I honestly wouldn’t at this point.

ALSO this would be fine if it was done even one time the other way. Has it been though? Go on I’ll wait.

It’s not like an open hatred either (I don’t think) but there are definitely some creators there who resent a large portion of MK’s fans.

Then there’s the making females bland, overly covered, or just straight up ugly while you have spank bank material like Kano in MK11, Jax in MK11, Kuai Liang in MK11, Reptile (of all fucking characters) in MK1 and they’re out here looking ready to walk the fucking runway.

But you’ve got Skarlet and Jade in Burkas in MK11 and half the women look old in MK1. Come on now. Come on let’s be really for real right now. I know you see it. It doesn’t take a microscope to see this.

Also this is not Boon I’m talking about, but there are definitely creatives higher up in NRS who hate some of the fans.

I still refuse to believe that Madame Bo is Bo' Rai Cho. If it is they deserve every comment like this


In Zoning We Trust

Well the first beef set has been served which unfortunately isn't very existing but... @Nickolaidas I gotta say after all the shit you say about how the game needs to cater to you exclusively and masculinity this and testosterone that, to the point where we users had to cite scentific research to debunk your evolutionary theory...only to find out that you're ass at the game is in fact hilarious
After all that with everything said, I gotta give props to @Nickolaidas for showing up knowing he'd likely get bodied and still stepping up for the games. +1.

Now we need his male testosterone to kick in and push his alpha dominance competitive edge.


No idea - perhaps this is for the PC users?
That's my guess to, though I would've figured they'd use the Steam logo or Epic logo since they're already using Xbox and PlayStation logos.

On an aside, you could have taken a round in the second Match if you would have cancelled your string into your Fatal Blow.

Raw Fatal Blows are generally risky: you'll do max damage with them if they connect, but most players will be able to block and punish instead. Hit confirming into Fatal Blow is the safest method.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Raw Fatal Blows are generally risky: you'll do max damage with them if they connect, but most players will be able to block and punish instead. Hit confirming into Fatal Blow is the safest method.
Yeah, I guess it's like the Lvl 3s in DB FighterZ, which is why all pros use them as combo enders instead of doing them raw, unless it's out of pure desperation or a "HAH!" moment.

But I won't bullshit you - I literally have no idea how to do cancels. I mean, even at some point I was trying to break one of Trini's strings with my kameo, when I realized I didn't have my three bars. I love MK as an IP, owned all MK games aside from Special Forces at some point, but I'm a complete casual at fighting games, skill-wise. I have no idea how to utilize kameos effectively, etc.

And I'll probably never learn, because I'm not interested in the competitive aspect. When other people do speedruns of a Resident Evil game to see if they can beat it in 3 hours and 17 minutes instead of 19, I am having my character walk slowly slowly in order to feel the atmosphere and the isolation, the impending dread, the deafening silence, etc.


I literally have no idea how to do cancels.
The concept is pretty simple. I don't know Havik, but using Kitana, for example, she has a basic string of 1,1,2. Instead, you can do 1,1, Fan Toss. So instead of completed the "dial-a-combo," you finish with a special move instead. Not all strings can be cancelled from though. You need to either check the frame data or toy around in Practice (or both).

I have no idea how to utilize kameos effectively, etc.
I'm not good with Kameo Partners either, I'm not a fan of tag or assist fighters as the mechanic has never resonated with me. Generally though, Kameo Partners in this game are used to either extend kombos (like what @Trini_Bwoi was doing with Jax's Air Grab in your Set), or to make a string safe on Block when it normally wouldn't be (Tanya often uses Goro as a Kameo Partner for this).

And I'll probably never learn, because I'm not interested in the competitive aspect.
Which is completely up to you, I respect that. Not everyone plays games to compete.


Agent of Chaosrealm
The concept is pretty simple. I don't know Havik, but using Kitana, for example, she has a basic string of 1,1,2. Instead, you can do 1,1, Fan Toss. So instead of completed the "dial-a-combo," you finish with a special move instead. Not all strings can be cancelled from though. You need to either check the frame data or toy around in Practice (or both).
AAAAH!! Now I know what you mean! I think I do this with Havik when I go from High Punch (is that the '2'?) and do that special move where he rotates his torso.

Or I think I do that with Scorpion when he has a 1, 2, 2 (Low Punch, High Punch, High Punch), but instead I do 1, 2, and the special move (Down, Back, 2) where he twirls his spear for a 2 seconds.


AAAAH!! Now I know what you mean! I think I do this with Havik when I go from High Punch (is that the '2'?) and do that special move where he rotates his torso.

Or I think I do that with Scorpion when he has a 1, 2, 2 (Low Punch, High Punch, High Punch), but instead I do 1, 2, and the special move (Down, Back, 2) where he twirls his spear for a 2 seconds.
Correct, that's what Special Cancelling is.

Often, you do a string and special cancel it into your character's launcher (assuming they have one), and then continue your kombo, usually using a mix of special cancels in it for higher damage, or positioning advantage, or set ups and the like.

Update: If you haven't, I highly recommend doing the game's full Tutorial (and the one in Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate as well). It goes over these concepts and terms.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Often, you do a string and special cancel it into your character's launcher (assuming they have one), and then continue your kombo, usually using a mix of special cancels in it for higher damage, or positioning advantage, or set ups and the like.
Almost all of Havik's launchers are fucking horrible in my eyes, so they are probably only effective either via cancels or a Kameo assist or set up. I mean, his one launcher is his 'tear-his-arm-off-and-beat-you-to-death-with-it' special move which is ONLY a launcher if your opponent doesn't hit you once while you are doing it. His other launcher is that blood clot thing that takes FOREVER to do. If he has other launchers, I don't remember them.

I think they mentioned something in the recent patch where the classic uppercut works as a launcher but it needs some special 'conditions' for that to happen? Not really sure.


Almost all of Havik's launchers are fucking horrible in my eyes, so they are probably only effective either via cancels or a Kameo assist or set up. I mean, his one launcher is his 'tear-his-arm-off-and-beat-you-to-death-with-it' special move which is ONLY a launcher if your opponent doesn't hit you once while you are doing it. His other launcher is that blood clot thing that takes FOREVER to do. If he has other launchers, I don't remember them.
Yeah, since I don't play Havik, I can't advise you on him directly. Someone else would need to chime in. However if his launchers are poor, you can always pair him with a Kameo Partner that provides the option for him.

I think they mentioned something in the recent patch where the classic uppercut works as a launcher but it needs some special 'conditions' for that to happen? Not really sure.
It's actually a mechanic that's been in the game since launch. You can cancel an Uppercut by spending 2 Bars of Super Metre to turn it into a launcher. The problem is people find it far too costly to be worth it when most characters have more effective options. It's generally regarded as a poor mechanic along the lines of the Block Breaker in Mortal Kombat XL.

If it was improved in a recent patch, I'd be unaware of that, but perhaps someone else can clarify.

Subby Z

Sure, the female attire has been more modest post-MK9, no arguments here but...where you completely lose me is how or why this is an affront to the entire male fanbase? Look, if you would just come out and say it's important to me that the female characters got skimpy outfits on I would just say cool dude, not to me but I respect your opinion. But to drag the entire fanbase along with you and somehow equate adding clothes to woman into hating men is in fact what makes you weirdo.

Seeing as how you don't own MK1 then...I'll dust you in MK11 :coffee:
Ummm so I like dudes. So to me personally it actually doesn’t matter, but I am a person who likes to call out something when I see it.

I can admit when something is too skimpy. Like MK9 went a little far, but what I do see is girls still cosplaying in those outfits.

Ya know? Like you can just see when something is being politicized and it turns you off a bit. MK hasn’t done it quite as blatantly as other games now, but they’re without a doubt doing it and if you’ve been around for years you can see it.

Like when Mileena was dressing slutty in past games that was honestly part of her appeal. She used her body as a weapon. Now what is she? Kitana light?

Also nobody is asking the outfits to be skimpy, just not ugly or so covered they look like they’re joining a convent. Especially when they’re appealing so heavily to the female gaze in a game that (I’ll say it again) is heavily geared towards men.


Like when Mileena was dressing slutty in past games that was honestly part of her appeal. She used her body as a weapon. Now what is she? Kitana light?
Well, to be honest, Mileena IS "light Kitana" in Liu Kang's new timeline. She is basically Kitana but more bold/impulsive/brash. That said, Titan Shang Tsung's Mileena (and other evil timeline Mileenas) still wear very revealing outfits - the difference this time is that it is a revealing outfit seemingly themed around an evil Geisha noblewoman instead of "dental floss bikini girl", and it looks awesome while still being sexy.


Daddy ImposterOak has bested me in our set, 10-7.

I will hold the L, and admit that he is, and always was, right.

I apologize for saying some very cruel things to him, and for now, he is my master.

Until next time. Am clipping and uploading the set now.


Goro is a Pokémon
@Vulgar is a great player! Anyone who watches my gameplay and sees me rando up blocking or moving weird, my RT started sticking during the 2nd or 3rd match or so and I started playing a Lil sloppy, but Vulgar is the real deal and made me sweat, would've been close with or without the controller difficulties.

You have my respect, fine sir. Beef squashed.


@Vulgar is a great player! Anyone who watches my gameplay and sees me rando up blocking or moving weird, my RT started sticking during the 2nd or 3rd match or so and I started playing a Lil sloppy, but Vulgar is the real deal and made me sweat, would've been close with or without the controller difficulties.

You have my respect, fine sir. Beef squashed.
Same for you, sir! There's some Takeda stuff I'm definitely going to have to lab. Some gaps that I didn't realize weren't gaps. Lol

All the same, @ImposterOak is really fucking good. So whoever steps up to him next will need to work.