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Teabagging!? THIS IS MADNESS!!


Lose without excuses
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I've noticed that a lot of people are complaining about "Tea Bagging" in this game. I'm just curious as to why. Just to give you an idea of where I'm coming from, here's some history, or at least, my experience of teabagging in video games I've played. Tea Bagging in regards to gaming has been around for a very long time. It probably has been around since before the Halo 2 days, but that's when I first saw it. In Halo 2, if you were killed by another player, more than likely you were getting teabagged. That's just how it was. Some people would get angry when they got teabagged, at least in the early life of H2, but eventually you just laughed or said to yourself "Ok, you want to teabag? It's on!". But never in a very serious way, it was basically like a challenge, and a way to say "you got outplayed". So in a sense, it was like pouring salt all over their face with your crotch. I've seen it in every game since Halo 2, every game that allows some sort of crouch and even games that don't. And the general consensus has always been the same, to teabag basically anyone who you killed or beat. Now, I'm not telling you this to say "hey, it's been around for a long time, get over it", or anything like that, but it has been around and is nothing new.

There's always something people are going to find to be "disrespectful", "dishonorable", "boasting", "rubbing it in", etc when they lose. It's just a common way of thinking I've found. In UMK3, a lot of people see a babality as being really disrespectful as well as a sign of superiority. Reason being is that blocking is way more important and used in UMK3 than just about any fighter I've ever played, so beating your opponent without blocking is a pretty big deal in UMK3. So when you baby someone in UMK3, the rage will flow like a saltine cracker floating down the Mortons River. So, it generally has the same affect teabagging has had in previous games, just with some added salt and rage. There's also teabagging in UMK3, but it has never been a big deal and treated as a brush off the shoulders and never is really talked about.

In MK9, however, I see and hear tons of people complaining about teabagging. I hear people complaining more about teabaggers than ragequitters, and that's definitely a first. What is it about MK9 that makes teabagging different from it's usage in the past? Is it just that a lot of MK9 players are younger and haven't really experienced the art of the teabag yet? I'm really curious about this, hence why I made the thread. I understand that when you lose and it says "FINISH HIM!", nearly everything your opponent does aside from hitting you to go to the next match, will be perceived as "bragging" or something similar by the majority. Do MK9 players just wear their emotions on their sleeves? I've just never seen teabagging cause this much rage and uproar, it's interesting as well as confusing.

Now you might be asking, "why does this matter to you so much?". Well to be honest, it doesn't, I'm honestly just curious. However, it does have some negative subtleties in my opinion. For instance, if you're one of the many that rage when someone teabags you, that very well may be all you take away from your loss. You'll be angry enough to just dismiss him as a douche who got lucky, rather than focus on why that douche beat you. And most people don't think clearly when they're angry. What happens when you get teabagged at a tournament with this attitude? You will get flustered and you won't be thinking clearly. The same probably will happen online too but online generally isn't taken as serious as tournaments. I'm not trying to sound elitist here or tell you what to do, but a lot of you would be much better off if you got over these petty things that negatively affect your gameplay and performance. I may be reading too much into this, but that's what I do. If you could improve your game, even if it's only slightly, by ridding yourself of something as petty and inconsequential as being angry at a "teabagger", wouldn't you do it? The key to improving is to think positively, and constructively. But let me stop before I get too preachy.

Anyslut, other than it being arbitrarily disrespectful, is there any specific reasons why teabagging makes you rage? Is there something I'm missing here?

Vulcan Hades

Heard that Halo over-killed the teabagging and made it become an over-used mainstream thing. But back in Socom days on PS2 it was a cool thing that only a few people did for lulz. :D

I still teabag from time to time. Never got old for me lol. I just wish there were taunts in MK like in SF. I never realized it before, but taunting the opponent is something that adds something to my general experience and fun when I play fighting games. It adds a layer of trolling depth. :p

Speaking of UMK3, I remember one time I did a babality on a very good Kabal player. I was using a very aggressive Nightwolf. But what I got from the guy wasn't salty rage though, just respect. Because he knew how hard it was not to block vs Kabal. :)


Aquaman is dead lel
I don't get pissed, I don't get mad, it was even funny the first few times. My problem with this is the same with Fatalities. By the time they are done I could be in the next match or already seaching for it.


Sig Maker
It generally makes people rage because teabagging generally comes from sub-par players winning due to bullshit. Especially with online play, a lot of factors could explain why you lost. I know I've had times where I could read the guy's moves 1000 years ahead of time, do the thing to evade/counter/beat it, then have it not come out because of bullshit. I know it's not an execution error either since I can get it down perfect in offline play everytime. So when someone beats you due to bullshit and thinks he's got skills and teabags, that can't help but raise the :salty: levels. And yes, most people who DO teabag online mean it in a disrespectful bragging way. No one does that shit for fun anymore.


Probably Drunk
I remember tea bagging in Tribes 1, Counter strike, etc

Ever since two people were able to compete, there was tea bagging in some form.

I think it's just the entitlement, and snowflake syndrome a lot of people display.


teabaggins message is always: get owned, noobie.

well theres 2 types of people you can lose against:

1. people on your level
2. people above your level

if type 1 teabags you, he is just wrong. he got a victory where he also could have lost but acts like hes totally superior. thats whats annoying about it. (also from my experience those people are the first one to ragequit if it happens to them).

if type 2 teabags you, its pointless. you know hes better, he knows it, theres no need to point it out again and even insult you. its like pro sportlers taunting amateurs after a clear victory, wouldnt that be quite stupid?

so teabagging shouldnt be done at all.


Aquaman is dead lel
teabaggins message is always: get owned, noobie.

well theres 2 types of people you can lose against:

1. people on your level
2. people above your level
3. people under your level

if type 1 teabags you, he is just wrong. he got a victory where he also could have lost but acts like hes totally superior. thats whats annoying about it. (also from my experience those people are the first one to ragequit if it happens to them).

if type 2 teabags you, its pointless. you know hes better, he knows it, theres no need to point it out again and even insult you. its like pro sportlers taunting amateurs after a clear victory, wouldnt that be quite stupid?

if type 3 teabags you, you know it's online

so teabagging shouldnt be done at all.


Dojo Trainee
its irritating for me because it just doesnt make sense in mk. its kinda the opposite message that you would want to send, at least for me. i honestly would rather get babalitied. and on top of that its just immature and not funny at all. plus i hate halo, but not for that reason.


So in a sense, it was like pouring salt all over their face with your crotch.

the rage will flow like a saltine cracker floating down the Mortons River.
oh jesus the lulz that were had..

But on a serious note, it makes me rage pretty hard.

Not because he's saying," I did better, outplayed, and won, nublet."

But because time is being wasted from the next match being played. I'd rather not sit there like a turd in an oven waiting to be cooked again, I prefer flash frying.


Death is my business

Pure Pwnage rules!

Anyway..... i think it this way , if someone Tbags me , they wanna prove something hence i'll gladly do a rematch ( learn from my mistakes ) since by Tbagging the other player is saying something like "lol , i pwn you everyday of my life " and if i can 't adapt to that ( and i won't factor lag because that's something you cant do much to change) and still lose it only gets me more motivated in improving.

On the other hand , if i am playing online and someone Tbags me then immediately quits i don't even care that much since well....it's online lol.

But gosh the internets make those things look worse when you are playing online-alone-in your room so the salt levels of the average guy goes through the roof while if i should ever Tbag it would be with ppl that i know and play regularly for some dam trash talk training ( you will know what i mean when you'll get high placing in a tournament then start going to some casuals..... ) wich is always fun.


Come On Die Young
Simple Juggernaut, because it's online. If I get teabagged offline, I'll take it as good fun, but demeaning someone because you beat them in MK online is a different story. I teabagged and got teabagged all the time in shooters with no problem because lag wasn't much of an issue. If you play someone online and you win a good game, why are you teabagging?

Vulcan Hades

People that quit "because of teabagging" would've rage quit anyway because they're often sore losers. Again, same with babalities: If people don't like teabagging or getting turned into a baby then they should just play better and stop losing so much.

Your opponent can do whatever he wants with your ass once he has defeated you and you're just gonna stand there and deal with it. So when it happens you have to suck it up and try to do better next time.

oh jesus the lulz that were had..

But on a serious note, it makes me rage pretty hard.

Not because he's saying," I did better, outplayed, and won, nublet."

But because time is being wasted from the next match being played. I'd rather not sit there like a turd in an oven waiting to be cooked again, I prefer flash frying.
teabagging wastes 1 or 2 seconds. Fatalities and Babalities waste 20 seconds. Your argument is invalid. :)


Come On Die Young
Is it just that a lot of MK9 players are younger and haven't really experienced the art of the teabag yet?
In my experience, in every video game I've played, it's the youngsters who teabag every chance they get. Most of the mature ones would just take a win/kill and move on.


teabagging wastes 1 or 2 seconds. Fatalities and Babalities waste 20 seconds. Your argument is invalid. :)

People that quit "because of teabagging" are usually just noops that use that as an excuse. But in reality they would've rage quit anyway because they're huge sore losers. Again, same with babalities: If you don't like teabagging or getting turned into a baby then just stop losing.

Your opponent can do whatever he wants with your ass once he has defeated you and you're just gonna stand there and deal with it. Suck it up and get better.
Wow, who pissed in your cheerios man? Was it my breath? Sorry, I forgot to brush this morning.

I don't watch fatalities either. I just sign out and in if it starts up since you can't quit. I really don't care about online at all, offline if someones to teabag or do a fatality, cool. I have time to readjust and plan out what I have to do and what happened that I can improve on/change.

I really don't think the hostility was called for, considering the topic at hand.

If you have an issue, PM me.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
Your opponent can do whatever he wants with your ass once he has defeated you and you're just gonna stand there and deal with it.
This is how I see it. Period.

Opponent wins, it's his/her time to "FINISH HIM". What he/she does with that time is completely his/her option.


You know just because I quoted you doesn't mean my whole post was addressed to you. Only the first line was addressed to you.
Sort of seemed like it, considering I said I quit because of that.

Whatever, it is what it is.

btw: can I find some gameplay videos of high-level stryker on his forums or do you have some links or something? I've yet to really see one and I'm intrigued.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
In an FPS if you get teabagged, you can respawn, have another go and maybe get your revenge. It's all good fun, I agree.
In MK, where the matches are about 3 minutes long (a whole bunch of shit can fuck up online) and the other person can decline a rematch, it's just frustrating. It's one of the worst things you can do and just makes you look like an egotistical cunt. I would happily spit in the face of anyone who teabags in MK. it actually angers me thinking about it, I imagine the only people who do actually do it are those who are about 12 years of age and have put CoD down to play some MK for a day.

Just to clarify, I agree that people can do what they want with their victory, but it doesn't make them look any less of a twat. :)
I'm pretty sure the original Teabag was in Street Fighter Alpha 2 arcade.

Whenever you won a round or a match, you could jump back and forth over the downed opponent for an infinite amount of time. 1996.


"Strength isn't everything"
I think i have TeaBagged the AI goons in Batman Arkham Asylum, a few times actually. He has a quality bag in that game.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
In an FPS if you get teabagged, you can respawn, have another go and maybe get your revenge. It's all good fun, I agree.
In MK, where the matches are about 3 minutes long (a whole bunch of shit can fuck up online) and the other person can decline a rematch, it's just frustrating. It's one of the worst things you can do and just makes you look like an egotistical cunt. I would happily spit in the face of anyone who teabags in MK. it actually angers me thinking about it, I imagine the only people who do actually do it are those who are about 12 years of age and have put CoD down to play some MK for a day.

Just to clarify, I agree that people can do what they want with their victory, but it doesn't make them look any less of a twat. :)
I mean, I get that line of reasoning to an extent. Considering when teabagged in an FPS you have a chance to get back at them. The problem I have is, why do you take teabagging so seriously in the first place? Instead of viewing it as an insult or some kind of disrespect or gloat, why not just laugh or shrug it off? Even if they are purposely doing it to brag or piss you off, why do you let it? It's only giving them what they want. And honestly, getting angry over someone teabagging you in a video game is a lot worse than the actual act itself.