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is it just me or is Takeda not that popular among MKX players? Out of 350+ matches I have not played vs one single Takeda player on ps4


Add me and we'll play.
You guys want to get in a private KOTH sometime tonight? I'd like to see some better takeda then myself in action. I was playing AnbuSasukePro's Kano and Erron Black and was at a complete loss.. I don't know what to do on wake up and Kanos 7 frame pokes left me butt hurt.. I ended up blocking well but if blocking gets you pressured more and you can't poke out what do you do!? I'm begging someone to beat my dick in the dirt to show me this characters potential so I stick with him. Just beat my ass in a few matches and prove to me I'm making a mistake..
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So I went to my first local today and got to play on stream. Used Shirai Ryu then Ronin, which is funny because I still like Lasher the best. Anyway enjoy the match at 52:00. Take note of how NOT to play Takeda lol.

Tough luck man. You have no idea how many matches I've played that end up looking just like that. They get in, don't let you get out and you end up ending all your pressure with and handing them the baton after f3.. its annoying. You control the match from 3/4 screen and they get in and it's like where the hell did my life lead go..


I'm about to be on for the next several hours if anyone wants to get em in. Training room for an hour and then online. PSN: GuerrillaTactix

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Guys...I have the ultimate gimmick....it is 2 for 2 right now when I did it. Whiff air teleport.....into instant jump xray....gets em all the time hehehehehehe
Quick shout out to homelee for winning that first atl local. Even though it was at the expense of my team mate stb Sgt reed lol. He said you played him exactly like me so I'm hoping that means I'm on the right track lol.


Quick shout out to homelee for winning that first atl local. Even though it was at the expense of my team mate stb Sgt reed lol. He said you played him exactly like me so I'm hoping that means I'm on the right track lol.
Thanks man! Yeah honestly against grandmaster sub you don't want him to push u in the corner. As soon as he cancels into an ice clone at misscreen, back up a bit and check him with b2,1. Once he start thinking if he has to jump in or rush in. You can either anti air or poke back with f1


which anti air are ppl using?
b1? I feel like b1 is too slow / diffuclt to react on time vs jump ins
Useable AA's from max distance to close: B1;2;Spear and D2

B1 is usable as an AA on a read, it has a lot of range but also a lot of recovery. Cancel into teleport after you hold it for a little bit.
2 has a decent start-up and range. Cancel into EX Spear
Spear causes Takeda to backdash and whiff any jumpkicks the opponent might throw out there.

D3 makes jump-ins whiff(not cross-over). D4 can make cross-overs whiff.
Can be useful info.


Alright so a little help here i need to get better in the neutral game...now i know his f1,2/f2,1,4 are good pressure strings but what else should i be doing in neutral to open my opponent up


Co-Founder of Kick Punch Block!
not sure if its my timing but when i try to air to air using jump fwd kick I get beat by their jump fwd kicks all the time, I hope its my timing and not because his air kicks are slower.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
So I know it's early but what do you guys feel are takedas tough mu's so far? The games seems balanced so far but when I'm using takeda and getting beat I've been switching to goro just for a change of pace. Anyone stand out as a 7-3 type of mu yet?


So I know it's early but what do you guys feel are takedas tough mu's so far? The games seems balanced so far but when I'm using takeda and getting beat I've been switching to goro just for a change of pace. Anyone stand out as a 7-3 type of mu yet?
Jax straight up rips takeda apart.....IMO lol