Sorry dude, Superman's overrated if we are being serious Superman loses in almost every category
Superman is overrated, but is still so far ahead of Goku that its not even a serious match.
Strength - Superman casually juggles planets and punches reality to the point of retconning entire universes, if not sneezing them into destruction. Goku can't even break himself off of a mountain.
Speed - Superman has flown fast enough to distort reality, reverse time, outspeed light, and almost tear the fabric of space time to the point where omnipotent beings had to stand in his way to stop him. Goku can't even teleport without sitting and focusing, and has never shown himself to be fast enough to travel anywhere close to lightspeed. He has never reversed time, distorted reality, or anything of the like.
Durability - Superman has tanked planets and suns being thrown at him, and attacks that would wreck galaxies without effort full-brunt. He has taken magic attacks strong enough to level cities in a single bolt, multiple times, directly to the chest. He has survived the vaccum of space, moving at speeds that would tear people atom-by-atom, sitting in the sun to meditate, and even being beaten to near-death by kryptonite enhanced gauntlets in the middle of a red-sun emitting room. Goku died from Cell's explosion which could blow up the earth, almost died of a simple heart-attack, and a 1400 power level special beam cannon tearing through his innards. Its not even close.
Intelligence - I don't even need to begin on this one.
Ki vs Heat vision - Most ki blasts aren't even strong enough to level buildings. Kamehameha has a charge time. Spirit bomb has a charge time. Both attacks have failed to kill opponents far far inferior to superman. Goku even had a moon-sized spirit bomb and it couldn't so much as scar freiza a bit after a dead-on direct hit. Heat vision reignited the sun, has no charge time, and can be focused to the point of lobotomizing people through their pupils, something that you can't defend against. Anything Goku has that can fire in the same time as heat vision is so drastically ineffective that its pointless to even mention them.
"Make a wish" - Goku needs time to make wishes. He doesn't have time. Superman literally moves faster than Goku's brain is capable of processing. Goku can't even think before being butchered in multiple means.
Breathing in Space - Goku can't do it.
Magic - Goku doesn't have any that would be effective. Ki is spiritual A.K.A. spawned from the inner physical-soul, so that's not magical in nature. Power pole is magical but he wouldn't have any chance to use it before dying.
What category does Goku win? I can't think of any more relevant things, and even then Superman wins most all of those as well.