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Street Fighter V teaser

It's definitely a timed exclusive.

Sony doesn't need it to be a full exclusives to sell consoles with it. So long as it's a timed exclusive, people will go buy a PS4 on the assumption that's the only way to get Street Fighter. And it makes sense because Capcom can't afford to make it a full-exclusive since they're not financially sound themselves.

That's why Ono basically completely deconfirmed it ever coming to the Wii U, while he kept to "no comment" on the Xbox One version. It's coming to Xbox One, but he's not allowed to say it is until the exclusivity has sufficiently moved enough PS4 units of the shelves. I'm guessing we'll get an Xbox One version along with the first major upgrade- the "Arcade Edition" equivalent.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@Tony at Home said it's a timed exclusive. I'm hoping it is.
I would expect it to be a timed exclusive, but if Capcom is in as dire a situation as the last couple of years have seemed, I could see a scenario where Sony essentially paid for SF5 and thus got exclusivity out right. I hope that isn't the case, because as casual a fan of SF as I am, I'd still buy it and enjoy it if it came to console that I already own. I wouldn't buy a PS4 for this game, nor would I play it on PC (I don't PC game).


Damn right I'm shocked and very very disappointed. This is a big slap in the face to all fighting game fans that own the system.
Yeah but KI being an exclusive was a slap in the face to fans who didn't have the console as well.

Also, just a point I want to make.

The meaning of timed exclusivity is different for people who want to compete in a game.

If you want to get the jump on your competition you're not going to wait until the game drops for your system. You're going to want to get started on day 1. Which means you basically have to buy a new console to do so. Whereas with a single player game, you can wait for it to come out on your console and not worry about everyone being 20 steps ahead of you.

One other note.
I missed the trailer but saw some screens and gifs. The game looks surprisingly similar to sf4 so far. Not saying this is a bad thing, just thought there would be more of a change.


Waiting for Havik
Looks like SFIV to be honest. Not a fan of the clay-like models. We are talking about an exclusive for PS4 and PC, not ps3, so I would expect some incredible graphics, not a rehash from sfiv. Just compare it to the new Guilty Gear or the 2013 KI or MKX. Maybe Cashcom is really broke and couldn't afford better graphics, or maybe they are just close-fisted.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
SF Dev team is really lazy. Same graphics, art styles and moves... Whatever ill have to get a ps4 for this. Oh and theres no way this boring looking game is killing the beautiful looking MKX game Hype!


False Information Police Officer
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NetherRealm Studios
Is it too much to ask for a new art style for a game that's coming 6 years after the last one? I'm looking forward to getting into SF, but it looks like a shiny SF4.
This was the first thing that really struck me. The art style seems to be the exact same, just more detail. A damn shame, IMO.

I wonder if this will come to console same time as arcades because while they show cabs here, they dont mention arcades, only PS4 and PC surprisingly