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Street Fighter V General Discussion


It's all so very confusing.

Confirmed: Ken 3f jab combo starter into target combo still works (thank god)
Its a 4f jab, assuming it didn't have a frame added like a ton of his other normals (I can't imagine a 5f jab..)and the patch notes we've seen so far have all said the hit advantage on jab was increased to allow the TC to still.combo. =)


It's all so very confusing.
I'll have some thoughts on the Rog Guile MU later, when I'm not on mobile and can type it all out.

I could see it being 5-5, but 6-4 Rog.. I really dunno about that.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Haha! Damn right bro. (Also that's one of my favorite TAA bits).
It's also one of my favourites!! Been watching TJ since 2010/2011, love his videos so much. More so a few years ago but his current ones are alright too. Haven't listened to a drunken peasents yet, one day though lol.


It's all so very confusing.
You still down to play¿ PC or, PSN?
Just got home, running behind but I'll be on in a bit. My cfn is the same as my name hsre. I think I have you on steam already as well.. The color money or something?

I'm wanting to experiment with Karin some. Still haven't been able.to take her in to any real matches. Her execution is odd. Getting the dash into P button to combo is odd for me for some reason. The timing isn't tight or any it just feels awkward.. and ill be damned if I can get her dash>P>dash>D.P to link. =\