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SonicFox = Potential Greatest of All Time...And We Are Living In It


JWong succeeds early in our games bevause he only plays them early...that's it. He stops playing because he doesn't like them, and for good reason. I'm not about to make this a discussion about how NRS games aren't very good compared to other games. That's an argument for another day.
He didn't succeed early in Injustice. I don't doubt that Justin would be great at any game he plays but to think he would just dominate is a bit of a stretch.

Hey by the way, does JWong care about Killer Instinct? Pretty sure he does. Who won EVO again?


Here's a list of Slips' accomplishments in Tekken. I'm quoting the man himself:

"Yea during my time the fgc was 100% grassroots. So no real results were really kept. From 2002 to 2004 I went undefeated and won 4 majors in a row. (Major weren't as frequent back then either) I won Extravaganza 5, TiT3, Extravaganza 6, TiT4 and Electric Cancel 4. Electric Cancel 5 I lost to only the Korean. Post TTT era I won T5 regionals in STL. 2nd in T5 Nationals. Won one of the KiT's in T5, can't remember which one. Evo top 8 twice which you know. T6 I got top 8 at one of the Strongstyles. TTT2 I won whatever that tourney was in Ohio P2W ran. I can't remember the name of that either lol. There was a TTT revival where I won a couple 'majors'. But forgot there names. Electric Cancel 6 in TTT I got 3rd I think. Oh and before my terror starting in 2002 I got a bunch of top 8's but top 8 wasn't a thing back then. One of my prouder accomplishments was going to Japan and playing there best players. Only lost to there current #1 player, but could've gone either way. Played a ft20 and lost 18-20."

Not too shabby.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
@AK Juggs I'm not saying we have bad players...just bad games. Which is the point I was trying to make and why I wished to move on. It's irrelevant to the topic. I'm kind of not in the mood for arguments or debates so we can just say you guys are right and move on. @coolwhip Cd jr if I'm not mistaken. He is a phenomenal player which once again has not been my argument. Let's not act like 2nd is a place he wouldnt want to be, and I'm sure he felt just fine with that after winning Marvel.


I like Tekken 8
Here's a list of Slips' accomplishments in Tekken. I'm quoting the man himself:

"Yea during my time the fgc was 100% grassroots. So no real results were really kept. From 2002 to 2004 I went undefeated and won 4 majors in a row. (Major weren't as frequent back then either) I won Extravaganza 5, TiT3, Extravaganza 6, TiT4 and Electric Cancel 4. Electric Cancel 5 I lost to only the Korean. Post TTT era I won T5 regionals in STL. 2nd in T5 Nationals. Won one of the KiT's in T5, can't remember which one. Evo top 8 twice which you know. T6 I got top 8 at one of the Strongstyles. TTT2 I won whatever that tourney was in Ohio P2W ran. I can't remember the name of that either lol. There was a TTT revival where I won a couple 'majors'. But forgot there names. Electric Cancel 6 in TTT I got 3rd I think. Oh and before my terror starting in 2002 I got a bunch of top 8's but top 8 wasn't a thing back then. One of my prouder accomplishments was going to Japan and playing there best players. Only lost to there current #1 player, but could've gone either way. Played a ft20 and lost 18-20."

Not too shabby.
with his resume you'd think he'd body everyone here free. Wow


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
@AK Juggs I'm not saying we have bad players...just bad games. Which is the point I was trying to make and why I wished to move on. It's irrelevant to the topic. I'm kind of not in the mood for arguments or debates so we can just say you guys are right and move on. @coolwhip Cd jr if I'm not mistaken. He is a phenomenal player which once again has not been my argument. Let's not act like 2nd is a place he wouldnt want to be, and I'm sure he felt just fine with that after winning Marvel.
Okay, fair enough. But, this was your original post:

Stop...not even kidding. We are in a world that Justin Wong exists in, let's calm down. Let's not forget we are playing games that take waaaaay less skill and fg knowledge than the majoriy of others. Sonic is a great player don't get me wrong, but imo there are loads of better fighting game players better than the majority of us here. No offense or anything. Just my two cents.

Vulcan Hades

We're talking about fighting games here. Maturity and professionalism aren't that high on the list. To be the best you just need to get the best results. That's how best is defined.
Would Daigo be loved and respected as much if he randomly decided to stop competing during top 8s or even grand finals because he's unhappy with the responsiveness of his stick, monitor lag, the lighting of the room, because he made a bad read or because he's getting outplayed/perfected first round? Would Daigo be looked upon as an inspiration and remembered as a top class player if he was known to rage quit mid game and rarely or never gave props to his opponents? If he had a long and repeated history of colluding, basically stop giving a shit, playing a trash character in a bad matchup just to let his friends win? If Daigo always showed up late and DQ'd himself because he wanted to be treated like a Diva with privileges, would it change people's perception of him? Of course. He would even lose 80% of credibility and respect, which would take away a ton of great potential sponsorships, gaming, FGC and non-FGC related opportunities. His books wouldn't sell as well, they might even be a failure (if he even writes a book because he probably wouldn't care about the next generation of players so he wouldn't even try to level them up.). He could have more trouble finding a GF to reproduce with since most girls don't like manchilds (lol).

Daigo would basically be 20% of what Daigo is. And not being loved and respected as much would directly affect his mood, his focus and his results. Meaning, in such an alternate universe, Daigo would never achieve half of what he did achieve if he had such an attitude/personality.

He would still be considered a great player and a threat in tournaments. But he would never be considered "the best". That title would go to another multi-game world class player worthy of such title. Like Tokido or Fuudo. Daigo would just be remembered as that douche who could've been amazing if he wasn't such a bitch.
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PTH|RM Relaxedstate
I want @SonicFox5000 to play super high level cancer scientist.

Saving my life would be hype. Especially after this thread gave me cancer.

Seriously though, Fox is an incredible player with a fantastic attitude. I'll easily call him our NRS champion player

Edit: also seriously, I'm sure w/e profession you do go into in life, you will do amazing things


Would Daigo be loved and respected as much if he randomly decided to stop competing during top 8s or even grand finals because he's unhappy with the responsiveness of his stick, monitor lag, the lighting of the room, because he made a bad read or because he's getting outplayed/perfected first round? Would Daigo be looked upon as an inspiration and remembered as a top class player if he was known to rage quit mid game and rarely or never gave props to his opponents? If he had a long and repeated history of colluding, basically stop giving a shit, playing a trash character in a bad matchup just to let his friends win? If Daigo always showed up late and DQ'd himself because he wanted to be treated like a Diva with privileges, would it change people's perception of him? Of course. He would even lose 80% of credibility and respect, which would take away a ton of great potential sponsorships, gaming, FGC and non-FGC related opportunities. His books wouldn't sell as well, they might even be a failure (if he even writes a book because he probably wouldn't care about the next generation of players so he wouldn't even try to level them up.). He could have more trouble finding a GF to reproduce with since most girls don't like manchilds (lol).

Daigo would basically be 20% of what Daigo is. And not being loved and respected as much would directly affect his mood, his focus and his results. Meaning, in such an alternate universe, Daigo would never achieve half of what he did achieve if he had such an attitude/personality.

He would still be considered a great player and a threat in tournaments. But he would never be considered "the best". That title would go to another multi-game world class player worthy of such title. Like Tokido or Fuudo. Daigo would just be remembered as that douche who could've been amazing if he wasn't such a bitch.
There are plenty of douches who are awesome at what they do. Seriously.

Hell, there are plenty of douches who are loved and adored.


Dojo Trainee
Thats fine. Then id tell you to immediately see me in skullgirls, tekken, dead or alive, under night in birth, injustice, and mortal kombat.

Im sorry did you want me to only put one fighting game id body you in? :p
I'm sorry, did you not read where I said you are an amazing player?

I'll gladly play you in Injustice or MK. Never played Skullgirls, Tekken, DOA and never even heard of UNIB

Vulcan Hades

Hahahahaha you guys saying he should go to college so he doesnt put the hurt on you as bad. @SonicFox5000 dont listen to anyone. Play video games forever. They are just saying that so you dont practice as much.
Tokido graduated from the highest japanese rank university, the University of Tokyo and his major was in material engineering. He wrote a paper for an international conference, made a presentation for it and got an award lol.

Just saying it doesn't have to be one or the other. I think people's intentions are good. I mean it can't hurt to have a backup plan and a couple of college/university diplomas. When Tokido's FGC career is over he can basically do whatever other job he wants and be paid really well for it.

btw In an interview Tokido said he kept playing a lot of fighting games while at university because it helped him keep focus, stimulate his brain and do better at school. :)
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